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Revision as of 02:35, 23 December 2004 by Kilroy (Talk | contribs)
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A good gift for Nana

A weird snow globe type thing with Rather Dashing.

Characters (in order of appearance): Rather Dashing, Trogdor

Page Title: Have a Rather Dashing Decemberween!



{Scene opens to a wintry version of the burninated cottage from Peasant's Quest, with an odd blue object with a red bottom in the screen as well. The score in the corner reads "0 out of 1." Rather Dashing walks on in winter attire. The command "look" is typed in, loading up the following text}

Even your burninated hovel
looks picturesque in the
cold Peasantry snow. Oh,
and there's a snowglobe on
the ground. That's what
that red and blue thing is.
A snowglobe.

{The command "get snowglobe" is typed. Rather Dashing picks up the globe, and the score counter changes to "1 out of 1." The following text appears, as the got item sound from Peasant's Quest plays}

Hey! It's a Trogdor snow
globe! Now you have a
Decemberween present for
Nana. Score!

{The Trogdor snow globe appears on-screen, with the text "Greetings from Peasantry" on it}

Easter Eggs

  • At the end you can shake the snowglobe. As you shake it, after 30 seconds a "Time Wasted" counter will keep track of how much time you spend shaking the snowglobe. The timer will count up as long as either you hold down the mouse button on the snowglobe or the snow (and peasants) in it are moving.
  • If you shake the snowglobe for 2 minutes you will get this message (as spoken by Trogdor himself):
Congratulations!  You
wasted more time than any-
body else ever has.  Happy
Decemberween, peasant.
Your life will be spared
for another day.

Fun Facts

  • If your computer isn't too fast, you can see that the "Loading" screen when the flash is supposed to be loading says "Voading" instead, with the Videlectrix logo in place of the V.
  • "Nana" is a term of endearment for "Grandmother", also seen in Cheat Commandos...O's. Perhaps it's what The Brothers Chaps call their grandmother.
  • An ActionScript allows you to press Enter or Spacebar to advance to the next event (if you don't feel like clicking the text).
  • To hear Trogdor speak sooner, you can right-click on the toon and press "Play." This only works if you are watching the .swf file.
    • Or, you could use the seek bar and seek ahead a few frames.
  • The name of the file is xmas04_pq.swf. This is more evidence that Decemberween is really Christmas in Free Country, USA.
  • Sometimes while shaking the globe, a peasant or two will poke their heads out of the glass.
  • At 5908:33 the time will stop.

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