From Homestar Runner Wiki
The characters of like to dress up as or mention angels occasionally.
[edit] Appearances
- Main Page 6 — Homestar Runner is an angel.
- A Decemberween Pageant — Marzipan plays as an angel.
- Email animal — One of the features on Sterrance is angel wings.
- Email pop-up — The first page of the pop-up book features Strong Bad and a pair of cherubs.
- Why Come Only One Girl? — Preshy is called a "little adorable angel thing".
- Accent — Coach Z shows Strong Bad a picture of an ear of corn with an angel-like halo over it.
- The Baloneyman — Angel Strong Bad appears in Strong Bad's head along with Devil Strong Bad.
- Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People — When talking to someone, sometimes buttons for Angel and Devil Strong Bad appear above Strong Bad. Clicking Angel Strong Bad will make Strong Bad say something nice to whoever he is talking to.
- Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold — Homestar tells Strong Sad, "You've got to fly, fly to the angels!"
- Decemberweenvent Calendar Day 24 — The angelic form of the deceased Frank Bennedetto is seen in the background during Homestar’s song.