HRWiki:Featured article for 2009, week 41
From Homestar Runner Wiki
The Stick is the place in an otherwise nondescript grassy area where a rather large stick is poking out of the ground. It's referenced as a meeting point, especially by Strong Bad and his cohorts. It is unclear as to whether it is just a stick in the ground, or a prematurely dead tree. Sometimes The Stick participates in festivities, like being a Decemberween Tree, dressed up for Halloween, or placed on a snowman. Strong Bad, Strong Mad and The Cheat have considered it an excellent place to hang out after they drove Homestar Runner and his Bread Sing-Alongs away from the area, as related in origins. It has a hangoutitude of ten, but before Homestar was kicked out it was lower. However, Strong Bad has also shown unusual contempt for it, as seen in Jibblies 2. It also played roles in different SBCG4AP games, such as a country called Sticktenstein in Strong Badia the Free, and a Stickanee Tree in Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective. (more...)