Irregular Strong Bad Email URLs
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Before the post-Flash site update, the URL of most Strong Bad Emails was "sbemail" followed by the email's number. However, a few Strong Bad Emails have had different URLs for their HTML and/or Flash file.
[edit] Occurrences
- your friends — Although the HTML file was the usual "sbemail46.html", the Flash file was "sbemail46x.swf". "sbemail46.swf" led to a glitched-up version.
- flashback — The URL for both the HTML and Flash files was "sbemailahundred". "sbemail100.html" led to Sbemail 100 Fakeout. There was no "sbemail100.swf".
- best thing — Although the HTML file was the usual "sbemail126.html", the Flash file was "sbemail126_mx.swf". There was no "sbemail126.swf".
- senior prom — Although the Flash file was the usual "sbemail151.swf", the HTML file was "kotpoptoon.html". There was no "sbemail151.html".
- email thunder — The URL for both the HTML and Flash files was "sbemailtwohundred". "sbemail200" led to Sbemail 200 Fakeout.
- hremail 3184 — The URL for both the HTML and Flash files was "hremail3184". There was no "sbemail201".
- the next april fools thing — The URL for both the HTML and Flash files was "fools18". There was no "sbemail208".
[edit] Other Oddities
- too cool — Although the original Flash file was the usual "sbemail207.swf", a change made on October 2, 2022 resulted in the filename becoming "sbemail207_new3.swf".
- parenting — The filename for the Flash file is "sbemail209_final_48.swf".