@StrongBadActual Tweets 2019

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This is a list of all the @StrongBadActual Tweets from 2019.


[edit] December

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Nope on me! You're totally right! I should read my own dang cards first!
This Tweet is a reply to @liracali, who replied to the Trogdor!! The Board Game thread, pointing out the line on Path o' Burnination that forbids Trogdor from taking any actions.
29 Dec 2019

Hmm. OR I haven't made a full-on Decemberween cartoon since 2010 and you've lost a decade.
This Tweet is a reply to @bjr12777, who accused Strong Bad of "losing [his] edge" because there was no 2019 Decemberween toon.

Fun Facts

29 Dec 2019

That is NOT Trogdor!!
This Tweet is a reply to @azurada23, who pointed out that Trogdor couldn't be killed.
29 Dec 2019

Burnination's too good for em!
This Tweet is a reply to @SkellyRen, who tried to amend Strong Bad's "kill it" to "burninate it".
29 Dec 2019

Yes! Full unbridled burnination! Peasants would be set aflame and do their run-aroundy thing! Cottages set ablaze regardless of eligibility! And if you have a Keeper, Item, or previous action card that gave you AP (such as 2 Gross Beans or Smell the Daisies), you'd get to use em!
This Tweet is a reply to @Pizzawitjo, who asked if the destruction of the Path of Burnination card included peasants and cottages.
29 Dec 2019

Aaahh!! Kill it!! Kill it each and every way!!
This Tweet quotes @GetDisneyPrime's fake key art for a Disney "Trogdor!! The Burninator" series, featuring Mushu from Mulan edited to look like Trogdor.
29 Dec 2019

That is some premium smotin' goin' on there!!
This Tweet quotes @AlenBlaekovi, who shared fan art of Trogdor smoting the Kerrek.
28 Dec 2019

Video thumbnail for 24 Dec 2019
I thought this video made an appropriate metaphor as we approach the year's end. Happy Decemberween to all and may the knife-wielding Santam'n in our lives be a little more cooperative in 2020.

Video Transcript

{The Robotic Santam'n from Dangeresque Puppet Squad: The Hot Jones Hijack with angry eyes and knife attachements is standing in an all-green background. It plays "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and tries to dance, but keeps falling over, so an arm keeps coming into the shot to stand it back up again.}

24 Dec 2019

This is great! Just know that you are prolly on some watchlist now as a result but I'm sure Coach Z would love the company!
This Tweet quotes @austinmpriest, who posted a picture of a Christmas tree with a Coach Z ornament from Decemberween Short Shorts.
23 Dec 2019

I'm surrounded by them! There's bound to be some kinda nerd contact buzz type thing happening.
This Tweet is a reply to @LiamXVX, who replied to the previous Tweet noting how nerdy it sounded for someone who made fun of nerds weekly.
19 Dec 2019

Does this mean I get to have a buncha senate meetings about trade embargoes?! OOH wait! Trade Embargo totally sounds like the name of my new favorite expanded universe character! "This is Trade Embargo from Lankosh T'wive. Saved my life at the Battle of C'Baoth's Abs."
This Tweet is a reply to @doggans, who posted a Photoshop-modified image of a Star Wars poster featuring Coach Z and Marzipan, with Strong Bad in the background.
18 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 18 Dec 2019
Ahh! They made an air mattress outta my freakin tongue!
This Tweet is a reply to @Judahe, who responded to a @KinjaDeals Tweet advertising a green Klymit sleeping pad, posting a diagrammed image of the pad and asking if Strong Bad designed it.
18 Dec 2019

I gotta see if the Lappier can even run twitch first. Maybe Edgarware has a utility that can overclock me to the streamins level.
This Tweet is a reply to @Fail_lula, who, asking Strong Bad to respond, favorably replied to a @aureylian Tweet asking for the next Twitch marathon to be a Homestar Runner marathon.
17 Dec 2019

Don't get me wrong. I love it! I can't wait to have to answer for the issues that bebé grows up with!
This Tweet is a reply to @FitzmonsterE, who said that her painting was time consuming and difficult to make.
15 Dec 2019

Shady daycares represent!
This Tweet is a reply to @CharlemagneSeb, who quoted Senor Cardgage's song from the Puddin' Patch in unlicensed.
15 Dec 2019

Cause nothin says "nursery wall" like blank stare ghost man and edge-creepin green eyes munsterm'n.
This Tweet quotes @FitzmonsterE, who shared a painting of Homestar and Strong Bad in the field that she painted for her friend's baby.
15 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 15 Dec 2019
Dubrowvski crystal Strong Sad b/w Santameeple Trogdor.
15 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 15 Dec 2019
Acourse I know what it means! Why do ya think they censor its appearance in their advertisements! It's too unspeakable to show to impressionable viewers!
This Tweet is a reply to @ampersandle, who informed Strong Bad of what "pooey" means in the UK.
15 Dec 2019

While I can't begin to fathom what ingredients put the "Jones" in Hot Jones or the "Pooey" in Hot Pooey, these recipes have to come pert dang close! Lemme know if anybody braves a taste test!
This Tweet quotes @ReverendBrent, who shared recipes for Hot Jones and Hot Pooey.
14 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 13 Dec 2019
Yes. The issue is finding the right peoples who understand me and mines' unique physiologies and can translate them into 3D plushiness. There can be ONLY ONE Shark-Tooth Bubs!
This Tweet is a reply to @spacewolverine, who asked if Strong Bad had considered selling plushies of Homestar Runner characters.

Fun Facts

  • Shark-Tooth Bubs was the result of a Chinese toy factory misinterpreting most details of Bubs's face in an attempt to make a Bubs plush doll.
13 Dec 2019

Ha! Nice Decemberween lyrical substitutes! And your ability to embroider on a tortilla is unequaled!
This Tweet quotes @CraftingGeek, who shared a photo of an embroidered Trogdor Christmas tree ornament along with festive alternate lyrics to Trogdor's song.
13 Dec 2019

Currently exclusively from a crumpled cardboard box that was found in a closet. And there might literally be ONE of those toques.
This Tweet is a reply to @CompBullSheet, who asked where one could obtain a Strong Bad toque.
11 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 11 Dec 2019
Filthy napkin toque drawings are free to the first (1) customer(s)!
This Tweet is a reply to @JCPbone, who wanted a beanie with his own face on it.
11 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 11 Dec 2019
If Geddy Lee wearing me on a hat doesn't naturalize me as a Canadian citizen, I don't know what does.
This Tweet is a reply to @FelixOrion, who commented on Strong Bad's use of "toque" and asked if he was Canadian.

Fun Facts

11 Dec 2019

Of course Homestar keeps saying, "Hey Stwong Bad, I weally like your 'Mountain Man Alton Brown' beanie cap."
This Tweet is a reply to @ChuckWendig, who responded with shock to Strong Bad's acknowledgment.

Fun Facts

11 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 11 Dec 2019
No way! Check out the toque I'm wearing today!!
This Tweet is a reply to @ChuckWendig, who posted a photo of himself wearing a Strong Bad beanie.
11 Dec 2019

Also already done.
This Tweet is a reply to @invisibleswitch, who recommended that Strong Bad put his music on digital download platforms.
9 Dec 2019

Been on there for a few months already.
This Tweet is a reply to @HSR_History, who requested that Strong Bad Sings be put on iTunes.
9 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 9 Dec 2019
Hooked on Decemberween is on the streamins (spotify, amazon music, apple music, deezer, etc.) complete with a new/old track! Add it to your holiday playlists to bring any get together to a screeching halt!
9 Dec 2019

Don't get me wrong, of course I want it to look like my pants are fangoriously devouring my abdomen! I just also wanted sharkmouth.
This Tweet is a reply to @MaxOfFewTrades, who questioned Strong Bad's lack of enthusiasm about serrated pants.

Fun Facts

  • The adverb "fangoriously" originated in the email kids' book.
9 Dec 2019

Hey! How come I didn't get no rows of sharp fangs like great white Homestar over there?! All's I got is a pair of serrated pants!
This Tweet quotes @Joanna_Austill, who shared her knit Homestar Runner and Strong Bad.
9 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 8 Dec 2019
This Tweet is a reply to @starlite528, who pointed out that the Krull-wich's "boomerang" was a glaive.
8 Dec 2019

No way. This is AT LEAST some 2nd level beeswax.
This Tweet is a reply to @purblebirb, who asked if the Krull-wich card was a Qblepon card.

Fun Facts

  • Qblepon is a card game from Two More Eggs, a side project of The Brothers Chaps.
8 Dec 2019

Pizz Points have no cash value and can only be redeemed in-store for additional red pepper flakes. Cakey, ancient parmesan dander is an upcharge.
This Tweet quotes @MittasticVoyage, who posted a photo of a neon pizzeria sign with only the letters "PIZ" lit, commenting that he could finally turn in his "Piz Points".
8 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 7 Dec 2019
Note to self: Wave arms wildly!

Fun Facts

7 Dec 2019

Gotta get them sweet, sweet Europapean lobster clawmeats!
This Tweet is a reply to @noirakita, who picked up on Strong Bad's reference to 2010: The Year We Make Contact in the regimented U's Tweet and speculated that Space Captainface would be allowed to land on Europa.

Fun Facts

  • Obtaining "Europapean" lobster meat is Strong Bad's initial goal in Drive-Thru.
6 Dec 2019

Tried to fit em on the shoulders but they couldn't print em out high enough. They looked a little weird too. Get one o' them doingy antenna headbands and stick some wings on em!
This Tweet is a reply to @FahlmaVitane, who commented on the lack of wingaling on the Trogdor Beefy Arm shirt.
6 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 6 Dec 2019
Looks like its on its way to Hot Pooey territory. Or worse, on its way to:
This Tweet is a reply to @mellodillo, who remarked that their white chocolate mocha from Starbucks looked like Hot Jones.

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad's photo is of the Strong Mad Oyster Smoothie Breath Caked Armpit Latte from The House That Gave Sucky Tricks. Curiously, the words "breath" and "smoothie" are swapped in the image.
6 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 6 Dec 2019
I'll say this again with an exhausted scream: Consummate V's on Trogdor are used for teeth, spinedies, and angry eyebrows! THERE ARE NO CONSUMMATE V'S ON TROGDOR'S BODY!! ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE!! (his little scale thingies are made of regimented U's) Do these look like V's?!!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.

