labor day

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Strong Bad Email #83
watch impression kids' book
Maybe Strong Bad's invitation got "da-leet-ed".
This article is about the Strong Bad Email. For the short, see Labor Dabor.

"Chrispy" from Schenectady, NY asks Strong Bad what he's doing for Labor Day. Strong Bad decides to take the day off and not answer an email. Instead, he sits by The Stick and says stuff to the people who walk by.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Pom Pom, The Poopsmith, Coach Z, The King of Town, Gavin (Easter egg), Strong Mad, The Cheat, Homestar Runner, Bubs, Marzipan, Strong Sad

Places: Computer Room, The Stick, The Field, Marzipan's House (Easter egg)

Computer: Compy 386

Date: Monday, September 1, 2003

Running Time: 2:46

Page Title: Compy 386!!

DVD: strongbad_email.exe Disc Three


[edit] Transcript

STRONG BAD: Which email is your favorite? Mine is "the basics". Shang-a-lang-a- {starts reading}

STRONG BAD: {typing} Woah! Is today Labor Day?! Well I'm certainly not gonna answer an email! I'ma take the day off. Wow. All of the sudden it's like the world is my {brief pause} place where I don't have to answer an email. Think I'll go sit on my cooler next to the stick and say stuff to people as they walk by. {stops typing} Now that's what I call the ol' Labor-Dabor. {Strong Bad leaves}

{Cut to Strong Bad sitting on top of his cooler next to The Stick. The cooler sports a handmade "labor dabor" sign. Enter Pom Pom with snack tray, bouncing along.}

STRONG BAD: Hey Pom Pom, man, it's Labor Day. Why don't you get a life?

{Pom Pom makes bubbling noises and exits.}

STRONG BAD: That guy needs to get a life for real. Like me! I got a great life! Chillin' with my cooler at The Stick, sayin' stuff to people.

{The Poopsmith enters with jar of BROWN MAYO.}

STRONG BAD: Nice stench there, buddy. Smellin' real nice. I give you an A+ on smell. Or rather, you get an A+ on smellin' like crap. And a solid F- on smellin' any good.

{Poopsmith exits.}

STRONG BAD: That guy doesn't smell any good.

{Coach Z enters with a six pack of which only one can of Coldson Lite remains.}

STRONG BAD: And if it isn't Coach Z. Good ol'... green Coach Z. Hey, I always wondered, is your skin green or are you wearing a green body suit? Y'know with footies and sockies.

COACH Z: Oh, I got footies all right— athlete's footies!

{Coach Z exits, The King of Town enters.}

STRONG BAD: Ah, the self-proclaimed King of Town. Like you aren't an easy target for my witty jabs and clever put-downs. Whatever will I say?

KING OF TOWN: Do you have anything relatively edible in that cooler?

STRONG BAD: No. You're fat. High-five, The Stick!

{Strong Bad high fives The Stick, causing a piece to break off.}

STRONG BAD: Oh. Sorry, The Stick.

{King of Town exits, Strong Mad and The Cheat enter with a pair of badminton racquets.}

STRONG BAD: Oh! The two guys. Strong Mad and The Cheat. The guys in which one of them is really big and the other is really small. Nice contrast, there, guys! ... That's all I got.

{Strong Mad and The Cheat exit.}

STRONG BAD: Well, this is shaping up to be one heck of a Labor-Dabor. Hey, The Stick, you want a burger?

{Cut to Labor Day party tableau with all of the main characters except Strong Bad and Homsar -- Homestar Runner's "Everybody Knows It" is playing in the background.}

BUBS: This here's the best Labor Day BBQ I ever been BB-to.

MARZIPAN: I wonder why?

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Has anyone seen Strong Bad? I sent him an invitation.

STRONG SAD: Maybe it got "da-leet-ed".

{Strong Sad smiles ever so slightly. Everybody else laughs.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That's a good one, Strong Sad.

COACH Z: {laughing} Oh, gee, life of the pratty.

BUBS: Three cheers for Strong Sad!

{Cut to Strong Bad laying on the cooler next to The Stick, which has a burger stuck on top of it. The broken-off part of The Stick is sticking out of the top of the burger.}

STRONG BAD: So, The Stick, how's your burger? Sorry about that high-five thing. {mumbles something} I'm gonna go check my email.

{The Paper comes out.}

[edit] Easter Eggs

  • Click on Chrispy's name to see the Schenectady Crispies cereal.
  • To see what is inside Strong Bad's cooler, click on the cooler when the King of Town comes by and mentions the cooler.
    • In the cooler is a marker and Gavin.
  • At the end, click on the "Labor Dabor" sign to hear Homestar sing "Everybody Knows It".
  • Also at the end, click on Strong Bad's diamond to see a "Schenectady Crispies" commercial starring himself.
{Strong Bad is standing in a kitchen, behind a table with a box of Schenectady Crispies on it}
STRONG BAD: Schenectady Crispies are so freaking good, they taste twice! Once in your mouth, and once in your... esophagus! {the following words appear on the bottom of the screen} I hope I don't get caught!

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

  • The esophagus is the muscular tube in vertebrates through which ingested food passes from the mouth area to the stomach.

[edit] Trivia

  • When this email was initially released, none of the characters except for Strong Mad and The Cheat were carrying anything to the party. Pom Pom's platter, Coach Z's Coldson Lite, and the other items were added after a day or so.
  • The part of the Stick that breaks off was never seen before this cartoon. Naturally, it hasn't been seen since, either.
  • Strong Bad's cooler is labelled "coola".
  • The YouTube description for this email is "Strong Bad with his trusty megaphone sits on a cooler for the best Labor Day ever."
    • Contrary to this description, there is no megaphone in this email. However, Strong Bad does sit down on a bucket and use a megaphone in new hands.

[edit] Remarks

  • In this email, Strong Bad claims that his favorite email is the basics, but this was never mentioned in personal favorites.
  • Strong Bad pronounces Schenectady incorrectly during the email (with a "sh" sound) but pronounces it correctly (with a "sk" sound) in the Easter egg for Schenectady Crispies.
  • Despite the fact that Strong Bad says he's not going to answer an email, he does.
  • When Strong Bad begins typing, he misspells "Whoa" as "Woah".

[edit] Inside References

[edit] Fast Forward

[edit] DVD Version

  • The "Schenectady Crispies box" and "inside the cooler" Easter eggs are viewable using the angle button on the DVD remote.
  • To listen to Homestar sing the "Everybody Knows It" song, click on the hidden Strong Bad logo to the left of the stick at the end of the email.
  • To see the Schenectady Crispies commercial, click on the hidden Strong Bad logo slightly above and to the right of Strong Bad's head at the end of the email.

[edit] External Links

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