David Lynch

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David Lynch was a filmmaker known for works involving surreal visuals and dreamlike, nonlinear narratives. His body of work has been referenced throughout Homestar Runner, often cited by Strong Sad as an inspiration.


[edit] References

[edit] Twin Peaks

"The Log Lady, huh? Maybe you should get together with the Poopsmith!"

Twin Peaks is a mystery drama TV series, co-created by Lynch, that ran in 1990 and 1991. It spawned a prequel film, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me in 1992, and aired a revival season in 2017. The series was well-known for its surrealism and offbeat humor.

  • Strong Sad's Lament — For his post on March 13, 2003, Strong Sad is listening to the Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me soundtrack.
  • 3 Times Halloween FunjobMarzipan dresses up as the Log Lady, an eccentric woman who carries around a log.
  • Sbemail 150?!? and Email alternate universe — The surreal Coach Z idea, which later appeared as an Easter egg in "alternate universe", is an homage to a famous scene from the twenty-ninth episode of the show.
    • The scene took place in a red-draped room.
    • Leading character Dale Cooper spills coffee on himself, represented here by Coach Z's streaming hat of coffee.
    • The unusual speech used by Homestar Runner in alternate universe is "reverse-speak", as seen in the show: the actors actually spoke their dialogue backwards, and the recording was then played in reverse. This resulted in the dialogue ultimately being understandable (though subtitles were still used) but having an unusual, contorted sound to them (just as Homestar sounds). It seems as though Matt Chapman faked this technique, rather than actually recording his lines backwards.
    • The phrase "I'm not at liberty to discuss [...]" is a direct lift from the lines of Major Garland Briggs, a character who is often unable to talk about what he does for a living.
  • DNA Evidence
    • The opening soundtrack — a mixture of ambient synthesizers and snappy jazz cues — is reminiscent of the music of Twin Peaks.
    • The ending montage in which Strong Sad laughs maniacally and appears in a window, on a roof, and behind the cleaning supplies is a reference to Killer BOB, the mysterious antagonist of Twin Peaks. The character was created because of a happy accident in which crew member Frank Silva was caught in frame during shooting of the pilot, thus explaining the unwieldy positions in which Strong Sad appears.
  • Email underlings — The Stink's Reach promo parodies the opening of Twin Peaks.
  • Email fan club (DVD commentary) — Matt Chapman attempts to rapidly switch between two character voices at once, resulting in strange-sounding speech. Mike Chapman remarks that Matt sounds like The Man from Another Place's distinctive reverse-speech.
  • Haunted Photo Booth
  • Halloween Hide & Seek (introduced in v2.0) — When asked about Homsar's whereabouts, Strong Sad sings a relevant fragment of the song "Sycamore Trees". Homestar thanks him for the "garmonbozia", then briefly talks in reverse-speak.

[edit] Other

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