From Homestar Runner Wiki
| This user is an Eagle Scout
| This user often finds and reverts vandalism.
| This user is 19 years old.
| This user discovered the H*R website in 2004.
| This user discovered the H*R Wiki in 2006.
| This user lives in Texas.
| Senor Cardgage's words of wisdom: Oh. I should eat a pony.
| This user mourns the loss of the old paper.
| This user downloads a lot of fonts.
[edit] Behind the Jimberjam
Howdy! My name's Christopher, otherwise known on the wiki as Dennis. I'm a proud Texan, living somewhere between El Paso and Beaumont. At the age of 19, I'm one of the younger editors on the site, but I don't let that stop me in taking an active role in the wiki. I often patrol the recent changes, and I keep a sharp eye out for vandalism as well. I don't bite, though. Some folks would go so far as to say I'm a people-pleaser.
I'm an amateur audio engineer, getting "gigs" mostly through word of mouth. I've done a lot of live performances, but my passion is in the technical aspects of the job. While I enjoy working with sound, it doesn't pay nearly enough to be a full-time job, so I'm currently hunting down some steady employment. An elusive beast, to be sure.
I found in late 2004 as a suggestion from my sister. The first toon she had me see was The Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon, and from then on I was hooked. I couldn't get enough of the site, and often stayed up late on school nights watching every toon I possibly could. I still stay up late watching sbemails, truth be told. I discovered HRWiki in 2006, and edited my first page soon thereafter.
I enjoy because it's funny without being offensive. Oftentimes people figure that the only way to amuse an audience in this day and age is to use foul language, and incorporate suggestive and offensive material into their products. This is simply not the case with It's the kind of entertainment I wouldn't be afraid to share with my home-schooled neighbors two houses down.