Talk:Senor Cardgage

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Revision as of 01:17, 8 July 2006 by Brian Barbera (Talk | contribs)
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For reference, unlike the character Señor, Senor Cardgage does not use the "ñ" in his name. Drhaggis 17:15, 15 Sep 2004 (MST)

True dat, Drhagman.
- Not Strong Bad

tr00 dat!
MetaStar 12:55, 2 Oct 2004 (MST)

It really doesn't matter if his appearance in flashback is debated. Seriously, it's not a necessary piece of information. --Ogog

Wow! Im sure u havent noticed yet, but if you look reaeaeally closely, this guy kinda looks like STRONG BAD!!! So that's where the nightmares come from!-some retard.

I'm thinking that he is really "Strong Dad." - Dr Haggis - Talk 00:14, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)

  • (Picking up on above point).. I'd asume this implies that Strong Sad et al don't realize this, like he and (ugh) "Strong Mom" had an elicit and sordid rondayview? MetaStar 06:35, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)

If Senor Cardgage was in Mrs. Koch's class, he would get an X on his chart for calling guys girls. —2Fast2Furious 9:49 13 April 2006

Shouldn't Senor Cardgage's tendancy to call at guys like they are ladies be a bulleted trait, as it is one of his distinguishing characteristics? --sculptus poe

I think that's better covered in the paragraph immediately following, which includes his other speech patterns. --DorianGray

Senor Cardgage does sound kind of grouchy. Brian Barbera 01:17, 8 July 2006 (UTC)

Visual similarities to Creepy Comb-over Strong Bad

Senor Cardgage has many physical features that are similar to those of Strong Bad (ie. boxing gloves and mask, no shirt, black pants, etc.) TBC obviously patterned him after Strong Bad's general appearance when they created him; however, in the Homestar Runner universe, it is possible that Strong Bad actually patterned his own appearance after Senor Cardgage. It would make sense that Little Strong Bad, after living down the street from him for a while and coming to believe that he is one of the coolest guys ever, might decide to look, act, and maybe even sound as much as possible like the good Senor. It is never stated directly this is actually the case, but it is implied in the email kind of cool when Strong Bad describes his tall, dumpy alternate self (Creepy Comb-Over Story Strong Bad) as an exact duplicate of Senor Cardgage. — Ashen

I reverted the above edit from the page, but moved it here since it represented at least several minutes work for someone. Unfortunately, views on the interrelation of Strong Bad and Senor Cardgage are far from unanimous; edits are regularly made and reverted asserting either that Creepy Comb-over and he are identical and should be merged, or are separate people and should be further elaborated.
Your theory about Strong Bad adopting Cardgage's style is fun to hypothesize about. However, it represents one of our ongoing attempts to take "artifacts" of TBC's creative evolution and explain them into backstory or wrestle them into continuity. (See my lengthy rant on the subject.) The simple explanation for the visual similarities are that Creepy Comb-over SB started as SB's imagination, then Strong Sad said the hypothetical SB described was like S. Cardgage; then TBC liked the character they had created so much they made him a "real" character and gave him a short (even noting the contradictions and confusion they had just raised—"Wait, is Senor Cardgage real!?!"). By this time the hypothetically aged SB had gotten inextricably entangled with the memory of the (assumedly real) neighbor Señor Cardgage, who was immediately obscured by the problematically-real product of their union, Senor Cardgage. Thus we can have Strong Bad appear in the same shot with a character that is neither his imagined self nor the actual neighbor from the past, but... something else altogether. —AbdiViklas 02:44, 19 November 2005 (UTC)

So, let me get this straight. Señor Cardgage is the actual neighbor from the past, and Senor Cardgage is a figment of Strong Bad's imagination? Gm1121983 8:47 pm 17 Jan 2006

Yup, that's about the size of it. Except that Senor Cardgage moved out of imagination to H*R reality. —AbdiViklas 03:42, 18 January 2006 (UTC)
Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor? -- 15:08, 5 April 2006 (UTC)

No. What exactly is Occam's Razor? —2Fast2Furious 10:20 13 April 2006

Seems to me like Senor Cardgage is to Strong Bad as Homsar is to Homestar. Maybe a better name would be stong bad?

Senor Cardgage and Strong Bad are two separate characters as well as Homsar and Homestar. Course, some people believe that Senor Cardgage is really Strong Dad. —2Fast2Furious 17:34 20 April 2006

Surprisingly, The Brothers Chaps made Creepy Comb-Over Strong Bad the real Senor Cardgage. I would have thought that the real Senor Cardgage would scare me as much as Snuffleupagus did when I was little. Senor Cardgage is a little creepy, but he's also funny. His voice cracks me up. 2Fast2Furious 01:42, 6 June 2006 (UTC)

Hah! I'm not the only one!! (About Snuffy, I mean.) And yeah, Senor Cardgage is just plain too creepy for me to find funny. He's one of the two things on H*R that I just can't get around (the other being Li'l Brudder; I can't quite get over making fun of disabilities). —AbdiViklas 02:40, 6 June 2006 (UTC)


Should Senor Cardgage's vocabulary be listed?

I guess by vocabulary, you mean phrases such as "Excardon me" and "No probalo." I don't see anything wrong with listing quotes. I know there were Senor Cardgage quotes listed in the old wiki. 2Fast2Furious

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