A Jumping Jack Contest

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Day 1 of the contest



Strong Bad, Strong Sad, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom and Bubs enter a jumping jack contest at the Contest Area. The person who continually jumps jacks for the longest wins. Strong Bad cheats, of course. Based loosely on the Homestar Runner book. Has since been taken off the site. You can play a Strong Lib while you wait.

Cast (in order of appearance): Bubs, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, Strong Sad, The Announcer, The Cheat, Strong Mad, The Poopsmith

Why Was It Taken Off?

The removal of this toon has been the subject of much debate among fans. Some believe it has to do with the references to urination, but given that newer cartoons make similar references, this explanation is unlikely. One theory is that it, along with Marshmallow's Last Stand, was taken down to get a Special Edition treatment, akin to The King Of Town DVD. Perhaps "R. Craig Zobel", who is listed in the credits under 'created by', has something to do with the toon's removal.


{The beginning credits roll with characters jumping jacks in background.}

ANNOUNCER: Good afternoon--

{He is cut off by microphone interference.}

ANNOUNCER: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a jumping jack contest! Our five hot contestants will compete to see who can sustain their jumping jacks for the longest time! A contestant that ceases to jump jack, even for a moment, is out of the competition.

{Strong Sad sighs.}

ANNOUNCER: On your mark . . . get set . . . go!

{He fires a gun into the air. Bubs, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, Pom Pom, and Strong Sad jump jack.)

STRONG SAD: {after two} Whew. {sweats} I quit.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {still jumping jacks} All right, Strong Sad! That's twice as many as last year!

THE CHEAT: {mumbles}

STRONG BAD: Ah, The Cheat! Is everything ready?

THE CHEAT: {nods}

STRONG BAD: Good... now go, and win us this competition!

{The Cheat jumps up on stage with a glass of melonade on a platter, next to Homestar.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Hey The Cheat, what's up?

THE CHEAT: {mumbles as if offering glass of melonade}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {seen through the glass} A glass of melonade for me? Mmm... okay!

{He sucks up the melonade.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks, The Cheat!

{Strong Mad stands by with kegs of melonade, refilling The Cheat's empty glass.}

THE CHEAT: {mumbles, sounds like "thank you"}

{The Cheat goes to Homestar Runner and offers him another glass.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, another one! {drinks}

{We cut to a montage of Homestar Runner drinking glass after glass of melonade and The Cheat fetching him more while music plays. Soon Homestar Runner's belly is huge.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh... I drank too many melonades...

STRONG BAD: Hey, you not looking so good Homestar. I think you better drop out.

{The Cheat and Strong Mad high five.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Seriously, Pom Pom, I'm about to pee my pants.

POM POM: {bubbles}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Great idea, Pom Pom! But do you think you can get here in time?

{Homestar gives a sigh of relief. Zoom out to show the Poopsmith holding a jar of "yellow liquid."}

{Transition--Day 2}

STRONG BAD: Hey, Bubs, look at that. You've got quite a line building up at your concession stand.

BUBS: Hot dog! {runs to stand} What can I get for you fine gentlemen? {holds up various treats}

{Strong Bad and The Cheat walk away.}

BUBS: Oh . . . I'm such a dummy.

ANNOUNCER: {through speakers} And so it's Day 2 of our competition with only THREE hot contestants left!

{Transition--Day 3}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: How you holding up Pom Pom?

POM POM: {bubbles}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: How 'bout you, Strong Bad?

{Strong Mad wearing a Strong Bad mask is now on stage in place of Strong Bad.}

STRONG MAD: I am Strong Bad!

POM POM: {bubbles angrily)

HOMESTAR RUNNER: No way, Pom Pom, of course that's Strong Bad! Ok, Strong Bad, are you Strong Bad?

STRONG MAD: I am Strong Bad!

HOMESTAR RUNNER: See? I told you!

{Pom Pom wears a disbelieving look.}

{Transition--Day 4}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {wearily} I don't know how much longer I can make it, Pom Pom. And Strong Bad's still looking good!

{The Cheat is wearing a Strong Bad mask in place of Strong Bad.}

STRONG BAD: {lounging in a chair at the poolside with a radio and a glass of melonade} Ah, let's see. I want to thank The Cheat for helping me to cheat--oh no, wait, I shouldn't say that. Let's try that again. I want to thank Strong Mad for helping me to cheat. There, that's better.

ANNOUNCER: {through Strong Bad's radio} Homestar Runner is fading fast and will drop out any moment!

STRONG BAD: Ah, that's my cue! {walks to contest}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: I give up, Pom Pom. I'm about to jump my last jack. {Pom Pom walks over.} Pom Pom, what are you doing?!

{Pom Pom tears the mask off of The Cheat.}

BUBS: Hey, it's The Cheat, and it looks like he's cheating!

{The Cheat grabs a Homestar Runner face cut-out and puts it over his face, then throws it away.}

{Homestar Runner stops jumping jacks. Cue music.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: If that's The Cheat, then where's Strong Bad?

STRONG BAD: {sings} Who is the guy that wins all the contests? That's me! Strong Bad. Except maybe for that one contest. Or maybe more than one contest.


STRONG BAD: Oh! Holy crap...

{A spinning trophy reads "What a Great Prize This Is."}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thanks, everybody, but this trophy really belongs to my best friend, Pom Pom.

{Strong Bad walks on in a Pom Pom costume.}

STRONG BAD {taking trophy} Give me that! Uh, uh, I mean--bubble, bubble-dee-bubble. Double bubble.

HOMESTAR RUNNER: You said it Pom Pom! We are best friends!

(The End.)

Fun Facts

  • The entire cartoon has bad voice synching.
  • This is the first time Strong Bad has said "Holy Crap!"
  • Homestar says he will pee his pants, but he doesn't wear any.
  • The chocolate bar Bubs is holding is named "BERSHY'S".
  • Dubble Bubble is a brand of gum.
  • Homestar's line "I drank too many melonades" is a reference to Marshmallow's Last Stand, in which he says the same thing about eating too many marshmallows.
  • The sign for Bubs' Concession Stand is different from the sign in the later cartoons.
  • On the "Learn to speak The Cheat" record in the Strong Bad Email cheat talk, one of the phrases is "Hey Homestar, would you like 147 glasses of melonade?", and the Cheat-squeak equivalent is the sound he made when offering Homestar the melonade in this cartoon.
  • In the Strong Bad Email some kinda robot, Strong Bad sings, "Who's the guy that checks all those emails? That's me Strong Bad!", which is a reference to the song he sings in this cartoon.
  • In the toon Strong Bad Sings one of his songs says "Who's the guy that wins all the contests?".
  • The jar that The Poopsmith carries the urine away in is the same jar that holds his "brown mayo" in the Strong Bad Email labor day.
  • Looking closely at the cartoon,you can see that Strong Sad jumps 2 jacks meaning he jumped 1 jack last time.
  • The sound when Strong Bad gets up from the chaise lounge is the same sound as in Bronco Trolleys when you click the orange slice.

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