Fun Facts

6 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 6 Dec 2019
Tweet image for 6 Dec 2019
Who wouldn't want this beefy arm comin' outta the back of your right shoulder blade there? Stuff from my print-on-demand store can still arrive in time for Decemberween!
6 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 5 Dec 2019
Everybody knows that! Talk to Strong Sad. This is his tarot card from Halloween 2007.
This Tweet is a reply to @_ragegun, who replied to the previous Tweet and noted that Krull was the name of the planet and what was actually in the sandwich was a glaive.
5 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 5 Dec 2019
Strong Sad claims this tarot reading he got this morning prognosticated the retirement of @radiolab 's Robert Krulwich but I dunno what that nerdy noise is. All's I see is a deliciously deadly boomerang repast!
5 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 5 Dec 2019
Um, we're talking about Videlectrix here.
This Tweet is a reply to @Minato_Arisato5, who replied to the Tweet announcing the second Stinkoman Level 10 delay and would tolerate a delay if it meant a quality product.
5 Dec 2019

Those no-good Houghton boys are always bitin' my styles! First Trogdor and now this?! I shake my shiny boxing glove fist at them from my porch rocking chair!
This Tweet is a reply to @Sparkster2600, who linked to a Big City Greens clip featuring a drink made with skim milk and gummi bears, noting its similarity to Suudsu.
5 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 5 Dec 2019
Congratulations to Videlectrix! By delaying Stinkoman Level 10 for a second time, they have officially become a legit video game company! That's how the pro's do it! The company cites an internal surplus of "not working on it enough/at all" as a major contributor to the delay.
5 Dec 2019

(*NOTAREALPROMOCODE is, um, not a real promo code)
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
4 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 4 Dec 2019
Just over 12 hours left to order this crap in time for Decemberween! After that you have to settle for digital gift cards and everyone will HATE you! Use promo code NOTAREALPROMOCODE to get 0% off my butt!
4 Dec 2019

Lemme look! Oddly enough, I keep them inside an obsolete stereo!
This Tweet is a reply to @BraOfNachos, who asked if Strong Bad had any coasters left, and said that hers fused via drink slime to her obsolete stereo.
4 Dec 2019

Join the Dagrons for Trogdor Helmet night this season! $2 Sog Dogs! $3 draft cold ones! Foam beefy arms to the first 250 fans! Arrive early for a free concert by Limozeen('s old guitar tech's solo fretless bass ensemble)!
This Tweet quotes @TeeMil24, who posted fan art of a Trogdor sports team logo.
4 Dec 2019

Did you buy Trogdor and still haven't played it cuz no one reads rulebooks? Or did you buy it for someone and they're super dumb? Watch this full official playthrough with me, Dumpus, Homestar, and human Mike with guest appearances by Too Much Talking Man!
This Tweet links to Trogdor!! The Board Game Playthrough on YouTube.
4 Dec 2019

Nice crocheting but I hope that pasta filled hattifattener shocks the crap out of him!
This Tweet is a reply to @annaslamma, who posted a crochet Homestar Runner.
4 Dec 2019

Sadly no, but if you just wait 30 years, Joshow will become a "legacy" property and get turned into a gritty animated reboot! Unless Walt's ghost boots Joshow from the vault first... which actually seems more likely.
This Tweet is a reply to @sictransitglora, who asked if Disney+ greenlit new Joshow episodes.
4 Dec 2019

Wow! Did Wiley Wiggins just know who I was?
This Tweet is a reply to @wileywiggins, who was flattered by Strong Bad's tagging him.
2 Dec 2019

Sadly the glass masters were lost when the duplication house was bought and rebought by multiple companies a decade or so ago. So re-ordering is more of a takelong.
This Tweet is a reply to @WayCool64, who asked when the Sbemail DVDs will be back in stock.
2 Dec 2019

You've cast me all all wrong. I'M the bullies that make Bastian get in the dumpster! Or maybe the creepy attic skeleton! Or that giant luck dragon syringe! Or better yet I'm just 16 year old @wileywiggins cosplaying as Atreyu while hanging out at the Emporium!
This Tweet is a reply to @ZacMannes, who responded to the "boy and his Trog" Tweet suggesting a Strong Bad recreation of The Never Ending Story, with a cast list including Strong Bad as Atreyu.
2 Dec 2019

Yes. Now please use this design to animate the music video for my just-now-made-up new hit single "Suddenly turns to beef (our love)" feat. The Cheat.
This Tweet is a reply to @uranimus, who replied to the previous "arm suddenly turns to beef" Tweet with a drawing of Strong Bad with Trogdor's arm replacing his right arm.
2 Dec 2019

The hidden answer in my response was, "it doesn't change and you should just discard that consummate v's card for 5 AP with no special powers since your Keeper already has a pretty good one." So I made up something dumb instead.
This Tweet is a reply to @pacmastermeow, who replied to the previous "Turbo Consummate V's" Tweet and asked if there was any movement change.
2 Dec 2019

A boy and his Trog.
This Tweet quotes @uranimus, who shared fan art of Strong Bad riding a flying Trogdor.
2 Dec 2019

I like how it almost looks like my arm suddenly turns to beef behind Trogdor's body there.
This Tweet is a reply to @uranimus's fan art of Strong Bad riding a flying Trogdor.
2 Dec 2019

Tweet image for 2 Dec 2019
It's tHybermonday! I'm s'posed to remind folks to place any Homestore orders by December 5th if you wanna get em by Decemberween (Dec. 25)! There goes the tHyberman!

(thy berman? thy dungeberman?)

2 Dec 2019

Or did I?!
This Tweet is a reply to @vhurple, who implied that Strong Bad's podcast proposal was a joke.
2 Dec 2019

I say we just start making "Marzipan's Answering Ma-podcast."

"Hi, this is Marzipan. Please leave me an entire podcast after the beep. And Strong Sad, no more deep dives into the members of Joy Division's footwear." BEEP!
This Tweet quotes @AwesomePhone, who asked Strong Bad for another Marzipan's Answering Machine.
2 Dec 2019

Part of me says, "man those paper digipacks do NOT age well," but then another part of me says "whoa! that old dvd looks cool and vintage like my Frampton Comes Alive LP!"
This Tweet is a reply to @TheAwesomeGodMa, who shared a photo of their beaten-up copy of Everything Else, Vol. 2.
2 Dec 2019

Standinating under an elephant...
This Tweet is a reply to the same @pastormarksc Tweet as before.
2 Dec 2019

Burninating the weird spinal column thing!!
This Tweet is a reply to @pastormarksc, who noticed a drawing of Trogdor amid other doodles on a restaurant wall.
2 Dec 2019

They're only 17. You can hold off crumbling to dust for another 7 months. (their voices were recorded specifically for the dvd snipppet, not way back when the toon was originally being made/unfinished)
This Tweet is a reply to @antihumorous, who lamented over being old because Preshy and Rafferty's voice actors were now adults.
2 Dec 2019

You just call them "Turbo Consummate V's" and make tuff hot rod engine noises as you move Trogdor around. S'what I do anyways.
This Tweet is a reply to @pacmastermeow, who asked what happens if Cranjegg (the Keeper who grants diagonal movement) gains Consummate V's.
2 Dec 2019

Video thumbnail for 1 Dec 2019
With all this talk of dvds and bonus feech, I thought I'd share this snippet of the classic bonus documentary "Why Come Only One Girl?" from Everything Else Vol 2. in which Homestar Runner gets attempted murdered by his maybe-relatives. homestore-runner.myshopify.com/collections/dv...

Video Transcript

See the "Preshy and Rafferty" part of Why Come Only One Girl?

1 Dec 2019

Maybe. But rereleasing a buncha crap I made a decade or two ago is way less fun and exciting than things like new-board-game-make (which I suppose one could argue was technically a tabletop rerelease of the Trogdor arcade game so i'ma shut up).
This Tweet is a reply to @ContextVariable, who suggested crowdfunding the re-release of out-of-print DVDs.
1 Dec 2019

Take it up with the publisher. I already somehow willed the comic into existence just by answering somebody's email. Haven't I done enough?!!
This Tweet is a reply to @tcy_alex, who pointed out the existence of two duplicate issue numbers of Strong Badman.
1 Dec 2019

Yes, the problem here is a severe lack of Stiny's to re-output all the sbemails, toons, bonus content, menus, dvd Easter eggs, etc. Strong Badman shoulda cloned that guy back in issue 12 when he had the chance!
This Tweet is a reply to @Austiccioli, who suggested the release of a Blu-ray boxed set of DVDs and called on Stiny to remaster the files.
1 Dec 2019

Nice detective work! Never thought to check the Quote of the Week. I just did a search for 'turkey' and it didn't come up.
This Tweet is a reply to @tcy_alex, who found Strong Bad's "T-give" song listed as a Quote of the Week from November 2002.
1 Dec 2019

No silence. I'll put all that stuff up eventually. It's just me and The Cheat so summa that stuff takes a while.
This Tweet is a reply to @cillobillo, who responded to @splattorz's request with "And so the silence..."
1 Dec 2019

Video thumbnail for 1 Dec 2019

(no text)

This Tweet is a reply to @splattorz, who requested high-quality rips of DVD-exclusive content.

Video Transcript

See the "Preshy and Rafferty" part of Why Come Only One Girl?

