From Homestar Runner Wiki
Adobe Photoshop is an image editing software, so widely used and recognized that "photoshop" is often used as a generic term for photo manipulation. It has frequently been used by The Brothers Chaps to create graphics for the Homestar Runner body of work; it also is occasionally used and mentioned by characters, typically Strong Bad.
[edit] Appearances
- Original Book — The revised 1997 title page is described as "the 'I'm just learning Photoshop' remix of the cover".
- Fan Stuff — Many of the captions include references to Photoshop's much greater illustration capabilities relative to MS Paint.
- Peasant's Quest Preview (DVD Commentary) — Matt Chapman says that he couldn't find the brown mustache they usually use for the Videlectrix Guys, and so Mike Chapman Photoshopped some hair onto Matt's upper lip.
- Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer (DVD commentary) — Mike says that he made the Photoshopped Trogdor.
- UMFM Interview - 20 May 2003 — Mike says that he and Matt used the Homestar Runner characters to learn to use Photoshop and Illustrator and Flash and "all the different applications for that stuff".
- Mike and Matt talk about the same thing at Georgia Tech and on The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show.
- Email other days (DVD commentary) — Mike talks about how he edited Puppet Homestar's stand into an axe.
- Weekly Fanstuff — The January 14, 2005 item is a picture of a car that looks like The Cheat; it has the caption "photoshopped but still".
- Flashforward 2006 Seattle - 28 Feb 2006 — Mike explains that he and Matt made most of the graphics for the games pixely in Photoshop, then imported them into Flash, as there wasn't a way to create pixely graphics in Flash that they knew of.
- Email alternate universe — Strong Bad describes the alternate universe portal as "swirly Photoshop magic".
- Flash's 10th Birthday — Homestar comes in, saying, "Happy Days reunion, Photoshop!"
- Decemberween Short Shorts (DVD commentary) — Mike describes how he Photoshopped the picture of shorts in the toons' transitions.
- Email web comics — Strong Bad creates "Burn & Dodge: The Fantasy Photoshop Gradient Comic!", a web comic where Borgorroth of Coolswordorroth and a Cloaked Figure fight each other with image effects.
- SBCG4AP Dev Blog — In the "Cheat Codes" blog entry, Strong Bad photoshops screenshots from the game.
- Fish Eye Lens — Near the end of the toon, an animation menu is seen that resembles tools/actions found in Photoshop.
- Fanstume (singular) '24 — Strong Bad suspects the fan photoshopped red baseball caps into the photo.