Strong Bad Email By Length

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At nearly 8 minutes in length, "parenting" is currently the longest Strong Bad Email.

This is a list of every Strong Bad Email in order of length. Also included is information on the longest and shortest emails from each computer era. Note that Easter eggs (or YouTube versions) can dramatically change the length of an email; as such, emails with Easter eggs are measured twice.

[edit] By Era

Era Shortest Shortest
(with Easter eggs)
Longest Longest
(with Easter eggs)
Tandy sb_email 22
i rule
sb_email 22 is the shortest email overall.

The postcard segments of vacation were released over several weeks. The longest Tandy era email released in one part is dullard, at 2:15.
Compy theme party
your friends
flashback is the 100th-anniversary email.
Lappy myths & legends
specially marked
retirement was initially released in two parts on different release dates. retirement B can be considered the shortest at 2:48; the longest Lappy email released in one part is alternate universe at 5:52 (6:48 including Easter eggs).
Compé videography
Lappier too cool
too cool
parenting is the longest email overall, as well as the one beating the previous record holder by the largest margin (1:00 over retirement without easter eggs compared to retirement's 0:59 over alternate universe, 2:39 over retirement with easter eggs compared to vacation's 2:29 over 1 step ahead).

[edit] List

In the list below, if the name of an email is bolded, that means it is, or was at one time, the longest email.

