From Homestar Runner Wiki
Several times, innards of characters will be used as a location. These are usually stomachs or other organs in that general area. Once the characters go inside the innards, it makes them seem much smaller.
[edit] Lion's Innards
Appearing in Teen Girl Squad Issue 6, it is the inside of a lion. However, it appears more similar to a whale's insides. This is where the Decemberween gift exchange went on. What's Her Face was the only one in the squad who chose not to enter here.
[edit] Sickly Sam's Innards
A stomach belonging to Sickly Sam. It contains moonshine, a shovel, a barrel, parcheesi, and Old-Timey Strong Bad. According to Old-Timey Strong Bad, it is uncivilized, and it seems very unkempt. It appears in Sickly Sam's Big Outing.
[edit] Pan Pan's Innards
This is Pan Pan's stomach. This is where 1-Up (tries to) teach Stinkoman how to give thanks in Twenty THANXty Six. It somehow contains a desk at which an executive, such as Stinkoman, can buy and sell. The texturing on the inside wall resembles the surface of a brain.