User:Purple Wrench/qotw
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Quote Of The Week
Purple Wrench is currently changing substantial content. As a courtesy, until this tag is removed please do not view this section unless absolutely necessary. You are still welcome to view other parts of the page.
*Note: When this section returns it will look quite different, but the text content of the quotes will still be available. Following is the original description:
These quotes are usually different from the quotes provided by TBC. Most of them have mp3 downloads, which are in the best quality possible**. This was inspired by Venusy but uses a different method of execution. I created a custom program in Visual Basic .NET 2003 using a Python script in conjunction with Inkscape which creates a Quote Of The Week from any text and any picture, with an optional "get it!" button, at the correct size, 99% correct font spacing, and with an opaque speech bubble not present in the actual file... all without using ANY Macromedia/Adobe Flash! I may release the program at a later date (the main issue being limited compatibility with newer versions of Windows and other operating systems a clumsy setup, especially on Windows).
**Quotes not originally in the mp3 format (eg, DVD or YouTube audio) use: either a constant bitrate of 320kbps or a high-quality variable bitrate; a 44.1Khz sampling rate; and in mono when there is no appreciable audio separation. Quotes already in the mp3 format (eg, embedded Flash audio) are simply trimmed without re-encoding.