Old-Timey Strong Bad

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"The Strong Bad" redirects here. For the made-up TV show, see pizzaz.
"It's curtains for you!"
Skeleton'd Strong Bad

Old-Timey Strong Bad (aka "Sir Strong Bad", "Uncle Strong Bad", or "The Strong Bad") is the Old-Timey version of the present-day Strong Bad. He has a dastardly handlebar mustache, and an upper-class early-1900s American accent instead of modern-day Strong Bad's accent of debatable origin. His goal in life seems to be to thwart The Homestar Runner's plans with the help of his lackeys, the Strong Man and The Sneak, and he spends his spare time answering telegrams (as opposed to email). He has bones in his mustache and a severe crack in his skull, as seen in That A Ghost.

He is frequently asked the question "How do you operate the telegramophone whilst wearing gentlemen's sport gloves?", which infuriates him. He also sent half of his mustache to today's Strong Bad in a sealed envelope for the sake of history. In Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2, he managed to call modern-day Marzipan using his telegramophone, despite existing in a different era than she.

He is also more of an actively villainous character than his modern day doppelganger.


See Also

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