1 Dec 2019

Or just laziness and a complete lack of motivation.
This Tweet is a reply to @invisibleswitch, who suggested misplacement of files as a reason why Strong Bad Sings took so long to be put online.
1 Dec 2019

[edit] November

Text / Transcript Date / Link
I already dumped all my files on the Internet for free a long time ago. It's called HomestarRunner.com. Grip em and rip em!
This Tweet is a reply to @splattorz, who asked Strong Bad to dump files from the DVDs on the internet.
30 Nov 2019

If you're watching/playing my stuff for the canon, you might be doing it wrong.
This Tweet is a reply to @BuddhistCheese, who wanted to know if Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People was canon.
30 Nov 2019

Event sounds, dog. Event sounds.
This Tweet is a reply to @beatchu, who noted that Homestar's line in Some Stupid Turkey kept playing even when the Flash file was paused.
30 Nov 2019

No screen protecto. Just wraparoundo the sides-o.
This Tweet is a reply to @KevinSigmu, who asked whether the Compy iPhone case had a screen protector.
30 Nov 2019

hey @ja2ke, did you help with this? all good SBCG4AP roads lead to Rodkin. Roadkin? All good roadkins lead to rodkin?!
This Tweet is a reply to the disc 6 intro Tweet.
30 Nov 2019

No plans to currently. DVD has been on the cusp of obsolescence for over a decade so it's been hard to commit the time and $ to re-pressing/blu-raying them, never knowing when some large corporation will decide its's time for the format to die. Hey kinda like Flash! *sniff*
This Tweet is a reply to @ASmash_kirby, asking if the DVDs will ever be sold again.
30 Nov 2019

Hey! Give those bagels a break! It's hard to render our 2D styles in voluptuous 3D! Charlie Browniem'n STILL hasn't figured it out and he's old as Pigpen dirt!
This Tweet is a reply to @Leavittman1, who quoted the disc 6 intro Tweet and approved of the SBCG4AP style, saying the other DVD menus looked like bagels.
30 Nov 2019

Where you been at the last 5 years man?! I've tweeted several half-decent things over the years added up to AT LEAST 4.5 decent!
This Tweet is a reply to @FunkyBroMedina, who noticed that Strong Bad had a Twitter account.
30 Nov 2019

Video thumbnail for 30 Nov 2019
Man! I DO NOT remember this intro to strongbad_email.exe@disc 6. Rendered in SBCG4AP style?! Karate Car 2?! The digital sands of time, they wear the edges off your memory with their sharp, square pixel edges.

Video Transcript

See the Introduction for strongbad_email.exe Disc Six.

30 Nov 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @scottfryberger, who told Strong Bad he should start a podcast.
30 Nov 2019

Tweet image for 29 Nov 2019
It's Bubs Friday! Everybody go buy some crap that you don't need for people you don't really like all that much!
29 Nov 2019

It's actually this weird song I sang one Thanksgiving and now I can't remember where or how it was presented on the website. Not even the hrwiki lists it but I've had fans ask me about it. Gotta dig through some old floppies. It went: T-give. Everybody eat a turkey. C'mon.
This Tweet is a reply to @BenCKinney, who replied to the previous Tweet asking if it was meant to be sung to the tune of "Everybody to the Limit".
28 Nov 2019

Tweet image for 28 Nov 2019
T-give. Everybody BE a turkey. C'mon. T-give. Everybody BE a turkey. C'mon.
28 Nov 2019

T-shirts have been print-on-demand since 2014 when the attic full of all the other crap collapsed under the weight of thousands of unsold Cheat Commandos figurines.
This Tweet is a reply to @changeformatt, who replied to the previous Tweet asking if print-on-demand products will replace products being stored in the attic until shipped.
25 Nov 2019

Tweet image for 25 Nov 2019
Get the cold ones-enthusiast in your life a faux-cross stitch pillow featuring the most famous of my bogus mathematical theorems! Plus a buncha other new crap in the print-on-demand store:
25 Nov 2019

When Coach Z tries to say "ARROWED!"
This Tweet quotes @HoggsBison, who posted a picture of Aroy-D coconut milk.
25 Nov 2019

Ow! My inspection certificate is on file at the front desk!!!
This Tweet quotes @KazulGFox, who saw Elevator D and read it as "Elevator'd!"
24 Nov 2019

(no text)

This Tweet links to Fan 'Stumes 2019 on homestarrunner.com.
This Tweet is a reply to @The_Homestarmy, who asked for Fan Stumes to be put on the website.
23 Nov 2019

Video thumbnail for 23 Nov 2019
Sorry for the takelong! Here's a taste of this year's Fan 'Stumes. And then here's a link to the whole deal:


Thanks to everybody who still dresses up as me and my fellow dumb animal characters!!

Video Transcript

See Fan 'Stumes 2019, only up to the first costume.

23 Nov 2019

Tweet image for 15 Nov 2019
Mmmmmmmaybe. A few lucky types got prototype versions at GenCon this year but it's totally untested currently. I would not hold breath and instead hold horses.
This Tweet is a reply to @_tim_davenport, who replied to the previous Tweet and wondered if it could lead into an expansion set.
15 Nov 2019

Tweet image for 14 Nov 2019
Tweet image for 14 Nov 2019
Unused Peasant Ideas:

-the double-beef peasant sounds like a delicious burger that Trogdor would devour

-the belt-fed Gatling Peasant woulda been a formidable foe for the Burninator
14 Nov 2019

It's what I do! Sorta! 'Cept also with cool explosions and slow-mo punches somehow!
This Tweet is a reply to @10D_36, who replied to the previous Tweet and listed a long string of events from actions leading to world peace, thanking Strong Bad for bringing world peace.
13 Nov 2019

Yes! The answer is yes! Plans! Followed soon after by some actions!
This Tweet is a reply to @10D_36, who asked if there were plans to release songs from outside Strong Bad Sings to streaming services.
12 Nov 2019

Isn't that GREAT?!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Bouserthedog, who compared a picture of face-shaped vapor trails posted by @alice_herb to Saddy Dumpington appearing from the heavens.
10 Nov 2019

Tweet image for 8 Nov 2019
Grumbledown Strong Bad comes with everything you see here. *Grumbleaction Carrot sold separately
8 Nov 2019

Tweet image for 7 Nov 2019
"Teh Ch8t easily bypassed the Videlectrix outer core with his custom 28.8 Totaltronics holocraunch sim-dogger. I stayed jacked in to the mainframe with my sawed-off Atari taze-chuk aimed at the door in case the 'Trix decided to get cute with their Good Graphics Clones."
7 Nov 2019

Tell me the truth though, you kiiinda wished there was a delicious, Naples-style gourmet Trog-pizza inside that cool black box though, right?
This Tweet is a reply to @justinlfredette, who posted a picture of a Trogdor game box still in bubble wrap.
7 Nov 2019

Same place it always is. A couple weeks after Halloween.
This Tweet is a reply to @bjr12777, who asked where the Fan Costumes cartoon was.
7 Nov 2019

Many agreements!
This Tweet is a reply to @Cloudscout, who posted a picture of a CRT screen with the email lackey playing on it and opined that it was the best way to watch.
6 Nov 2019

Video thumbnail for 6 Nov 2019
Here's a little bonus scene from "Strong Bad's Ghost Enters the Homestar Runner, Thereby Possessing him Demonically."

Video Transcript

{The cover of Strong Bad's Ghost Enters The Homestar Runner, Thereby Possessing Him Demonically is shown. The page turns. A smug The Homestar Runner stands at a podium in the storybook field, being presented a star-shaped trophy by Coach Zee.}

STRONG BAD: {narrating} And just before he accepted a lifetime achievement award for being a terrific athlete...

{Tiny-Handed Strong Bad's ghost floats in from the left}

STRONG BAD: Strong Bad's ghost entered the Homestar Runner, possessing him demonically.

{Strong Bad's ghost enters The Homestar Runner, who looks concerned for a moment before turning green and gaining horns, fangs, Strong Bad's mask pattern, and a scowl.}


{He starts vomiting eyeballs into Coach Zee's hand}

COACH ZEE: That's it. Let it out there, son. A little eyeball barf is a perfectly natural side effect of extreme try-harding.

STRONG BAD: Said Coach Z juuuust a little too comfortably.

6 Nov 2019

Aw man! The 'Trix rejected my idea for "Strong Bad's Downpuncher" years ago!! They missed out! They better get on "Dangeresque: Looks Like I'm Gonna Have to Endless JuuuUUUUump!" right away!
This Tweet is a reply to @lightmanx5, who quoted @Salman_Shh's "downpuncher" showcase and simply asked, "Videlectrix?"
4 Nov 2019

Strong Bad's Secret Collect Downpuncher Deluxe!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Salman_Shh, who made a golf-like game with a square ball being punched by boxing gloves, and asked for name suggestions.
4 Nov 2019

Just in time for dumb holiday sales, the basic version of Trogdor!! The Board Game has been put a-sale for $30 bucks!
4 Nov 2019

I can't decide if I am proud of this or not.
This Tweet is a reply to @itsThelonious, who said Strong Bad invented Vaporwave with crazy cartoon.
2 Nov 2019

So... many... incredible/terrible/obscure costumes... must. not. crack wise. on twitter. must... save... snark... for... fan costume commentary... cartoon... in a couple... weeeeeks!
This Tweet is a reply to the Tweet with the notice to send pictures of costumes.
1 Nov 2019

[edit] October

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Definitely a first! Erweenga finally gets its due!
This Tweet is a reply to @General_Torpor, whose child said a creature carved into a pumpkin was an "Erweenga".

Fun Facts

30 Oct 2019

And here's a flash version for those of you that don't like to be able to press pause!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous tweet.
30 Oct 2019

Gather round, short children! It's a new Halloween cartoon!
This Tweet links to The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods on YouTube.
30 Oct 2019

Trogdor the Embroidenated! He lasts so long because he feeds on alligators, penguins, tigers, and polo players and their snooty steeds!
This Tweet is a reply to @Mr__Peterson, who shared a photo of his Trogdor polo, commenting on how well it had held up.
26 Oct 2019

Technically this counts. Your social media marketing dressed up as Homestar characters I guess?! Mostly you get points for that adorable The Cheat kitty. I am definitely making him wear a li'l bandana from now. He's a roguish scampdrel!
This Tweet is a reply to @Crunchyroll, who shared artwork of their anime characters dressed as Homestar and Strong Bad (and a cat dressed as The Cheat).
26 Oct 2019

Do NOT let that punkin out of your bafroom!!!
This Tweet is a reply to @MomoNaryan, who shared a photo of a carved S is for Sucks Dragon pumpkin sitting on the rim of a bathtub.
26 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 25 Oct 2019
Don't forget to tweet me your fantastic/terrible H⭐️R-related Halloween costumes so I can repudiate them at a later date! (thanks to these peeps who put bowls on their heads and sent me the pic a few years ago)
25 Oct 2019

Video thumbnail for 22 Oct 2019
Halloween 2019 Silhouette Teaser!

