Trogday 08 Visuals
From Homestar Runner Wiki
These are the visuals shown during Trogday 08.
Lyrics | Visuals |
A long time ago | The entire song takes place on a sheet of notebook paper. A background with hills and a fence draws into the background. The letter "A" appears, then moves up to the top-left corner. |
Before things got weird | The word "Before" appears. The letter "B" appears and slides up beside the "A". |
Came a Dragon, a mighty dragon | The S is for Sucks Dragon dances in towards the foreground. The words "Came" and "Dragon" appear, and the letters "C" and "D" slide up to the top. |
that Everybody | The dragon dances in closer to the frame. The word "Everybody" appears, which the "E" slides up to the top. |
Feared | Cut to a poster sliding down from the top. The poster reads "WANTED", and has a picture of the S is for Sucks dragon. The word "Feared" appears, which the "F" slides up. |
Now, G is for Giraffe | A giraffe pops in a shakes from side to side. The word "Giraffe" appears. The letter "G" slides up to the top. |
And H for Halloween | A ghost moves in from the side. The word "Halloween" appears. The ghost frightens the giraffe, and chases it off to the right. The letter "H" slides up. |
But, I'm not Joking about | Strong Bad's head zooms in. The words "I'm" and "Joking" appear when they are said. The letters "I" and "J" fade out, and fade in beside the rest of the letters. |
This Kill-ill-Ling | The word "Kill-Ling" appears. The letters "K" and "L" fade out to the top. |
Machine, Na-na-na-na | The words "Machine" and "Na-na-na-na" appear when they are said. Strong Bad looks down towards the "Na-na-na-na" which overlaps "Machine" when it appears. The letters "M" and "N" slide up to the top. |
Na-na-na-na | Strong Bad's head moves in slightly closer. |
Na-na-na-na | Strong Bad's head swings around, revealing it to be on the end of a bullhorn, which creates the sound effect as if the words were being said through a speaker. |
Oh, pants will keep on Peein' | A pair of pants appears, along with the word "Oh.'" The "O" slides up to the top. A water line moves in from the bottom and overlaps the pair of pants. The word "Peein'" appears, which the "P" slides to the top. |
And we'll raise Quite a Ruckus | A hook moves from the top to the bottom, and brings back up a submarine named the "USS RUCKUS". The words "Quite" and "Ruckus" appear, which the "Q" and "R" letters slide up. |
In case you haven't guessed by now | A question mark appears in the center. Two beefy arms appear out the left and the right of the question mark. |
The S is for Suckus | The question mark spins around and changes into an "S". The S is for Sucks dragon's head appears at the top of the "S", which a speech bubble appears, reading "the s is for sucks". The "S" slides up to the top. |
The S is for Sucks | Cut to the speech bubble floating from the right across to the left. Cut to the S is for Sucks Dragon clapping when the two clap tracks are heard. |
The S is for Sucks | The dragon steps to the left, than back into the right. When the caps are heard, a second dragon appears, clapping along with the music. |
The S is for Sucks | Again, the two S is for Sucks dragons step to the side, than back again. During the clapping, 4 other S is for Sucks dragons appear, clapping along with the music. |
The S is for Sucks! | A speech bubble reading "the s is for sucks" zooms in close to the frame, covering the 6 dragons. |
The S is for Sucks | Cut to Strong Bad dancing. When he claps, two other Strong Bads appear on both sides of him. |
The S is for Sucks | All 3 Strong Bads continue dancing. When he claps again, the two copies of him disappear on both sides of Strong Bad. |
The S is for Sucks | The words "S is" appear on Strong Bad's left, while "4 sucks" appears on the right side of him. When he claps, all the words disappear. |
The S is for Sucks! | Strong Bad cuts in closer to the frame. |
T! Two beefy arms! | Cut to the letter "T". Three young "S is for Sucks" dragons' heads appear to the right side of the letter, one wearing a baseball cap, one with glasses and hair, and one with a cowboy hat. The words "Two beefy arms" appear. Two muscular arms appear on both sides of the "T". The "T" slides off to the top. |
U! Uneven Style! | The letter "U" appears. The three young dragons move down to the bottom-left corner. The words "Uneven Style" appears. The S is for Sucks dragon does a dance on the right. The letter "U" slides off to the top. |
V! Constabulate V's! | The letter "V" appears. The three young dragons move to the top-left corner. The S is for Sucks dragon's head slides in from the bottom-left corner. The word "Constabulate" appears. The dragon's head spins into the left of the "V", which is wearing a police hat. The "V" slides off to the top. |
W! What a pile! | The letter "W" appears. The three young dragons move to the top-right corner. A pile of Whatsit appears beside the "W". The words "What a pile!" appear beside the "W'. The letter "W" slides up to the top. |
Xcuse me Mr. Trogdor | The S is for Sucks dragon and Trogdor slide in from the left. The word "Xcuse" appear, as the S is for Sucks dragon taps Trogdor on the back. The letter "X" slides up top. |
You've run out of luck | Trogdor turns around. The word "You've" appears. The camera pans out to show a raincloud above Trogdor. The letter "Y" moves to the top. A lightning bolt stikes Trogdor, which burns him to cinders. |
In case you haven't heard the news | Cut to a newspaper spinning in, reading "THE NEWS! Have you HEARD?? -top mark b/w long v". It is illustrated with a picture of the S is for Sucks dragon's head. |
Zee S is for sucks! | The words "Zee S is for sucks" appear. The "Z" slides up to the top. |
Zee S is for sucks, Zee S is for sucks | Cut to Strong Bad, wearing a beret, a red/white striped shirt and a thin mustache. Two S is for Sucks dragons are on both sides of him and the three younger dragons' heads are above him. Strong Bad and the two dragons dance and clap in time with the music, whilst the young dragons sing. |
Zee S is for sucks | Cut to the bottom of Strong Bad's legs, and the dragon's legs. Strong Bad and the Dragon are still dancing and clapping. |
Oh, Zee S is for Sucks! | Cut to Strong Bad's head. A bottle of wine and cheese are on his left, while two baguettes are on his right. |
Zee S is for sucks | Cut to Strong Bad dancing and clapping with the music. The younger dragon heads are on his right. |
Zee S is for sucks | Cut to Strong Bad and the younger dragons, now switched places. |
Zee S is for sucks | Cut to the S is for Sucks dragon dancing. |
Croissant! Zee S is for Sucks! | Cut to Strong Bad's head with a croissant on his left. Rays of majesty appear around the croissant. |