From Homestar Runner Wiki
- This article is about accenting the ends of words. For the Teen Girl Squad running gag, see -'d.
Characters often replace -ed with -èd. In American English, the grave accent indicates that a vowel that would usually be silent should be pronounced. Usually, this is a legitimate alternate pronunciation, but more often it is used to distinguish words with the same spelling but different meanings (such as "aged" for grow old or mature and "agèd" for the elderly), or to add a syllable to the word for poetic effect. However, the characters will usually use this different pronunciation at random times. For example, stripèd is pronounced /straɪ-pɪd/, as compared to the more usual /straɪpt/.
- Fluffy Puff Commercial — In the commentary, Homestar Runner compares Cherry Greg to "a fine beef consommé... after it's been agèd."
- New Boots — Strong Bad says that "The Cheat is a stripèd green rabbit, with two butts!".
- Email huttah! — Strong Bad refers to the seagull as his "wingèd friend."
- Email car — Strong Bad reads "Pimped OUt?" as "Pimpèd out?"
- Halloween Fairstival — Strong Sad mentions an agèd pillowcase in one of his haikus.
- Email secret recipes — Strong Bad asks Coach Z if he would like to try some of his free icèd cream.
- That Time of Year — Erweenga is the name of the stripèd worm.
- Email highschool — Strong Bad describes Teenage Homestar as wearing "ridiculous stripèd pants."
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 13.2 — Old-Timey Strong Bad hopes that a "buck-toothèd fool" will receive his message.
- Email alternate universe — Teenage Strong Bad's only line in this email is "Stripèd pants."
- Weclome Back — Bubs says that Marzipan "must've drove the shapèd plants wild!"
- Email space program — In the commentary, Strong Bad refers to the grilled cheese sandwich as "grillèd cheese".
- Email the paper — Strong Bad refers to The Paper as his "stripèd friend".
- Email concert — Strong Sad calls Strong Bad's boots "pleatèd".
- Fan Costumes '07 — Strong Bad says the person in the Stinkoman costume is performing the "ever-controversial crossèd deuce".
- Email nightlife — Strong Bad blames the "lightèd floors" for the removal of his pants.
- Strong Bad Gameways — Strong Bad suggests "fruitèd plains" as an ideal open location for Wii users to enjoy their game.
- Place ya bets! — Strong Sad instructs The Deleteheads to "Please be seatèd".
- Baddest of the Bands —
- Strong Bad takes the light-up starfish on an advertisement for Bubs' Concession Stand, mentioning that "Bubs doesn't need this lightèd star."
- After spraying the aerosol cheese into Pom Pom's empty fondue pot, Strong Bad calls it "a bubbly pot full of meltèd cheese".
- Doomy Tales of the Macabre — Strong Sad's poetry includes the word chillèd.
- Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective — Strong Bad says, "The moody lighting and smoky atmosphere are being brightèned too much by this plant."