From Homestar Runner Wiki
The following polo shirts were once available at the Yahoo Store. Both were promoted as "business casual" wear (for Biz Cas Fri).
[edit] Discontinued Shirts
Shirt | Close-up | Name | Description
| | Trogdor Polo Shirt | Trogdor Polo Shirt The Trogdor polo is fast becoming the shirt of choice for cube dwellers on Business Casual Fridays! (or as Strong Bad calls it "Biz Cas Fri")
| | Strong Bad Polo Shirt | Strong Bad Polo Shirt With the Strong Bad Polo Shirt now Strong Bad has something to wear on Biz Cas Fri!!
Yahoo Store
Pages | Main, Combos, Thank You Messages
| T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Baby Clothes, Hooded Sweatshirts
| Accessories, Toys, CD/DVDs, Posters, Other 2-D Stuff, Freebies
Front Page News | 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014