From Homestar Runner Wiki
Hi, I'm Sephiroth. I'm mostly on Fanstuff Wiki most of the time so my real page is on there. (same username)
I am going to edit more here, as I want to get to know the HRWiki Guys a little more. If anyone wants to say hi, don't hesitate to. Please do acually. I want to meet more people here.
It is me.
My talk.
Spelling and Prononcement
Spelling: S-E-P-H-I-R-O-T-H
Pronounce: Seh-Th-He-Roth.
Name Origins
It comes from the Final Fantasy VII character Sephiroth. He is the main atagonist of the game, and not to mention the coolist.
Pages I've Contributed to.
| This user found the wiki from a Google search.
| This user is between 13 and 19 years old soon.
| This user is left handed
| This user discovered the H*R website in 2005.
| This user discovered the H*R website when he/she was 10 years old.
| This user's favorite character is All of them!.
| This user mourns the loss of the old paper