Grumblecakes (video)

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"One might say we just met standing in line at the batting cages."

Powered by The Cheat music video for Grumblecakes.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Baby Styles

DVD Exclusive: strongbad_email.exe Disc Four



{Slow zoom-in on a box of Cheatcakes.}

INTRO VOICE: Only liars and thieves eat Grumblecakes,
and those people go to prison
just ask The Cheaaat...

{Tape slows down and screen flows down like the Compy in virus.}

STRONG BAD: {spoken} Girl, I know we haven't been through a lot together.
In fact one might say we just met standing here in line at the batting cages, but there's one thing I'm sure of already.

Let me get them Grumblecakes
and please don't grumble fake,
I just need them Grumblecakes
Ooh I'm Grumblecaking with you

Let me get them Grumblecakes,
and please don't grumble fake,
I just needed them Grumblecakes
Ohh I'm Grumblecaking with you

I'm really going to grumble bake
another batch of them Grumblecakes
So let's raise the Grumblestakes
Clean the yard with the Grumblerake

Girl give me a Grumble break
I wanna see you Grumble shake
Don't make a grumble mistake
Let me see you grumble down!

Grumble down, grumble grumble down girl!
Grumble down, grumble grumble c'mon!
Grumble down, grumble grumble down girl!
Grumble down, grumble grumble c'mon!
Grumble, grumble count it down with me
Three, two, one

Let me get them Grumblecakes
and please don't grumble fake,
I just need them Grumblecakes
Ohh I'm Grumblecaking with you

Let me get them Grumblecakes,
and please don't grumble fake,
I just needed them Grumblecakes
Ohh I'm Grumblecaking with you

Over the river and through the woods,
we gotta get that serum through y'all
Over the river and through the woods,
we gotta get that serum through y'all
Over the river and through the woods,
we gotta get that serum through y'all
Over the river and through the woods,
we gotta get that serum throuuuuuuugh!

{spoken} Girl, if you're not gonna hook me up with any grumblecakes, I gotta let you go. I needs em. I feeds my kids with em. Anyways, turn around. It's your turn to bat. (Grumble bat!) At least don't hold up the line.

{singing softly in the background}
Grumble line
Grumble line
Drinkin' Grumble wine
Feelin' Grumble fine

Fun Facts


  • This is a longer version of the song found in an Easter egg in time capsule.


  • This is the first time an actual Grumblecake appears onscreen.
  • The YouTube description for this video is "Powered by The Cheat video for Strong Bad's ode to grumblecakes."

Inside References

Real-World References

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