Stop Motion

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Stop motion is an animation technique where real-life objects are moved incrementally between a series of photographs; when played back at high speed, the objects appear to be moving. The most popular type of stop motion animation is claymation, using plasticine sculpted models.

In Homestar Runner, stop motion has been seen in a variety of contexts. Strong Mad created the animated short Doug the Dino, Taranchula have an animated music video, and the characters watch classic Decemberween special Brundo the Decemberween Yak and the Sword of St. Olaf. Several promotional videos and social media posts for Trogdor!! The Board Game use stop motion to demonstrate gameplay.

Matt Chapman won an award for a claymation animation in the 7th grade. Around 2009, Matt and Craig Zobel wrote a script for a feature-length adaptation of stop motion short Monster Safari, though the film was not produced.

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