Video Transcript

See The Homestar Runner Enters The Spooky Woods Teaser.

22 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 21 Oct 2019
This Tweet is a reply to @AverySune, who asked when the Halloween promo would be out.
21 Oct 2019

You captured "Strong Sad in Agony Whilst Brushing his Teeth" perfectly!
This Tweet is a reply to @TedZanzibar, who made a pancake and said it looked like Strong Sad.
20 Oct 2019

Video thumbnail for 20 Oct 2019
Peoples keep showing me these unearthed 'Reverse Cup' trophies from that Mario-C Pro-Am game saying they look like Homestar and now this is all I keep hearing in my head:
This Tweet quotes @Karasz_Arts, who commented that the unused Reverse Cup trophies found in the data of the Mario Kart: Double Dash demo looked like Homestar Runner.

Video Transcript

See Social Media Crap Compilation 1#Reverse Cup Trophy
20 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 19 Oct 2019
Oh man! The dreaded pre-con contort! Come demo Trogdor with me @MultiverseCon today at 2:30! multiversecon.org
19 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 19 Oct 2019
Oops, wrong frame of animated gif. HERE's the horrors:
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
19 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 19 Oct 2019
That's not what Marshie with a body looks like. It's MUUUUCH worse!!
This Tweet is a reply to @PrinceFelix, who posted a bag of Pumpkin Spice-flavored marshmallows with a Marshie-like mascot.
19 Oct 2019

Me?! You're the awesome one willing to have their flesh permanently gouged with ink in the shape of my adorable counterpart! I only briefly flirted with the idea of having BETHANY branded onto my forehead.
This Tweet is a reply to @b_thanyHOPE, who responded favorably to Strong Bad's comment about the The Cheat tattoo.
16 Oct 2019

This is, of course, a reference to everyone's favorite guest conductor whisper-walla:
This Tweet links to a clip from the Looney Tunes cartoon "Long-Haired Hare", showing Bugs Bunny as Leopold Stokowski.
This Tweet is a reply to @strumphs, who was in a thread with @exit322 responding to the King of Town tattoo link, quoting the narrator's disclaimer in the Butter-da Easter egg from the bet.
16 Oct 2019

THIS is what I'm tawgnabout! Faceless The Cheat tattoos will make even the most mundane lemon perusal an activity to remember!
This Tweet is a reply to @b_thanyHOPE, who responded to the Tweet linking to the King of Town tattoo with a picture of a The Cheat tattoo.
16 Oct 2019

Paint Daubs: the scourge of Pumpkin Days everywhere.
This Tweet is a reply to @3nails4you, who posted a picture of a children's book containing painted pumpkins.
16 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 16 Oct 2019

This Tweet was pinned.

ATL and southeastern-types! I'll be @MultiverseCon in Atlanta this weekend! Come play Trogdor!! The Board Game with me and my wrinkly puppet neck! More info here: multiversecon.org #Multiverse2019
16 Oct 2019

Yes!! I can't wait to barfa buncha peasants to their eternal doom!
This Tweet is a reply to @YoshiAngemon, who made a Void Tower painted like Strong Bad.
15 Oct 2019

Is this FOR REAL?!! A King of Town tattoo?!! This has to be the only one of these in existence. You get points for reckless individuality I suppose?
This Tweet quotes @Mrjughead4, who shared a King of Town tattoo.
15 Oct 2019

I would not recommend sharing anything with that man.
This Tweet is a reply to @nwsayer, who Tweeted a picture of a can with the message "Share a Coke with Coach" with a "Z" written in afterwards.
9 Oct 2019

This fan gif is totally accurate! I always bounce 8 times before unleashing my vicious right barely-punch! It's devastating to any and all Strong Sad shoulders unfortunate enough to be within range!
This Tweet quotes @GhostpepperPain, who made a tiny animation of Strong Bad bouncing and punching.
9 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 8 Oct 2019
The Cheat takes us all to the Creepo Depot with his animation for today's #inktober2019day8 #frail.
8 Oct 2019

Ah, nothing heralds the coming of autumn like the smell of NO PAINT DAUBS!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Th3M4r, who posted a picture of a pumpkin with Strong Bad's masked painted on.
7 Oct 2019

Legend has it that Valoo and Trogdor used to lay waste together on Tueday evenings! That sounds way grosser than it should!
This Tweet is a reply to @RealElkGravy, who posted an image made by someone else of a group of dragon characters, guessing that they're heading to a fight with Trogdor.
7 Oct 2019

Ugh! This is the time of year when the King of Town spreads pumpkin malaise on friggin EVERYTHING he eats!
This Tweet is a reply to @schep_, who posted a pumpkin carved in Strong Sad's image with the caption "mood: pumpkin malaise".
7 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 7 Oct 2019
Just found these .wbmp files from a proposed WAP site from nigh on 20 years ago! Dang, Ericsson! Looks like it woulda been a pile-a-minute!
7 Oct 2019

Hmm. Sounds like somebody's holdin' out on you. It's always been all 12 characters.
This Tweet is a reply to @trott, who said in a thread with @MylesBorins that the set of meeples gifted to him by @stefan667 was missing three characters.
3 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 3 Oct 2019
3 o' dems.
This Tweet is a reply to @fusePS, who responded to the previous Tweet asking where the consummate Vs were.
3 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 3 Oct 2019
I Inktobulated! #bait #inktoberday3
3 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 3 Oct 2019
That is all.
This Tweet is a reply to @Mrjughead4, who responded to the meeple Shopify Tweet, asking for a glimpse at the year's Halloween toon.
3 Oct 2019

Six and Twelve!
This Tweet is a reply to @TrashJack, who responded to the meeple Shopify Tweet asking how many meeples Homestar ate before and after being told that meeples are not candy.
3 Oct 2019

No but if you drop the Homestar one into warm water it might make it pee its meeple pants. Er, meep its mants? Peep its stamp? Meepeep its peeplants.... there we go.
This Tweet is a reply to @TheSpaceChamp, who responded to the meeple Shopify Tweet asking if another character would pop out if a meeple is dropped into warm water.
3 Oct 2019

I would recommend only stacking 'em to the rafters. Mmmmmmaybe the treetops if you're feeling friskles.
This Tweet is a reply to @ArcaneCorona, who responded to the meeple Shopify Tweet saying stacking them to the heavens was still an option.
3 Oct 2019

The Cheat is always poking his sharp muzzle/headtip/anvil point thing right in my neck! How'd you know?
This Tweet is a reply to @TeeDeeKay, who posted a stack of Homestar character meeples in response to the previous Tweet.
3 Oct 2019

These are NOT Halloween candy! Do not eat them for fun nor profit! But feel free to drop them into whatever tabletop shenanigans in which you find yourself embroiled.
This Tweet links to Homestar Runner Character Meeples at the Homestar Runner Shopify store.
3 Oct 2019

I will accept that.
This Tweet is a reply to @QuillOsborne, who responded to the Creamulon 7 Tweet saying Teen Girl Squad was the best thing about the website.
2 Oct 2019

Tweet me out so nice to this here style right here!
This Tweet is a reply to @LysolPionex, who asked the best way to send a picture of a Halloween costume.
2 Oct 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @its_bvisness, who quoted Strong Bad's previous reply and said receiving it was second to winning the Punkin Show in terms of achievements in life.
2 Oct 2019

Nice!! What's your recipe for Cheatcakes? The Cheat says a pinch of freshly grated baldric is the key but I'm pretty sure he made that spice up.
This Tweet is a reply to @its_bvisness, who made Cheatcakes and melonade to go along with a game of Trogdor.
1 Oct 2019

Ah, the cross-universe/cross-property love of the suffix -ulon.
This Tweet is a reply to @kehander, who responded to the Creamulon 7 Tweet saying the Beef Stroganauts won't know what hit them.
1 Oct 2019

That'd be called The Corn of Creamulon Deep: SRC (submersible research commodity)
This Tweet is a reply to @austinmpriest, who responded to the previous Tweet saying "subsidized" sounds more like a deep-sea sci-fi word.
1 Oct 2019

Tweet image for 1 Oct 2019
I've been wanting to draw this ever since I chucked that can of creamed corn at Gron Sad.
1 Oct 2019

[edit] September

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Never from the void! Peasant spawning always comes from Trogdor's health which is a weird symbiotic relationship that's gross and pretty disturbing if you think about it. Strong Sad wrote a song about peasant spawning even (track 6):
This Tweet links to Trogdor!! the Board Game Rulebook on Spotify.
This Tweet is a reply to @raginghulkbruce, who wanted to know if peasants could be spawned from the void in the Trogdor board game.
24 Sep 2019

The Rulebook Album I made to teach folk how to play Trogdor!! The Board Game is now also on the various streamulated services. Feat. Limozeen, sloshy, Taranchula, Coach Z, even Strong Sad somehow!
This Tweet links to Trogdor!! the Board Game Rulebook on Spotify.
19 Sep 2019

I wish it were up to me! How bout I just make a virtual reality game called "Dange-VR-esque: The Mighty Oak Has Fallen And OH Look Out It's Falling Directly On You Because This Is VR!!" instead?
This Tweet is a reply to @HSR_History, who asked if there was a way to get SBCG4AP on the Nintendo Switch.
19 Sep 2019

OR simply The Fudgemuda Triangle: a pile of the wreckage of desserts that attempted to navigate through it.
This Tweet is a reply to the same @WayCool64 Tweet as before.
19 Sep 2019

A Dessert So Dense Not Even Light Can Escape Its Pull
This Tweet is a reply to @WayCool64, who asked Strong Bad the dangerous name he would give for a given chocolate-packed milkshake.
19 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 19 Sep 2019
Some random Kickstarter promoshe! I don't know these peeps but check out this game Savior from @WestonPDX! It lets you WALL JUMP ON A GIANT HAMMER GUY'S FACE!! And here I thought ledge-dangle was the best side-scrollies had to offer! Pledge it up here: kck.st/2ZN5xSi
19 Sep 2019

