Breakfast Cereal
From Homestar Runner Wiki
This stuff is GROAN in Iowa
From the All Things Considered Interview:
MATT: We sort of wanted to create the feel of waking up early with a bowl of cereal, sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons.
Breakfast cereal is a popular food among the Homestar Runner characters and The Brothers Chaps. Toons and Strong Bad emails often feature both real-life and invented cereal. Perhaps the prominence of cereal in Mike and Matt's work is due to their fond childhood memories of eating cereal while watching Saturday morning cartoons and their desire to recreate this lost cultural experience.
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[edit] Invented Breakfast Cereal
- Strong Bad's EGGS cereal is shown in an Easter egg in morning routine.
- Schenectady Crispies have appeared in labor day and the bet.
- Cheat Commandos...O's is a short featuring a cereal of the same name.
- Corn Krunch cereal was employed by Homestar Runner for cosmetic purposes in death metal.
- Temporarios cereal was endorsed by Strong Bad in strong badathlon.
- Crispy Puppies Crunch cereal can be seen in an Easter egg in rated when Strong Bad mentions "eat[ing] puppies for breakfast".
Cereals debuting in specially marked:
- Wheat Chaff
- Oh! T'Meel
- Cripsy Hog Crunchities
- Fundament-O's
- Fruit Smax!!
- Chocolate Breakfast Candy Bar Pops!
- Soundy Puffs
- Blue Laser Blasts
- Sugar Rittled Gunshots in a Crowded Mall
- Hypothetic-O's
- Sweet Deals
- Prize O's was shown to be the cereal that Crack Stuntman buys in Pistols for Pandas.
[edit] Real-Life Breakfast Cereal
- The Grape-Nuts Robot is made out of a box of Grape-Nuts.
- The King of Town dresses up as Cap'n Crunch in Homestarloween Party.
- The berries on the bushes in Peasant's Quest were suggested to be Crunch Berries.
- Among the items you can put on The Poopsmith's cake in an Easter egg in big white face are Golden Grahams.
- Coach Z invites Marzipan over for a bowl of Cracklin' Oat Bran or Crunch Berries in Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 8.0.
- Marzipan suggests that Homestar should make Strong Bad some Chex party mix for Decemberween in The Best Decemberween Ever.
- In Homestar Ruiner, when Strong Bad tries to get the criminal record, but is thwarted by the Poopsmith and Strong Mad, he sometimes mutters, "Oh, Crunch Berries."
- Text in the More Shorts menu in select releases of the SBCG4AP Collector's DVD reads "Oops, More Shorts", a potential reference to Oops! All Berries.
[edit] Generic Breakfast Cereal
- Strong Bad covers his SBLOUNSKCHED! candy bar with whole tiny bowls of crispy puffed rice cereal in candy product.
- John has crispy puffed rice cereal scattered across his room in the email hygiene.
- Before Strong Sad's Pop-Tart explodes in the email hremail 3184, Strong Bad pretends to eat from an empty cereal bowl, commenting, "this cereal is so cereal-y".
- The announcer in Stack 'Em to the Heavens accidentally calls Trogdor!! The Board Game "Tragdar Cereal" before correcting himself and telling the audience to not pour milk on it.
[edit] Trivia
- The packages for Strong Bad's EGGS and the Grape-Nuts cereal (used to make the Grape-Nuts Robot) do not list the nutritional value.