Aldi Bag

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Revision as of 19:05, 23 April 2006 by Teh Frossty One (Talk | contribs)
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Who knows what's inside?
File:file footage.png
Great for alley sleeping!

The Aldi Bag is an old plastic grocery bag that Senor Cardgage is almost never seen without. It either contains cold pizza, rotten vegetables, the shattered pieces of Senor Cardgage's former life, or maybe just melty candy bars (to be eaten really loudly while standing way too close to you in line). Senor Cardgage has also been seen using it as a pillow for where he sleeps in the Alleyway. In the "Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon", Strong Bad steals it and hides it behind the fence of Strong Badia.

Aldi is a discount supermarket chain that originated in Germany, and is now found in multiple countries around the world.


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