(I know it's way more than just phone-style support. didn't mean to lessen your hard work! I was referring to my janky ol' website as being the same)
This Tweet is a reply to Strong Bad's previous reply to @Herschel.
19 Sep 2019

Soon! ALL the dumbest traxx will be uploaded and applauded!
This Tweet is a reply to @bellmandi86, who suggested Grumblecakes on streaming services in response to a previous Tweet.
18 Sep 2019

This is important work you're doing! It's like you're six jillion dollar manning me...
A website barely alive.
We can rebuild it.
We have the technology.
We can make it preh much exactly like it was 'cept now it'll work on phones.
This Tweet is a reply to @Herschel, who showed interactive function in Ruffle in response to Strong Bad's query about the contrast dial.
18 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 18 Sep 2019
I'll see your ceiling fan and raise you a beaded curtain!
This Tweet is a reply to @ArkRetrocade, who responded to a post by @agistuff showing a Leisure Suit Larry sprite and compared it to Twin Peaks and Dangeresque.
18 Sep 2019

But what news of the contrast dial, man?! What news?! How will anyone be able to watch sbemails without the pointless ability to tint the screen blue?!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Herschel, who posted updates on Ruffle, a Flash player emulator, including improving rendering on Strong Bad Emails.
18 Sep 2019

Never before have four slightly different shades of orange conveyed so much long-sought, hard-fought glory and triumph!
This Tweet is a reply to @CraigArgh, who responded to a @JanelleCShane Tweet saying getting the flask in Thy Dungeonman 3 is worth it.
17 Sep 2019

I'm pretty sure the part about the unicorn, the trumpets wailing, and pensive smiles are just lyrics from Limozeen's unfortunately spelled ballad "Mid-evil Layday (lemme be your wylde squire)."
This Tweet is a reply to @JanelleCShane, who replied to the previous Tweet with a screenshot of a neural net simulation of a text adventure, starting with a Thy Dungeonman-based prompt.
17 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 17 Sep 2019
Oh Thy Dungeondang! @JanelleCShane is proving that it takes a neural net to write a text adventure as frustrating as the real thing! Videlectrix should hire this A.I.!
This Tweet quotes @JanelleCShane, who commented that the neural net-generated text adventure she was playing reminded her of Thy Dungeonman.
17 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 17 Sep 2019
You mean a riveting game where you collect UPC symbols from Cheat Commandos toys and trade them for mail-order-only exclusive playsets so you can destroy Blue Laser?!!
This Tweet is a reply to @djbower, who replied to the Trogdor sale announcement asking when development for a Cheat Commandos board game would start.
17 Sep 2019

Ah gotcha. Well I'm glad you dig the game! And if I move enough Trog-units and diversify my bottom lines and quantitate my overheads, maybe I can do a reprint!
This Tweet is a reply to @DM_Eck, who replied to the previous Tweet saying that it'd mean fewer people getting the game.
16 Sep 2019

Wait, why is that a bummer?
This Tweet is a reply to @DM_Eck, who replied to the previous Tweet.
16 Sep 2019

These are the extra leftovers from the Kickstarter!
This Tweet is a reply to @DM_Eck, who quoted the Trogdor sale Tweet, expressing relief at the possibility of new prints of the game.
16 Sep 2019

You got to be a part of the soft launch that was for folks who asked to be notified when we were selling it to the public at large. This is the hard rollout followed by a semi-solid marketing push divided by a mushy fire sale wrapped up with a stale corporate buyout! Bizness!
This Tweet is a reply to @Yukia_Epin, who replied to the previous Tweet having already purchased the board game.
16 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 16 Sep 2019

This Tweet was pinned.

At long last, I hereby unleash Trogdor!! The Board Game FOR SALE unto the masses! Buy the burnination here: homestore-runner.myshopify.com/collections/tr...
16 Sep 2019

Ha! Good point-out! That was definitely not intentional but I think the more things in the world that we all see a little Tompkins in, the better!
This Tweet quotes @aeryfairy, who compared the look of a cottage figurine from Trogdor!! The Board Game to Tompkins.
14 Sep 2019

It's an evidence photo. I think he's mounting a civil suit.
This Tweet is a reply to @Monobrobe, who responded to the "creamed corn cease fire" Tweet asking why Strong Sad was pointing to the can.
14 Sep 2019

Hey but it looks like your rage quit was successful! That's the best way to "lose" at Trogdor!
This Tweet is a reply to @tgerz, who posted the progress of a Trogdor board game session, ending with a successful Fiery Rage.
14 Sep 2019

It's just a twitter weirdness issue. Go into the app or on the website and it'll work. Also it's on Amazon Music and Apple Music and some-a the other ones too.
This Tweet is a reply to @ChrisKeilman, who encountered a similar region-locking error as previous Tweets.
14 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 13 Sep 2019
It's a new day and everything is back to normal. The creamed corn cease fire has been lifted!
13 Sep 2019

This is fantastic! I hope no explanations were given to weirded-out in-laws.
This Tweet is a reply to @fwonkas, who responded to the Apple Music Tweet saying "It's Like It Was Meant To Be" was the last song at the wedding reception.
12 Sep 2019

Video thumbnail for 13 Sep 2019
Strong Sad's @danieljohnston tribute. I just couldn't bring myself to throw creamed corn at him like I planned.

Video Transcript

{Strong Bad uncovers the lens of a camera, which is recording footage of a silhouetted Strong Sad from just outside the room. He is playing the piano. The camera unfocuses and refocuses.}

STRONG SAD: {singing}
Your picture
is still
on my wall
on my wall

The colors
are bright
as ever

The red is strong
The blue is pure

{Strong Sad sits up straight.}

STRONG SAD: {singing}
Some things last a long time
{choking up} Some things last a long time

{Strong Sad breaks down weeping. The camera pans to the floor as the video ends.}

Fun Facts

  • This Tweet refers to the passing of singer-songwriter Daniel Johnston. Strong Sad performs a rendition of his song Some Things Last a Long Time.
13 Sep 2019

It's a secret, remember! Not its own song!
This Tweet is a reply to @babypopdipstick, who replied to the Spotify Tweet asking the Secret Song where it was.
12 Sep 2019

There are weird limits on compilations and various artists albums. So I just took all the credit. I think I can re-upload them as singles with the correct artist names.
This Tweet is a reply to @ProtagonJones, who replied to the Spotify Tweet and noted that Strong Bad was listed as the artist for every song.
11 Sep 2019

Prolly shoulda mentioned that it's on Amazon and Apple Music too. 'Streamins' was meant to refer to all thems.
This Tweet is a reply to the Spotify Tweet.
11 Sep 2019

It's just a weird twitter thing. If you have the Spotify app or go to the website it should work. Apple Music and Amazon Music too.
This Tweet is a reply to @RobertBudning, who replied to the Spotify Tweet saying it wasn't available in Canada.
11 Sep 2019

There were weird limits on compilations and various artists albums so I just took credit for it all myself.
This Tweet is a reply to @Pizzawitjo, who quoted the Spotify Tweet and noted that Strong Bad was listed as the artist for every song.
11 Sep 2019

They're comin!
This Tweet is a reply to @ScarletMacaw7, who expressed gratitude for Strong Bad Sings being on iTunes and suggested Sloshy songs next.
11 Sep 2019

It does that for me too. I think it's a weird twitter thing. Try it in the app or website proper maybe?
This Tweet is a reply to @KBABZonTV, who responded to the Spotify Tweet relaying similar region-locking issues as the previous Tweets.
11 Sep 2019

Should be on there soon.
This Tweet is a reply to @NickVez, who replied to the Spotify Tweet suggesting Apple Music as another streaming venue.
11 Sep 2019

It's just a weird Twitter thing I think. I get the same weird message when I click on it now. Try it straight from the app/website mebbe.
This Tweet is a reply to @ScrakenVG, who replied to the Spotify Tweet saying the link was blocked in Canada.
11 Sep 2019

Wha?! I didn't know that was a thing! It's prolly Bubs throttlin' me down!
This Tweet is a reply to @Somath_Cegem, who replied to the previous Tweet saying it was region-locked and blaming Homestar.
11 Sep 2019

I finally caught up to 2011 and put Strong Bad Sings on the streamins! With more jams to come! Stream it up, stream it down!
This Tweet links to Strong Bad on Spotify.
11 Sep 2019

That ad's got rotatey wireframe computer graphics so you KNOW it's legit!
This Tweet is a reply to @UncleBibby, who posted a video of an advertisement for Game Boy Advance Video in response to @georgehoctor404's comparison of the product to the Stinkoman SCQTV GIF.
11 Sep 2019

Ooh! That reminds me, I should totally sell the shirt that surfer kid wears that says "kid" on it.
This Tweet is a reply to @kphiled, who replied to the previous Tweet, saying the cartoon remains popular among Generation X.
10 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 10 Sep 2019
Even the SCQTV port of Secret Collect got gripping animated cutscenes in between levels, ripped right from its terrible Saturday morning cartoon! Collect, collect, collehhhhct!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
10 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 10 Sep 2019
This is what "fullscreen video cutscenes" meant in the CD-ROM version of Stinkoman 20X6 for the short-lived Videlectrix SCQTV (lovingly pronounced "Skewty Vee"). Which actually stood for Super-Compressed QuickTime Videos. Nothing like watching grainy cartoons in a tiny box!
10 Sep 2019

I will answer with a firm "prolly."
This Tweet is a reply to @Mrjughead4, who asked if there would be a Halloween special this year.
8 Sep 2019

No copies of the game come with the Homestar meeples included. Those were a separate add-on and will only be sold in the Homestar online store once we start selling the leftover Kickstarter copies of the game.
This Tweet is a reply to @Monobrobe, who asked if a site selling the board game was a legitimate venue and if the Homestar meeples would be included.
6 Sep 2019

I still prefer this guy:
This Tweet is a reply to @colincidence, who showed the ship emoji and compared it to Homestar.
6 Sep 2019

They stole one of The Cheat's skin-molts! Usually we just crumple those up under the sink with the rest of the plastic grocery bags.
This Tweet is a reply to @realShuaster, who posted a picture of a group of fans cosplaying as Homestar Runner characters, one of whom was holding a The Cheat-shaped jacket.
6 Sep 2019

More like thank YOU for purchasing my 16 year-old figurines! I also have an 18-year old can of minced meat! It's even more vintage!
This Tweet is a reply to @VonAether, who thanked Strong Bad for a set of series 1 figurines.
5 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 4 Sep 2019
I have been corrected that apparently I DID sell these like over a decade go and completely forgot! Thanks to those who bought em back then for reminding me! It's even on hrwiki.org! Well, er, um, uh... TGS Hoodies are BACK! REBOOT! RELAUNCH! SOFT OPEN! COLD SAMMICH!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Teespring Tweet.
4 Sep 2019

Ha! I completely forgot! It's even right there on the Homestar wiki! We even sold a "My Baby Got Stole By A Bear Holding A Shark" hoodie at one point apparently! I defdon't remember that one at all! Well, TGS hoodies are back! I guess!
This Tweet is a reply to @cjekyl, who replied to the previous Tweet and had owned the Teen Girl Squad hoodie for about a decade.
4 Sep 2019

How did I never sell Teen Girl Squad hoodies before? Well, I do now:
This Tweet links to the Teen Girl Squad hoodie in Strong Bad's Specialty Shoppe.
4 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 3 Sep 2019

This Tweet was pinned.

