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Move to Urination?

"Peeing" is slang. Should we move? TheYellowDart(t/c)

Ugh! Yes, PLEASE! Just looking at this article title makes me want to puke (and reminds me of a rather unfortunate incident that happened earlier today, but that's personal)! Urination is much better. -Brightstar Shiner 02:14, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
"Peeing" sounds more Homestarish, like Puking and Swears. --Trogga 02:15, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
Yes, but Peeing is a more commonly used term. You don't hear someone say "I have to urinate", they say "I have to pee". --Jangles5150 02:16, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
It's true that "urinate" is a far less common term (especially amongst children), but it is far more proper. — Lapper (talk) 02:18, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
I've actually been debating whether to make a Urination page, based on the ever-growing list on A Jumping Jacks Contest for speculation why the cartoon was taken down. I figured it'd be better to have a page specifically for urination, rather than keep adding them there... But I didn't really want to be one to associate myself with creating a page about urine. =3 --DorianGray
{replying to Jangles' post} Yeah, but we didn't call Swears Cussing or Puking Hurling. Also, Peeing just sounds so discusting. -Brightstar Shiner 02:20, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
I've never heard anyone say "urinate" on H*R. --Trogga 02:23, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
Do they need to have said it to make it a valid page name? --DorianGray
My point is, if we move this to Urination, then Puking should be moved to Vomiting. --Trogga 02:29, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
Supposing I had made this page, and thusly named it Urination in the first place. Would there be a discussion to move it to Peeing? --DorianGray
Urination is more professional-esque. "Peeing" is so...... uncyclopediaic. TheYellowDart(t/c) 02:31, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

How is "Peeing" disgusting? --Jangles5150 02:27, 5 February 2007 (UTC)

If your toothpaste fell in a toilet full of pee and you had to dig it out with your bare hands at 7:15 am, then you would think it's disgusting. -Brightstar Shiner 02:35, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
Ugh! You nasty!! I'ma going to move it now!! TheYellowDart(t/c) 02:36, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
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