iMessage Stickers

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Various apps containing iMessage stickers depicting Homestar Runner characters in various scenarios, similar in concept to Emoji.


[edit] Onion Bubs Stickers

Cast (in order of appearance): Onion Bubs

Date: Thursday, October 20, 2022

[edit] Announcement Message

Page Title: Onion Bubs iMessage Stickers for iOS

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onion bubs imessage stickers

50 iMessage Stickers to confuse your elders and amuse your peers! An Onion Bubs for every situation!

Go get em! Only 99 cents!

When you're texting on iPhone or iPad, simply tap on the Onion Bubs icon down below the text input box thing. You can either drag your fave Onion Bubs onto a text or image or just send the sticker by its own dang self!

PRIVACY POLICY: Harmless Junk, Inc. (Homestar Runner) does not collect, track, or share ANY personal data from users utilizing our Onion Bubs iMessage Stickers.

Has probalos? Just email gamedev at homestar runner dot com!

[edit] App Store Description

Onion Bubs! Onion Bubs! Make all your text threads better/hard to read by pasting Onion Bubs stickers all over them! 50 different designs for 50 different ways to confuse your friends!

[edit] Fun Facts

[edit] Explanations

[edit] Remarks

  • The text message mockups depict Homestar and Senor Cardgage having the same phone number.

[edit] Inside References

[edit] Gallery

[edit] Teen Girl Squad and Homestar Runner Stickers

Date: Friday, March 24, 2023

[edit] Announcement Message

Page Title: Teen Girl Squad and Homestar Runner iMessage Stickers

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new imessage stickers!

Get hundreds of iMessage stickers in 2 separate apps featuring all your favorite Homestar Runner and Teen Girl Squad characters, quotes, and random objects!

Get them both HERE:

$1.99 for over 180 Homestar Runner themed stickers featuring Strong Bad, Homestar, the Other Characters, Trogdor, 20X6 characters, Old Timey Characters, and MORE! Dozens of animated stickers too!

Just $.99 for 100 Teen Girl Squad stickers featuring the Girls, their famous quotes, their famous demises, the 4 Gregs and more!

Spice up your texts and photos with these stickers! Recreate scenes from your fave cartoons! Drop Trogdor's beefy arm onto photos of your pals! Make your own Teen Girl Squad comics! Put Teen Girl Squad quotes over photos of relatives! Make THEIR stomach linings hurt!

[edit] Teen Girl Squad Stickers

[edit] Announcement Message

Page Title: Teen Girl Squad iMessage Stickers for iOS

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teen girl squad imessage stickers

100 iMessage Stickers to make your text threads look SO GOOD! All the Teen Girls are here along with a buncha their famous quotes, demises, and don't forget 4 Gregs!

Go get em! Only .99 cents!

When you're texting on iPhone or iPad, just tap the Teen Girl Squad icon down below the text input box thing. Drag your fave sticker onto a text or image or just send the sticker by its own dang self!

Pinch, stretch, and rotate to resize your stickers! Combine them to make your own Teen Girl Squad comics or put classic TGS quotes on top of pictures of your friends and relatives to make THEIR stomach linings hurt!

PRIVACY POLICY: Harmless Junk, Inc. (Homestar Runner) does not collect, track, or share ANY personal data from users utilizing our Homestar Runner iMessage Stickers.

Has probalos? Just email gamedev at homestar runner dot com!

[edit] App Store Description

Turn any text thread into your own Teen Girl Squad comic with these iMessage stickers! So good! All your fav characters, demises, and lots of classic quotes!

-100 stickers with several animated ones!

-Resize and rotate for maximum effect!

-Throw the quotes and that VOIP robot on top of your real photos to make your friends and relatives look even worse!

[edit] Gallery

[edit] Homestar Runner Stickers

[edit] Announcement Message

Page Title: Homestar Runner iMessage Stickers for iOS

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homestar runner imessage stickers

Over 150 iMessage Stickers to spice up your text threads! Dozens of animated ones! Strong Bad, Homestar, and The Rest! Including Trogdor, Stinkoman, 1936 versions of the characters, Cheat Commandos, and more!

Go get em! Only 1.99!

When you're texting on iPhone or iPad, just tap the HSR icon down below the text input box thing. Drag your fave sticker onto a text or image or just send the sticker by its own dang self!

Pinch, stretch, and rotate to resize your stickers! Combine them to make ridiculous messes of your text threads-- I mean cute little scenes! Add beefy arms and Strong Sad heads to all your friends and relatives!

PRIVACY POLICY: Harmless Junk, Inc. (Homestar Runner) does not collect, track, or share ANY personal data from users utilizing our Homestar Runner iMessage Stickers.

Has probalos? Just email gamedev at homestar runner dot com!

[edit] App Store Description

Turn boring text threads into a confusing mess with over 150 stickers of your favorite characters (and the King of Town) from! Lots of animated stickers too!

-Over 180 stickers! 180ish or something. I lost count!

-Dozens of animated stickers

-Resize and rotate for maximum style!

-Layer them to create hilarious monstrosities!

-Cover up an important message with a sticker of Chicken in a Pan so you can have a good excuse for being late!

-All the main H*R characters! Strong Bad! Homestar! Trogdor! 20X6! Cheat Commandos! Old Timey! Random objects like the cow lamp and the stick!

Download H*R background images for playtime fun for all the ages!

Maybe this link works:

**No Teen Girl Squad. They got their own sticker app!

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External Links

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