So @SpilledBees got an amazing Bear Holding a Shark tattoo. Let's see if it makes a good substitute for the real thing.
This Tweet quotes @SpilledBees, who shared a Bear Holding a Shark tattoo.
3 Sep 2019

My favorite jam back in the day was Coach Z for presi-
This Tweet is a reply to @wochie, who responded to the previous Tweet continuing the A Tribe Called Quest reference.
3 Sep 2019

Old Man Rub, represent represent-sent. Trog-Board Game, represent represent-sent.
This Tweet quotes @GTGamesLLC, who bragged that Strong Bad was at their Gen Con booth.

Fun Facts

3 Sep 2019

See here:
This Tweet links to the @rejectedjokes Tweet featuring the cake the Tweet was based on.
This Tweet is a reply to @BigBearDAC, who replied to the "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Tweet asking why the eyes were cycloptic Strong Sad heads.
2 Sep 2019

Freakin me out man!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Nathani39246655, who replied to the "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Tweet calling Homestar's smile uncanny.
2 Sep 2019

That is fantastic! But not half as fantastic as that mustard yellow rotary phone in the background of this picture!! A win for Trogdor AND analog telecommunications!
This Tweet is a reply to @SonshineMusic, who posted a picture with @AchingHope and a completed Trogdor board game.
2 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 2 Sep 2019
This Tweet quotes @radcouch, who compared a cake seen in a @rejectedjokes Tweet to Homestar Runner.
2 Sep 2019

Tweetin' Ain't Workin' (said some current terrible country singer probably)
This Tweet is a reply to @Trans_Artists, who responded to the Labor Dabor Tweet by reciting the line, "What's the big idea workin' on Labor's Day?"
2 Sep 2019

The Cheat tried to license em but the bowling overlords didn't like the idea of their patrons imagining their pins as being full of tiny skeletons and guts and pints of bloodspray.
This Tweet is a reply to @CurusKeel, who replied in 2017 to the Tweet linked in the previous Tweet, saying they would play at a bowling alley that played the animations.
2 Sep 2019

In honor of being lazy on this fine Labor Dabor, I'ma just retweet one of my fav easter eggs The Cheat ever done.
This Tweet quotes an earlier Tweet with a link to The Cheat's bowling animations featured in Labor Dabor.
2 Sep 2019

I said YET. Puppet Homestar incept date: 9/03. Puppet Me incept date 1/05.
This Tweet is a reply to @georgehoctor404, who replied to the previous "no puppet" Tweet with a link to Biz Cas Fri 1.
2 Sep 2019

The non-loafing will never cease! As for advice, never try to put entire intact pine branches down the garbage disposal. It makes a really awesome sound and will definitely overpower the gross 3 weeks-old dirty dishes smell but you can kiss your security deposit gone-bye.
This Tweet is a reply to @BlakeFH, who asked for advice on living alone for the first time, and posted a computer room with a custom-made No Loafing sign.
2 Sep 2019

I didn't have no puppet yet back then! It's not my fault!
This Tweet is a reply to @georgehoctor404, who celebrated Labor Day by posting a link to Labor Dabor and noted its lack of Strong Bad.
2 Sep 2019

They did. It sold out.

You can streamin's it though:

Maybe they'll repress someday. Or at least depress.
This Tweet links to sloshy on Spotify.
This Tweet is a reply to @BullMoose, who asked how they could get The B-est of B-sides onto an actual 7-inch.
2 Sep 2019

Tweet image for 1 Sep 2019
Items can only be used and recharged on your turn (unless somebody's playing as The Cheat. then anything can happen!).
This Tweet is a reply to @MarcusRaven86, who asked if item recharge is possible on other players' turns.
1 Sep 2019

I say frothtrocity, do you know the times?!
This Tweet is a reply to @Roboticbigfoot, who posted a cup of espresso that supposedly had a Strong Bad or Da Huuuuuudge look to it.
1 Sep 2019

[edit] August

Text / Transcript Date / Link
You didn't even have to use roach foggers at all?
This Tweet is a reply to @DerekRRose, who posted a picture taken with @DocHobo of two signed Kick The Cheat dolls with the Trogdor board game, The Denzel, and Suudsu as their "nightly routine", along with some Bronco Trolleys and Fluffy Puff Marshmallows.
31 Aug 2019

A Trogdouroboros?!
This Tweet is a reply to @whoopoi, who shared a drawing of Trogdor with its tail pointing into its mouth.
31 Aug 2019

Not bad. That's as concise an explainer as I've seen. Mine always devolve into tangents about parapets and 5.25" diskettes.
This Tweet is a reply to @Amhran_, who responded to a thread about obscure references. She owns a Get Ye Flask shirt and tries to describe Thy Dungeonman to people.
31 Aug 2019

Video thumbnail for 31 Aug 2019
Hey, @AmyRobinsonVO, your husband did an okay job putting my likeness on your surgery toe (or surgerito) but I went ahead and spruced it up for him. With horrifying results.
This Tweet quotes AmyRobinsonVO, who posted a photo of her bandaged toe with a face drawn on it, saying it looked like Strong Bad.

Video Transcript

See Social Media Crap Compilation 2#Strong Big Toe
31 Aug 2019

Yes. Surely there's a terrifying algorithm that can sample the hours and hours of gravelvoice I have recorded over the years to create such an AI. Then we can also have it check another 200 sbemails for me and I can watch from the safety of this concrete bunker.
This Tweet is a reply to @ToddTheLinguist, who responded to @lingdustin's post suggesting digital personal assistants be voiced by Strong Bad.
28 Aug 2019

Highly doubtful. I made that game with a buncha awesome humans that all moved on to other stuff. I'll prollly make my own dang games anyway.
This Tweet is a reply to @PantaroP, who said that Telltale Games was "risen from its grave" and asked Strong Bad if there would be a second season of SBCG4AP.
28 Aug 2019

Nope! Game ends in victory as soon as the win conditions are fulfilled. Sometimes it sneaks up on ya!
This Tweet is a reply to @ItsMrJasonD, who asked if movement cards still need to be selected after burninating every tile, cottage and peasant on the Trogdor game board.
27 Aug 2019

Sadly never! These have been on sale on HomestarRunner.com since 2003. I thought 16 years was ample time! Sorry we missed ya!
This Tweet is a reply to @Twentydragon, who responded to the "Crapwhoa" Tweet lamenting missing the availability of the figurines and asking when they would be in stock again.
27 Aug 2019

Um... I just wannit to be a cookie. So's I can eat it.
This Tweet is a reply to @mylermaker3D, who shared a 3-D-printed version of Strong Bad's original Trogdor sketch.
27 Aug 2019

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the original color of this hoodie black? Not barf gravy gray? Looks like it's been sitting in the rear windshield of an 82 Cutlass Supreme for a decade or so.
This Tweet is a reply to @cdubbs802, who posted a picture of a fourteen-year-old Strong Bad hoodie.
27 Aug 2019

Sounds good to me! 360 gram colored vinyl? Picturedisc? Double LP gatefold with Frampton Comes Alive style pinup of me? Might have to actually collab with my whiny little brother for nerdy vinyl advice.
This Tweet is a reply to @THEMaxPerdue, who responded to the "Crapwhoa" Tweet suggesting Strong Bad Sings on vinyl.
24 Aug 2019

That's okay! That's what he's there for!
This Tweet is a reply to @JulieMTome, who posted a fully burninated Trogdor tileset and noted that it was only because of The Cheat.
23 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 23 Aug 2019
Tweet image for 23 Aug 2019
Same type deal here.
This Tweet is a reply to @kzinssiebroiler, who responded to the "Whoacrap" Tweet and related a story of having left Homestar figurines on the porch, leaving them bleached by the sun.
23 Aug 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @Mink_Car, who replied to the previous Tweet expressing surprise at Strong Mad having gone to college.
23 Aug 2019

Crapwhoa!! Sold out already! You guys aren't messin around. Um... what else do we need to unload?! I got only 300 back issues of Fret Magic magazine! There's just 150 (k) of Strong Mad's student loans left! Uh, only 75 months of payments left on the gremlin!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous "Whoacrap" Tweet.
23 Aug 2019

I was hoping that somebody would find a box fulla series 2 in a warehouse somewhere but alas they are gone forev-evs.
This Tweet is a reply to @Robotmoxie, who replied to the previous Tweet and noted that the series two figurines were gone from the store.
23 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 23 Aug 2019
Whoacrap! I just found out there's only like 150 of these figurinestyles left! I gots NO plans to make more of these and the molds for them are lost to time anyway. Buy em up Dan before they're all gone!
23 Aug 2019

So ding close! Yet so dang far! Remember which of the 3 cottages that one is so next time it can be personal!!
This Tweet is a reply to @13over13, who showed a Trogdor game board with one cottage left unburninated.
22 Aug 2019

