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Words. Say... Talk? Ok... uh... Homsar? And uh... I like Date Nite and... chapstick-style-type in tube form? Ummmmmmmmmm... errrr.... {Quickly}iYoNoHabloEspon*al!

  • Really an N with a ~ on it.

Sewioswy, though, I'm new to this, so check out my discussion , because I'll be asking tons. I also made Innards, though that name may have been changed. If so, tell me in my discussion.

My 10's

Top Ten

1: The below image.Awwwww... that cute little Cheat. Er, The Cheat


2: Date Nite

3: Homsar

4: Lowercase i's

5: Senor Mortgage

6: Hremails

7: Sbemails

8: Not Peseant's Quest

9: This: Image:stinkogame-false capsule.gif

10: Little Questions

Top Ten Date Nite Quotes

1: Explain to me how drowning them wouldn't ruin their date.

2: Good evening ungodly couple. My name is waiter, I'll be your Homestar for this evening.

3: Why-do't-you-just-go-ahead-{Somehow appears in Marziman's house}-and-GET OUTTA MY FACE!

4: {S.S. flirtini}.

5: I cant beleive you're The Cheating on me!

6: You can't even call that thing a bod. At best its a broom or a-trivial pursuit cheese wedge!

7: Ping! Ping! Ping! Aye aye, sir! Ping!

8: Come to, the place where the tropical breezes bloooooooooowowowow... {gurgles, Homestar harminizes}.

9: Or is it, The Marzipan now?

10: You wort?!?!

Top 10 or so visual puns

1: In "modeling", when Homestar puts th Gross Old Wig on his face.

2: The "Or Something" the balding man thinks about in [senor Mortgage]].

3: In dullard, the no look single deuce.

4: Red Bubs in Donut unto others. More later... probably.

Crap that is carp


It is so good, I'll use it twice!



If you note the above, I'd like to comment on Important Rap Song. They didn't stress the need to play with ENOUGH knives. ENOUGH! Oh, now I don't play with any. Now I play Bed Axe. That is admitably cooler.

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