From Homestar Runner Wiki
Strong Bad Email #153.5
Strong Bad checks his email only to be annoyed by a Homestar Runner Wiki userpage.
Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad,
Places: Computer Room
Computer: Lappy 486
Date: July 18, 2006
Running Time: 0:26
Page Title: Lappy 486!!!
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[edit] Transcript
STRONG BAD: (singing) I'm going to check emails all-a-round... (stops singing) Hit it!
STUFF This user likes to vote on STUFF.
RC This user patrols Recent Changes.
F! This user is on the HRWiki Frappr map.
This user enjoys Lappy-era emails the best.
This user's favorite character is Bubs.
PQ This user loves to play Peasant's Quest.
This user has beaten Thy Dungeonman 3.
This user thinks Marzipan's Answering Machine is underrated.
MEH This user can understand Cheat Talk... sometimes.
LP This user wears long pants.
This user can make it on his own.
This user has more than two problems.
This user owns a Strong Bad Head T-shirt.
This user owns a Kick The Cheat.
This user wishes he owned Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits.
This user watches Strong Bad Emails on his iPod.
A Brief History of the SluggyverseMy name's cornbread. I mean, Woodrow. Yup, muh real name. Some people call me Q. I'm twelve, in seventh grade, and from the exact center of Connecticut. I guess you could say I'm a nerd. I love quantum mechanics, and me and my dad have a discussion about it almost every day after supper. My username has been my username for anything internet since the Half-Blood Prince came out (except for my screenname on AIM). Sluggy somes from Professor Slughorn, and 42 is the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything, according to Douglas Adams in his Hitchhiker's Trilogy. I've memorized a bit of pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209. fifty-five decimal places.
How I Got Into The H Star R and the WikiI guess I really owe my madness to my ex-girlfriend (who owes it to a certain Sasa, who owes it to her brother, from how I understand it). She gave me a link to the new sbemail at the time, long pants, because I was freaked out about her and some other people who went around saying that rediculous line, 'long long long long long long pants!'. So I havent really been with the site long. Thanks to her, I probably can't say ten sentances without something related to it. I've watched every single toon on the site ever (probably), and the guys at school think I'm crazy because of it. My favorite sbemail ever is absatotalutely virus.
The same applies to the wiki. But at the time, anonny editing and signing up were disabled, so, I got annoyed. I abandoned going to the site fer a bit, then I came back on March 2nd (I know, quite a bit after it actually was restored) and saw it was restored. And, here I am.
Tell Me More, Sir!Obviously I want to be some high-tech engineer or something. Or like, study quantum theory. Who knows, somewhere there might be a sport where a telephone pole jumps off the ground and is caught by a very suprised looking man in a skirt. (For those who don't know, there is a sport in Scotland involving throwing a telephone pole as far as possible.)
My Recent ContributionsI've been working on recording some of the Sound Effects, as there are quite a few .ogg files missing and I don't know why. Note to self: Add the copyright tag, scalawag. Hey, that rhymed! I'm a poet, and, don't I know it.
Favorite Quotes/ScenesHOMESTAR RUNNER: Thank you for calling the internet, may I have your account number or identity theft, please?
STRONG BAD: No, but you can have a heapin' helpin' of my unbridled rage!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {reading slowly from sheets of paper} Ma'am, please calm down. Your CD tray is not a cup holder. {turns page} I cannot help you clear your browser cache. No, I'm not in India.
STRONG BAD: Shut up and listen. {Homestar drops the papers in surprise. Strong Bad bangs his hand on keyboard} My internet is crawling along like... something... funny... that crawls along.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: All right, I can help you with that. Please hold while I transfer you to someone who can help you with that.
STRONG BAD: {incredulous} What?!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {singing} Doo doot-tsp. Do doo doot-tsp. Do doo doot-tsp.
{Cut to a long shot of the office as Homestar stands up. Homestar is the only visible tech representative.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: {still singing} It's the hold music, do doot-tsp. Pa doo doot-tsp. Boodoo doo doot-tsp. {high pitched voice} Hold, music!
{Cut back to the splitscreen as Homestar sits down.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Thank you for holding. Your call is very unportant to us. The next available representative wi—okay, I'm back! Lemme just verify your address so I can send you my weight in free sign-up CDs.
STRONG BAD: Ugh, enough! {bangs hand against keyboard again} I'm marching my pasty white bwathom down there to talk to the man in charge!
{He slams the phone down and walks offscreen during Homestar's next line.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: I'm so glad we could get that resolved. Is there anything else I could—
STRONG BAD: Ohhhhh... If you want it to be possessive,
It's just "I-T-S."
But if it's supposed to be a contraction,
Then it's "I-T-apostrophe-S,"
HOMSAR: You shank my jengaship!
STRONG BAD: Please move towards the center of the email and away from the doors.
STRONG BAD: I'm not your babysitter. Or your Dad. Or your, Dadbysitter.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Before I drink something, oftentimes I eat something too.
BUBS: Well, I found the problem. Looks like somebody tried to cram-a-lam a Swiss Cake Roll into the disk drive.
STINKOMAN: Dot dot dot!
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Twees it around!
STRONG BAD: S to the C, R O double L! My name is not Norman, but still I rock well!
Number of the WheneverA lot: the amount of months it has been since my user page has been updated.
Old ones
- 1.618: approx. phi (the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet)- the golden ratio (a+b is to a as a is to b)
- 109.5: The number of asterisks on my first paycheck after the 'and 00/100' (the last one got cut off).
- 13: The number of a Friday that everyone seems to be afraid of, the number of playing levels in Half-Life 2, and the number of empty soda cans on my desk.
- 42: The meaning of life, the universe, and everything- at least according to Deep Thought. It took him seven billion years to come up with that one. Personally, I think he got confused, and thought they asked "what is six times seven?"
- 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288: Pi (or at least what I've memorized)- the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter of it.
- 6.0221415×1023: Avogadro's Number- the number of atoms of a particular element in it's mole. (Yup. I'm twelve alright.)
Some Emails I Sent to SBI'm going to warn you
someall of these emails are pretty stupid, so, read on carefully. (And really, I am representing people from muh school. Like, three people.)subject: buisnessDear Strong Bad,
Why don't you start your own buisness that would someday rival Bubs'?
Holy Crapola,
Representee of some guys from
Berlin, CT
subject: intellegence agencydear strong bad,
does strong badia have an intellegence agency? if you did, you could spy on homestar and the stupid things he does.
crapity crap,
representee of some guys from berlin, ctsubject: answer?Strong Bad,
If I keep emailing you, will you ever answer me?
That same guy that is still a representee of Berlin, CT.
And I know this email has absolutely no chance of being answered.
Especially if I dont make any spelling errors.
I guess I'll send this now.subject: school? job?Wazzap Strong Bad-
Before you went to CGNU, what schools did you go to? Also, whats your job?
Still sending emails to you,
Representee of the infamous
Berlin CTsubject: Friday nightsSup SB?
I was wondering where you go and what you do on Friday nights. I mean, you gotta have some form of a party.
This ones from
Woodrow in Berlin CT
Hey! SBuh! This is like, almost like night life! Except I sent this one about a year before that other guy sent it! Oh well.
Download the Tandy 400 fontExternal Linking
(Strong Bad does not read any of the email)
STRONG BAD: Now what's this load of crap? And it looks like, I'm checking emails I never checked... in the email. Well, you know what this means.
STRONG BAD: Okay, that's that. I checked an email.
(The Paper comes down)
STRONG BAD: And that's your cue for you guys to go away.