Rank Length Including
Easter Eggs
#10000 1 7:53 10:00 (YouTube)
8:43 (Flash)
209209. parenting (current longest email, since April 1, 2022)
#10001 2 6:53 7:21 159159. retirement (longest email for 15.5 years)
#10002 3 5:52 6:48 150150. alternate universe (longest email for six months)
#10003 4 5:37 5:37 208208. the next april fools thing
#10004 5 5:20 (Flash)
4:38 (YouTube)
5:48 203203. independent
#10005 6 5:12 5:18 206206. sbemail 206
#10006 7 5:10 5:59 200200. email thunder
#10007 8 5:04 5:24 201201. hremail 3184
#10008 9 5:01 6:05 100100. flashback (longest email for two years)
#10009 10 4:59 4:59 133133. bottom 10
#10010 11 4:55 5:16 161161. 4 branches
#10011 12 4:54 4:54 106106. dangeresque 3
#10012 13 4:41 5:13 207207. too cool
#10013 14 4:40 4:57 183183. yes, wrestling
#10014 15 4:40 4:43 131131. boring (really)
#10015 16 4:34 4:57 124124. secret recipes
#10016 17 4:32 5:01 188188. fan club
#10017 18 4:27 4:48 174174. mini-golf
#10018 19 4:26 5:07 175175. concert
#10019 20 4:26 4:38 195195. love poems
#10020 21 4:24 4:29 130130. do over
#10021 22 4:22 4:33 135135.
#10022 23 4:19 4:49 185185. nightlife
#10023 24 4:19 4:27 190190. licensed
#10024 25 4:18 4:26 164164. looking old
#10025 26 4:18 4:33 156156. road trip
#10026 27 4:17 4:46 04040. vacation (longest email for almost two years)
#10027 28 4:16 4:43 151151. senior prom
#10028 29 4:14 4:14 104104. theme park
#10029 30 4:11 4:45 180180. slumber party
#10030 31 4:10 4:46 09393. army
#10031 32 4:10 4:30 166166. unnatural
#10032 33 4:09 4:33 179179. pizza joint
#10033 34 4:08 4:13 202202. imaginary
#10034 35 4:08 4:19 126126. best thing
#10035 36 4:07 4:27 187187. winter pool
#10036 37 4:07 4:07 192192. shapeshifter
#10037 38 4:06 4:25 182182. business trip
#10038 39 4:06 4:28 176176. hygiene
#10039 40 4:05 4:16 118118. virus
#10040 41 4:02 4:27 119119. animal
#10041 42 4:02 4:31 120120. radio
#10042 43 4:00 4:18 197197. your edge
#10043 44 3:58 4:07 162162. the chair
#10044 45 3:56 3:56 160160. coloring
#10045 46 3:56 3:56 155155. theme song
#10046 47 3:56 4:11 168168. your funeral
#10047 48 3:56 4:13 178178. bike thief
#10048 49 3:55 4:22 191191. buried
#10049 50 3:52 4:15 198198. magic trick
#10050 51 3:51 3:51 134134. record book
#10051 52 3:51 4:11 167167. the movies
#10052 53 3:48 4:13 141141. death metal
#10053 54 3:48 4:16 204204. dictionary
#10054 55 3:48 3:54 196196. hiding
#10055 56 3:47 4:27 143143. technology
#10056 57 3:46 3:54 153153. redesign
#10057 58 3:44 4:28 138138. space program
#10058 59 3:44 3:51 128128. rampage
#10059 60 3:44 3:57 142142. secret identity
#10060 61 3:43 4:19 184184. diorama
#10061 62 3:43 4:06 102102. lunch special
#10062 63 3:43 3:56 122122. dreamail
#10063 64 3:43 4:14 189189. pet show
#10064 65 3:41 3:53 172172. more armies
#10065 66 3:40 3:50 186186. environment
#10066 67 3:39 3:39 DVD bonus: Real-Live E-Mails
#10067 68 3:39 3:39 DVD #6: Comic Book Movie
#10068 69 3:39 3:39 165165. strong badathlon
#10069 70 3:38 4:08 136136. geddup noise
#10070 71 3:37 4:06 139139. portrait
#10071 72 3:34 3:45 181181. web comics
#10072 73 3:34 3:34 169169. from work
#10073 74 3:34 3:39 137137. bedtime story
#10074 75 3:33 3:52 170170. rough copy
#10075 76 3:33 3:43 154154. keep cool
#10076 77 3:30 3:30 147147. lady fan
#10077 78 3:30 3:58 177177. original
#10078 79 3:30 3:49 205205. videography
#10079 80 3:29 3:38 163163. what i want
#10080 81 3:28 3:50 129129. garage sale
#10081 82 3:26 3:56 109109. crying
#10082 83 3:26 3:42 199199. being mean
#10083 84 3:26 3:26 157157. trading cards
#10084 85 3:25 3:44 193193. rated
#10085 86 3:24 3:34 110110. for kids
#10086 87 3:23 3:31 152152. isp
#10087 88 3:23 3:44 116116. extra plug
#10088 89 3:23 3:32 125125. rock opera
#10089 90 3:22 4:22 115115. time capsule
#10090 91 3:22 3:33 105105. replacement
#10091 92 3:22 4:04 158158. cliffhangers
#10092 93 3:20 3:26 05858. dragon
#10093 94 3:20 3:45 123123. origins
#10094 95 3:20 3:33 07979. the process
#10095 96 3:19 3:45 113113. pizzaz
#10096 97 3:18 4:06 121121. part-time job
#10097 98 3:17 3:23 07777. suntan
#10098 99 3:15 3:42 117117. montage
#10099 100 3:13 3:21 08282. impression
#10100 101 3:12 3:21 146146. pop-up
#10101 102 3:12 3:28 111111. other days
#10102 103 3:11 3:39 171171. underlings
#10103 104 3:11 3:11 148148. disconnected
#10104 105 3:10 3:10 132132. modeling
#10105 106 3:10 3:44 08181. date
#10106 107 3:08 3:32 173173. the paper
#10107 108 3:08 3:08 194194. specially marked