Now that's how you The Cheat!
This Tweet is a reply to @SpilledBees, who said they put the Troghammer in jail by using the The Cheat card.
22 Aug 2019

Because it means nothing and I am too awesome for it anyway!
This Tweet is a reply to @Torch14, who asked why Strong Bad wasn't verified.
21 Aug 2019

Trogdor emerging from one of those gross slimy cocoon egg things, right? Dripping with vespers and limelight? Anybody?!
This Tweet is a reply to @edgarmash791, who linked to a picture of a cloud and compared it to Trogdor.
20 Aug 2019

Totally! We're just making sure the backers get their copies first. Watch this space in the coming weeks:
This Tweet links to Homestore Runner.
This Tweet is a reply to @cranxerz, who asked if Trogdor: The Board Game would have a retail release.
19 Aug 2019

Whoa! You may be the first people to actually take his advice and make one of these! He'll be so proud when I throw a full box of cereal at him in 12 seconds! I mean, when I tell him!
This Tweet is a reply to @lafiliat, who showed a Void Tower built by their son.
18 Aug 2019

THIS is the proper way to snack-do on Trogdor game night!!
This Tweet quotes @sjgardin, whose friends baked thatched roof cottage marshmallows.
18 Aug 2019

This intrigues me. I would love to avoid having to slather the website in Hypertext Markup Lotion 5.
This Tweet is a reply to @HauntedDriveIn, who responded to a Tweet by @WasmWeekly featuring a Flash Player emulator, asking if it would save the Toons.
18 Aug 2019

Definitely the first (and most likely only) fan art of this kind!
This Tweet is a reply to @uranimus, who made fanart of the "World's Best" duo from Two More Eggs.
17 Aug 2019

Ha!! Maybe The Cheat has been doing some secret voice work on the side! "I can Finish Him! I can do it 9 times!!"
This Tweet is a reply to @MetalDoc78, who linked a Tweet with a clip from a Mortal Kombat game and compared its voice acting to The Cheat's.
16 Aug 2019

And more like thank YOU!
This Tweet is a reply to the same @TheDoubleclicks Tweet as the previous.
16 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 16 Aug 2019
You are quite dang welcome!
This Tweet is a reply to @TheDoubleclicks, who thanked Strong Bad for the praise on their cello cover of Trogdor.
16 Aug 2019

You think that's what gamer-nerd grandmas are gonna be saying in 20 years? "Why you are just cute as a meeple, young person! You make me feel I ought to plum roll for initiative!"
This Tweet quotes @CompBullSheet, who said his wife thinks Strong Bad is cute as a meeple.
16 Aug 2019

I think I have always loved it. I never thought cellos and fire would be my thing but it turns out I'm a fan! Same with fine wines and industrial demolition, rare cheeses and vulture frenzies— uh oh, I think I just invented my latest publication.
This Tweet is a reply to @RKVortex733VA, who asked Strong Bad's opinion on a cello-based cover of Trogdor.
16 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 15 Aug 2019
This thing rules!! I love how the cockpit gives me automatic fangs! And maybe... a retainer? Makes sense. I would imagine that galactic space fangs would cause some dental malocclusion.
This Tweet quotes @hardyroach, who posted a custom Strong Bad-shaped ship made in Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.
15 Aug 2019

So close!! Here's hoping a peasant inside that stupid last cottage forgets about their pizza rolls and starts a kitchen fire that burns the whole place down. Ooh! Sounds like a needless expansion pack!!
This Tweet is a reply to @rjpelonia, who showed a Trogdor map post-fiery rage with one square and its cottage unburninated.
13 Aug 2019

It blows my mind that SBCG4AP made any sense to people that didn't know my styles beforehand. I'm so glad it served as a gateway! And don't worry, Trogdor will be available to the gen pop soon! Mebbe end of Aug?
This Tweet is a reply to @YoshiAngemon, who responded to the reply to @markdarin saying SBCG4AP was what got them into Homestar Runner.
12 Aug 2019

The more ye searcheth for canon in mine universe, the less canon ye shall findeth.
This Tweet is a reply to @invisibleswitch, who responded to the reply to @markdarin asking if it was canon.
11 Aug 2019

That Die Hard guy is a pretty solid "looks like I'm gonna have to juuuump"-er. 'Cept he's more like "looks like I'm gonna have to tie a firehose around me and probably ignore most laws of phyyyysiiiiics!!"
This Tweet is a reply to @RFSwitchArt, who responded to the "Family Matters Dad" Tweet saying she had an idea for Dangeresque 4.
11 Aug 2019

YOU @markdarin! You are the reason I finally got to bring Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective to life! I choke up every time I watch Dadgeresque's final scene! For this, I am eternally grape fuel.
This Tweet is a reply to @markdarin, who showed Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People in a series of Tweets about "All My Games".
11 Aug 2019

Oh man! I hope my meeple represented Family Matters Dad Who Sits In The Car and Has A Dead Guy Fall On Said Car! I'm assuming that character's a big part of the game, no?
This Tweet is a reply to @bolallen, who showed a game of Die Hard with the pieces replaced by Homestar Runner meeples.
11 Aug 2019

So psyched you finally got yours! Thanks for all your horses holding! Hope you dig the game! Don't forget the Soundboard and Rulebook EP located here:
This Tweet is a reply to @sjgardin, who responded to Strong Bad's reply with a thread of replies ending in the game arriving.
11 Aug 2019

I play where Path O Burnination does wraparound (since it uses a Movement Card) but the Flip Em Ups or Shot Put only wraparound if you are playing as Stonklar (who all the time has wraparound movement). And then of course Trogdor's Fiery Rage always gets wraparoundy on ya.
This Tweet is a reply to @WigsZone, who asked if wraparound applies to burnination when movement cards would go off the edge of the map.
11 Aug 2019

So sorry Stephen! I'm seeing that other Toron-tauns have received theirs so hopefully yours will be coming soon! Backer number doesn't determine anything as far as the fulfillment companies go. We're all just a buncha walking zip codes to those people.
This Tweet is a reply to @sjgardin, who was worried that the delivery of Trogdor!! The Board Game would be delayed for those who lived in Canada.

Fun Facts

  • ZIP codes are actually exclusive to the United States, with Canada using its own alphanumeric postal code system.
8 Aug 2019

I keep trying to invent "unlimited time, money, & resources" so I can do things like this but it's like alchemy! So far all I've been able to conjure up is "The Cheat go get a small steak sandwich for me," which, admittedly, IS progress.
This Tweet is a reply to @GigaLemEX, who suggested remaking interactive Toons in another engine or preserving them in response to the "lost to time" Tweet.
8 Aug 2019

Ooh! "Mouth Abs" should be a new Item of Trogdor you can get!

USE: Once per turn, Trogdor can Strong Talk his way out of one bad thing happening (peasant going to the void, knight damaging you, knight repairing cottage, etc.).

RECHARGE: When someone at the table does 50 sit-ups.
This Tweet is a reply to @cengler42, who showed the game and autographed photo, including a scribbled group of abs on Strong Bad's mouth, received for being the first backer.
8 Aug 2019

Nope! They'll be lost to time or 15 year old dvds! Better go click em up now before it's too late!
This Tweet is a reply to @AverySune, who asked if there's a plan to save the interactive Toons and Easter eggs.
8 Aug 2019

That's been in there since like 2011, man! Back when "creative mode" was just a literal sandbox in some programmer's backyard.
This Tweet is a reply to @C4ptianmcd3rp, who noticed "Consummate V's!" on the Minecraft splash screen.
7 Aug 2019

That may be the most boring thing I've ever tweeted. Apologies.
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
6 Aug 2019

Just to set the correct expectations, the game won't be for sale right when the store goes back up. Had to reorganize in preparation for it. We still gotta wait for the Kickcheater backers to get their copies.
This Tweet is a reply to @bellmandi86, who responded to @Super__Sonic wanting a copy of the game in response to the Gen Con "Thanks" tweet.
6 Aug 2019

Aw crap! Didn't know your handle to @ you or tag you! Thanks for being so awesome!
This Tweet is a reply to @MattShiversVO, who replied to the "Thanks" Tweet thanking Strong Bad in return and saying he was happy to be burninated.
5 Aug 2019

Crap! Shoulda made it say "Ale with Apple, Peach, and PAUNCHBERRY" at the bottom of the can there.
5 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 5 Aug 2019
They just need to tweak the name a bit.
This Tweet quotes @gojiro, who posted a photo of cans of "Little Bubs" variety Rhinegeist ale.
5 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 5 Aug 2019
Thanks to all @Gen_Con that played or picked up Trogdor @GTGamesLLC booth including these 2 awesome burninated peasants (not sure what's up with the middle one's skater flop flames tho)! Had so many good rounds! Chanting VOIP like mindless cultists! Old Man Rub! Bagels happened!
5 Aug 2019

Probably doesn't even say-a-like FROOSH when you open it up!
This Tweet is a reply to @DigitalSherry, who posted a picture of a "Power Crunch" brand energy bar.
5 Aug 2019

Sounds like Limozeen's theme from an 80's Trogdor kids' movie where an unpopular young boy named Smartimer finds Trogdor in his backyard with a broken beef. He nurses him back to health and Trogdor teaches the whole 4th grade to breakdance thus learning some crap about tolerance!
This Tweet is a reply to @PirateRyn, who replied to a Tweet by @sarahdonner featuring a picture of herself with Strong Bad and the phrase "You burninated my heart". @PirateRyn asked if the phrase would be the title of a track from the next album.
4 Aug 2019

The leftovers from the Kickcheater will go up for sale online soon! Watch this page:
This Tweet is a reply to @TheDancingSlug, who asked in response to the "Last day" Tweet if there would be a reprint of the board game, and lamented missing out on the Kickstarter.
4 Aug 2019

Available Soon! Keep watching this page for more info:
This Tweet is a reply to @HiIamSnek, who responded to the previous Tweet asking if it is or would soon be possible to purchase the game directly.
4 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 4 Aug 2019
Last day @Gen_Con! Come play or buy Trogdor!! The Board Game with Puppet Me or maybe Mike @GTGamesLLC booth #1241 off and on from 10-3!!
4 Aug 2019

