Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 8.0
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Marzipan's Answering Machine #8 |
Coach Z confuses fantasy with reality, Marzipan wins a great prize, Stinkoman looks for a challenge, the Grape-Nuts Robot malfunctions, and Homestar tries to get some sweepstakes.
Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Coach Z, Strong Bad, Stinkoman, Grape-Nuts Robot, Bubs, Homestar Runner, The Cheat
Places: Marzipan's House
Date: June 9, 2003
Running Time: 2:38
Page Title: Marzipan's Answering Machine
Contents |
Marzipan's Greeting
MARZIPAN: Bonjour, amigos. Je m'appelle Marzipanio. Please leave me a messiaggio and I will call you back-io. Toodle-oo toots, everyone. {beep}
Message 5
COACH Z: Oh, hey, there, Marzy. I was just callin' to see, uh, whether we were just friends, or... more than just friends. See, I sometimes forget what's real and what's just in my head. So, uh, gimme a call back or, uh, maybe just come on by my place and we can discuss this over a bowl o' Cracklin' Oat Bran or... the Crunch Berries. Okay. Take the care. Oh, and by that I mean, like, uh, Tender Lovin' Care, not... not, uh, take my automobile. A lot of times people have trouble understandin'...
Message 4
STRONG BAD: {in a sweepstakes announcer voice} Hello, Marzipan! This is Sweepstakes Ron, come to bring you great news! You have been randomly selected to win an umlimited supply of one million {quickly} punches-in-the-face. So, to claim your prize, just blindfold yourself and walk out on the front stow-oop, o-or stoop. and get ready to receive your free million {quickly} punches-in-the-face. Don't delay! Get outside right now! I'm waiting in the bushes! I mean.. uh, for to give you the million {quickly} punches-in-the-face.
Message 3
STINKOMAN: Hello? I think I have the wrong number. Your voice sounds like this is the wrong number. But just in case, can I interest you in a challenge? Or maybe some light fighting? If so, {the sound of Stinkoman charging up is heard} call me on my cell phoooone!
Message 2
GRAPE-NUTS ROBOT: {monotone} Hello, Marz-pan.
STRONG BAD: All right, now make him say it. Make him say it!
GRAPE-NUTS ROBOT: {monotone} Kiss the butt.
STRONG BAD: Did he just say, "Kiss THE butt?" No, make him say "Kiss MY butt."
GRAPE-NUTS ROBOT: {monotone} Kiss a butt.
STRONG BAD: Not "Kiss a butt!" What's wrong with this thing, Bubs?
BUBS: I thought I told you no names!
STRONG BAD: I, er, der, er-- {hangs up phone, dial tone}
Message 1
HOMESTAR RUNNER: What's up, Pawkeegan? This is Homestar Runner {The Cheat walks by in the background} from, and you're listening to the Cornbread Hour, here on WPKG, pointy-point-five, the voice of Pawkeegan State! {pause} Okay... Sweepstakes Ron? Are you there? Hello? You told me to call this number and leave a radio promo, and then you'd- you'd give me the sweepstakes. So... gimme some of that sweep-a stakes.
Fun Facts
- This answering machine came out in June of 2003, but the answering machine blew up from Strong Bad's prank call in personal favorites, which came out in April of 2003
Inside References
- Strong Bad prank calling as a radio sweepstakes announcer is a reference to Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 4.0, where Marzipan's outgoing message states that Strong Bad's "radio contest" prank call is her favorite.
Real-World References
- "Pointy point five" and "voice of Pawkeegan State" are references to Atlanta's local "eighty eight point five" (Album 88) "the voice of Georgia State."
- Cracklin' Oat Bran and Crunch Berries are breakfast cereals.
External Links
- watch "Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 8.0"
- view the Flash file for "Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 8.0"
Marzipan's Answering Machine |
Version: 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 5.0 | 6.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 9.2 | 10.2 | 11.2 | 12.2 | 13.2 | 14.2 | 15.2 | 16.2 | 17.2 |