Strong Bad Throwing Stuff Together
From Homestar Runner Wiki
In many cases, Strong Bad throws stuff together at the last minute, or even does the said stuff while an event is going on. Sometimes, a character (usually Homestar Runner) will let slip the fact that Strong Bad has thrown something together.
[edit] Appearances
- Email current status — Strong Bad quickly checks his email before later fleeing Coach B and Zubs. One of them remarks that "This crap ain't funny!"
- Email huttah! — After being confronted by The Cheat, Strong Bad quickly slaps a piece of paper reading "The Cheat" on his computer screen and nervously checks two more emails to prove that he wasn't holding out emails from The Cheat. The Cheat leaves the room angry.
- Email local news — The whole email is about Strong Bad throwing together a news broadcast for Strong Badia, and Strong Bad himself blatantly lies that he's going to do something totally unrelated to throwing the broadcast together.
- Email lackey — Strong Bad uses a sharpened pencil to draw a face on a melon, then jams the pencil in the melon, proclaiming that it is named "Doreauxgard."
- Email pizza joint — Strong Bad throws together a fake pizza joint that becomes a big success.