#10108 109 3:05 4:24 08989. local news
#10109 110 3:05 3:18 127127. long pants
#10110 111 3:04 3:24 09494. video games
#10111 112 3:03 3:03 DVD #5: Accent
#10112 113 3:02 3:12 140140. high school
#10113 114 3:01 3:22 08888. couch patch
#10114 115 3:01 3:20 144144. narrator
#10115 116 3:01 3:11 149149. candy product
#10116 117 2:59 3:42 103103. haircut
#10117 118 2:57 3:27 09292. kind of cool
#10118 119 2:55 3:17 145145. myths & legends
#10119 120 2:54 3:27 101101. car
#10120 121 2:54 2:54 09999. different town
#10121 122 2:53 3:07 114114. the facts
#10122 123 2:51 2:51 07070. big white face
#10123 124 2:49 3:04 06868. caper
#10124 125 2:47 2:47 09696. lackey
#10125 126 2:46 3:37 08383. labor day
#10126 127 2:45 3:29 05050. 50 emails
#10127 128 2:43 2:55 06767. autobiography
#10128 129 2:41 2:53 09191. caffeine
#10129 130 2:39 2:43 07272. crazy cartoon
#10130 131 2:39 2:39 09898. stupid stuff
#10131 132 2:37 3:07 09595. the bet
#10132 133 2:35 2:35 06060. huttah!
#10133 134 2:34 2:44 06666. the show
#10134 135 2:33 3:03 112112. old comics
#10135 136 2:33 2:33 107107. cheatday
#10136 137 2:32 2:49 DVD #4: Family Resemblence
#10137 138 2:27 2:36 08787. mile
#10138 139 2:26 3:12 07171. 2 emails
#10139 140 2:25 3:04 108108. pom pom
#10140 141 2:23 2:48 08585. 2 years
#10141 142 2:23 2:30 07474. privileges
#10142 143 2:21 3:05 06969. personal favorites
#10143 144 2:20 2:33 07575. funny
#10144 145 2:19 2:45 07676. sibbie
#10145 146 2:17 2:42 08080. stunt double
#10146 147 2:17 2:17 02828. 1 step ahead (longest email for 9.1 weeks)
#10147 148 2:15 2:39 05959. marzipan
#10148 149 2:15 2:15 03737. dullard (longest email for 2.9 weeks)
#10149 150 2:13 2:13 07878. anything
#10150 151 2:13 2:13 06262. interview
#10151 152 2:13 2:13 06464. english paper
#10152 153 2:09 2:09 05454. morning routine
#10153 154 2:08 2:51 05555. cheat talk
#10154 155 2:08 2:54 09797. monument
#10155 156 2:07 2:08 06363. fingers
#10156 157 2:03 2:03 03232. flag day
#10157 158 2:02 2:40 05757. japanese cartoon
#10158 159 2:01 2:01 08484. kids' book
#10159 160 2:00 2:00 07373. mascot
#10160 161 1:57 2:43 04848. ghosts
#10161 162 1:57 3:00 09090. colonization
#10162 163 1:57 1:57 05252. island
#10163 164 1:54 1:54 04141. invisibility
#10164 165 1:54 1:57 08686. no loafing
#10165 166 1:53 1:53 05151. website
#10166 167 1:48 1:48 03131. sugarbob
#10167 168 1:46 1:46 03838. helium
#10168 169 1:45 2:07 04242. action figure
#10169 170 1:45 1:45 02121. cartoon (longest email for 5.9 weeks)
#10170 171 1:45 2:02 04444. lures & jigs
#10171 172 1:43 2:04 06161. monster truck
#10172 173 1:43 3:18 05353. comic
#10173 174 1:40 1:40 03535. sisters
#10174 175 1:38 1:38 06565. unused emails
#10175 176 1:37 1:37 DVD #3: Videro Games
#10176 177 1:36 1:36 04747. new hands
#10177 178 1:32 1:32 02727. 3 wishes
#10178 179 1:32 1:32 03636. guitar
#10179 180 1:27 1:27 01818. stand-up (longest email for 3 weeks)
#10180 181 1:27 1:27 02020. spring cleaning
#10181 182 1:20 1:20 DVD #1: Greeting Cards
#10182 183 1:20 1:20 02424. the bird
#10183 184 1:19 1:19 03939. property of ones
#10184 185 1:18 1:18 01212. credit card (longest email for 6 weeks)
#10185 186 1:17 1:17 03434. weird dream
#10186 187 1:17 1:17 02525. super powers
#10187 188 1:16 1:16 02323. little animal
#10188 189 1:16 1:16 03333. gimmicks
#10189 190 1:15 1:15 0077. halloweener (longest email for 10.5 weeks)
#10190 191 1:14 1:21 05656. current status
#10191 192 1:13 1:42 04545. techno
#10192 193 1:13 1:13 01616. band names
#10193 194 1:13 2:04 04343. little questions
#10194 195 1:13 1:13 01717. studying
#10195 196 1:12 1:12 02626. CGNU
#10196 197 1:12 1:12 03030. 12:00
#10197 198 1:11 1:11 04646. your friends
#10198 199 1:11 1:11 01313. i she be
#10199 200 1:08 1:08 01515. the basics
#10200 201 1:08 1:08 02929. superhero name
#10201 202 1:06 1:06 01010. trevor the vampire
#10202 203 1:06 1:51 04949. theme party
#10203 204 1:02 1:02 DVD #2: E-mail Birds
#10204 205 1:01 1:01 01919. tape-leg
#10205 206 0:59 0:59 0055. making out
#10206 207 0:59 0:59 0033. butt IQ
#10207 208 0:56 0:56 0099. i love you
#10208 209 0:55 0:55 0044. homestar hair
#10209 210 0:54 0:54 0066. depressio
#10210 211 0:53 0:53 0088. brianrietta
#10211 212 0:46 0:46 0022. homsar
#10212 213 0:45 0:45 0011. some kinda robot
#10213 214 0:41 0:54 01414. duck pond
#10214 215 0:40 0:40 01111. i rule
#10215 216 0:34 0:58 02222. sb_email 22

[edit] See Also

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