Talk:Trogdor Was A Man

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[edit] Possible Electric Company reference

I feel like the scene with two silhouetted Trogdors speaking "S" to each other could be a reference to this recurring segment of The Electric Company (which did air during the '70s) where two people would say part of a word to each other, with the letters coming out of their mouth in a similar fashion. Am I just seeing things, or could it be a match? Homestar-Winner (talk) 03:49, 20 September 2018 (UTC)

[edit] Change name?

could we change the name from Trogdor was a man to "Trogdor was dragon man" like the youtube video is named? --J∃ffJMan 13:37, 18 March 2022 (UTC)

  • It used to be called Trogdor Was Dragon Man on the site, but it was changed since the site got updated, which was after the YouTube version was uploaded. If anything, the YouTube video's name is the one that needs updating. Keegster2 17:36, 18 March 2022 (UTC)
Yeah, I also saw that the name is trogdor was a man on the soundtrack, so, that's also enough evidence --J∃ffJMan 17:40, 18 March 2022 (UTC)

[edit] PBTC Chain?

Hi everyone,

Regarding this edit by RickTommy, the {{apbtcnav}} template was removed because this toon was apparently never listed as part of the website's Powered by the Cheat category.

First, the technical issue: removing just the template from this page and not from the {{pbtcnav-lookup}} list, breaks the chain of links since other toons still link to this one. This happened before and left a gap that wasn't caught and fixed for 2 years.

Now, for the non-technical discussion: It seems that the Powered by the Cheat page lists this toon as a "Powered by the Cheat" item. This is likely different from the former official category that is now defunct. So, I think the question that remains is: what will this nav list portray? Should it stick to category items or just full PBTC items in general? (Or maybe even include partial items too?) --Stux 17:14, 7 January 2023 (UTC)

As far as I can tell, the nav-lookup templates for toons menu categories are intended only to include things in that specific category in the menu. Note that {{holidaynav-lookup}} only includes stuff in the menu, while excluding most teasers and YouTube holiday stuff, as well as what—even though it's a game—for all intents and purposes would be considered the 2021 Halloween toon. Though the category is retired, I feel like {{pbtcnav-lookup}} should only be listing what was on the PBTC listing on the website to be consistent with the other lookup templates, especially since as far as I can tell there's no other list of which specific toons were a part of the category. Even All Toons lists some stuff as "Powered by The Cheat" that was not listed as such on the website. Also note that the Powered by The Cheat page lists some other items like Seasonal Sweaters and Grumblecakes (video) that weren't a part of the category. DEI DAT VMdatvm center\super contra 22:26, 10 January 2023 (UTC)

[edit] Goof?

Hello! Just popping in to say I noticed a goof I couldn't find listed on the article. The middle tooth of Dragon Man Trogdor is transparent, and I'm about 95% sure it's not supposed to be (You never know with PBTC). Images included here: (If the added images don't work, click these links.)

niceteethtroggie1.png niceteethtroggie2.png niceteethtroggie3.png

I also noticed this weird muffled background noise while Strong Sad and PBTC Strong Sad are talking at the end of the toon, though I'm not sure if this is specific to my headphones or not. --Laven day 06:56, 15 January 2023 (UTC)

[edit] Strong Sad Remark

Adding a second bit to this discussion, I wanted to get some feedback before making an edit to the article itself.

Pertaining to the PBTC Strong Sad remark in the article where it claims he didn't have a mouth in the first appearance and does in the second, I'd like to claim that, rather, he does have a mouth in his first appearance and then gains a second, lower mouth in his second appearance.

In his first appearance, PBTC Strong Sad has his eyes and a small line under his eyes, either a sort of upturned nose or a mouth. In the second one, he has what is much more obviously a mouth.

I'm makin' the argument that it's a mouth as, when PBTC Strong Sad shakes his head, you can see the sorta upturned line under his eyes go up more, like he was frowning more. That, and as far as I know, no Homestar Runner character, or at least Strong Sad, has been depicted with a nose in that style, and I feel like this would be a weird bit to start, and then immediately stop, doing that, even if it's PBTC. --Laven day 07:09, 15 January 2023 (UTC)

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