Sacks of cash! Bags of gold! Slideable plastic cards!
This Tweet is a reply to @CityOfStad, who asked what method of payment for the board game would be accepted at Gen Con.
4 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 3 Aug 2019
Peoples at @Gen_Con! I'm demoing and hawking (hocking?) Trogdor at @GTGamesLLC booth #1241 today from 10-12:30! Come get burninated your own dang self!
3 Aug 2019

Yup! And a li'l bit Sunday too!
This Tweet is a reply to @jackof1trade, who replied to the previous Tweet asking if Strong Bad would be at Gen Con on the third.
2 Aug 2019

Tweet image for 2 Aug 2019
Ok @Gen_Con let's do this! Sellin' and demoin' Trogdor at @GTGamesLLC booth #1241 under the giant spinning six-sided die!
2 Aug 2019

[edit] July

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Tweet image for 31 Jul 2019
Real world types! I will be @Gen_Con this weekend! Humans Mike & Matt will be demoing Trogdor!! The Board Game with Puppet Me at the @GTGamesLLC booth #1241 at various random times Fri, Sat, & Sun! Come on by and help burninate some peasants! (pic from a vid by @divisionten thx!)
31 Jul 2019

I'll ONLY sign copies of "TIME Magazine The Game" and those 70's copies of "Mastermind" with that evil villain and his femme fatale on the box! (yes to signing other stuff)
This Tweet is a reply to @KatoKatonian, who asked if Strong Bad would sign anything other than copies of Trogdor!! The Board Game, which he forgot.

Fun Facts

  • TIME Magazine The Game was a game Strong Sad played in imaginary.
31 Jul 2019

He sure does! Lead that jerk astray all you like!
This Tweet is a reply to @Awk043, asking if the Baubles of Astray item also worked on Troghammers.
31 Jul 2019

Those human schlubs don't deserve hi-res but thanks for the offer!
This Tweet is a reply to @divisionten, who offered to shoot a Google drive filled with high resolution photos.
31 Jul 2019

Demoing and sellin' limited copies of Trogdor!! The Board Game @GTGamesLLC booth #1241! I might wander a bit! I may even ROVE!
This Tweet is a reply to @KatoKatonian, asking if Strong Bad will have a booth, or if he wander the show floor.
31 Jul 2019

Ahhh!! Passenger seat jibblies with a side of automotive safety!
This Tweet is a reply to @IllicitProduct, posting a picture of a gargoyle sitting in a car seat, secured by a seat belt.
31 Jul 2019

In his meeple form I feel like Homsar's head looks even more like a luxury, two-porthole yacht than usual.
This Tweet is a reply to @candyman106, posting a picture of a Homsar meeple.
31 Jul 2019

Looks like Trogdor's discount cousin... Econo-dor the Bargainator!!
This Tweet is a reply to @armorededucator, posting a picture of a dollar sign with a beefy arm displayed on the back of a truck.
30 Jul 2019

What was it? Link don't work and I don't got no Facebroach!
This Tweet is a reply to @TheSeg, who posted a link to Facebook.
27 Jul 2019

Naw, I just been makin a board game the last 2 years. There'll be more sbemails. Think of them as wadded up cash you find in a coat pocket that first brisk autumn morning, coffee in one hand, satchel full of letters slung 'cross your back (you're a mailman in this example).
This Tweet is a reply to @RoscoeTheHorse, asking if the reason there weren't any Strong Bad Emails was because Strong Bad had moved on.
27 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 27 Jul 2019
I do approve! Especially if you're dipping that knight in some ranch before his movements!
This Tweet is a reply to @satanic_redneck, who posted a picture of all his friends playing Trogdor!! The Board Game inside a picnic shelter.
27 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 26 Jul 2019
It's like Xeriouxly Forxe Marshie had a baby with the USB Dongle Goblin!
This Tweet is a reply to @SuperBunnyBun, who posted a faux-parchment of a Viking throwing a spear at a helicopter drone.
26 Jul 2019

Maybe someday. But the Trog-game has kept me so busy, I haven't had time to slather hypertext markup lotion 5 on every game yet. Let's just go straight to consoles anyway! Woo! Gimme 2 years to learn Unity or somecrap!
This Tweet is a reply to @Sparkster2600, asking if any other games on the website will be ported to HTML5 after Flash dies.
25 Jul 2019

As much as I hate everything Strong Sad says, it brings me craploads of joy to hear so many people quoting him when their board games arrive!
This Tweet is a reply to @ChipsOrange, quoting "It's here! It's here! It's fina-lily here!" from Compy Catalog in response to receiving a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
24 Jul 2019

Exactly! That's the one upside to having an empty Trog-Meter. It's a treacherous line to walk if you dare! Strong Sad's whiny song can help you remember: homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @LKHobby, saying the board would stay unsatisfied without peasants.
24 Jul 2019

Correct! Only the Disk of Healing has that power (all 1.44mb of it)!
This Tweet is a reply to @LKHobby, asking if Peasants sent to the Void cannot return.
24 Jul 2019

Yes to both of these! Discussions only! No plans!
This Tweet is a reply to @EvenIbzy, asking if there would be extra copies of the board game, or a digital edition.
24 Jul 2019

Nice! Good luck little Trog-reaper! Here's hoping he burninates some local chili cook-offs maybe! Oh man! Now I gotta start working on the Trog-Reaper expansion for the Trogdor board game!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Scottyverse, who posted a video of his Carolina Reaper seedling, whom he had named "Trogdor".
24 Jul 2019

Not currently. There are extras but they're mostly for replacing damaged/missing parts. Once all backers have their games, if there are still complete sets of plastic miniatures left, we might sell those in the online Homestar store. Currently that's looking like Aug-Sep maybe?
This Tweet is a reply to @EvenIbzy, asking if the plastic pieces could be ordered separately.
24 Jul 2019

You can only spawn the one peasant then. They never come outta the Void. Strong Sad wrote a whiny song about it if you need help remembering: homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @EvenIbzy, with a question about how many peasants could spawn.
24 Jul 2019

Nope! My dialog is fixed firmly in the aughts. It's actually an inoperable medical condition!
This Tweet is a reply to @RoscoeTheHorse, who uninstalled Poker Night At The Inventory because it contained outdated dialogue.
24 Jul 2019

Good call! Old Man Rub adds just the right amount of chaos to a game of Trogdor. It has the same effect on dinner parties!
This Tweet is a reply to @Mmmmmmmercury, who posted a picture of him playing Trogdor!! The Board Game with his "artisinal Old Man Rub".
23 Jul 2019

Aw dang!! So close! That's pretty good with Hardybardy in your lineup. Put that guy on waivers! Or the DL! Or, um... the sports punishment... place.
This Tweet is a reply to @MikePitstick, who posted a picture of a board where Trogdor died with one tile left unburninated.

Fun Facts

"Sports punishment place" is a Nondescript Noun, referring to the penalty box.

23 Jul 2019

By hardest version, do you mean the one where you drink low carb cold ones while you play? Or were you talking about the Keepers and Items you used? (I joke!)
This Tweet is a reply to @MikePitstick, posting a picture of a setup where the tiles and figurines are placed in a way where Trogdor is at a deep disadvantage, and only the weakest Keepers and Items are used.
23 Jul 2019

The Rulebook EP we made is highly recommended!

And don't forget the Soundboard which has bunches of quotes and sound effects and versions of Trogdor!! the song.

If all else fails just loop Breadfan by Budgie and Working Man by RUSH.
This Tweet is a reply to @MrFunkSandwich, asking if there were any musical recommendations for the game.
23 Jul 2019

No need for unspeakable things! Let's keep things in the "speakable" realm! We are looking into another production run of the game right now but methinks you will be able to get a copy of the game if you want one.
This Tweet is a reply to @Kxkcnc1, asking if there would be a second production run for Trogdor!! The Board Game.
23 Jul 2019

Kickcheater backers are being bombarded with it currently. The leftover copies will be sold in the online store starting mid August maybe? Watch this space:
This Tweet links to the Store page for Trogdor!! The Board Game.
This Tweet is a reply to @NRNGamer427, asking when the board game was coming out.
22 Jul 2019

You sure you wanna use that name for your flavortaste? When Trogdor tries to "whisper" it just results in pounds of smoked sliced brisket flopping out of his mouth. Is this good marketing for your sparkle juice?
This Tweet quotes @laywastegames, who posted a picture of "Dragon Whisper"-flavored Polar Seltzer and referenced Trogdor.
22 Jul 2019

Bobs bobs?! Pumbs? I don't know what to call it! Check out our FAQ for info and let us know if they don't separate well or get damaged in the process. I figure wet paint is prolly the culprit but you can never fully dismiss the possibility of witchcraft. trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#shi...
This Tweet is a reply to @Happycamper95, who posted a picture of his Bubs and Pom Pom meeples, which were accidentally stuck together.
22 Jul 2019

Total! I'll be creepin round @GTGamesLLC boothroom off and on starting Friday I think.
This Tweet is a reply to @MattShiversVO, asking if Strong Bad would sign his copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game at Gen Con.
22 Jul 2019

That sucks! Go to the FAQ page and check out how to report a damaged game component. Maybe his armor got too hot from standing on burninated ground and then he jumped in the lake with all his armor still on as a dare and the temp change shock was too much. trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#shi...
This Tweet is a reply to @DuthOlec, posting a picture showing that one of his Knight meeples had a deep crack in its rear.
22 Jul 2019

That is awesome!! But it's not awesome if you really didn't get a flame helmet in your game box! Head to our FAQ to learn how to report it so we can get you the proper burnination!! So sorry! trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#shi...
This Tweet is a reply to @CraftingGeek, who made a custom board game piece because the fire helmet didn't come with her copy of the game.
21 Jul 2019

It's all one of those "false sense of security lulls" so it doesn't spoil Trogdor's Fiery Rage on page 12! Which I totally just spoiled! Lemme go back to my original 800 page rulebook and see if I can find my original page 516 draft for ya.
This Tweet is a reply to @MarcAranha, posting a page of the instruction booklet where red-penned text leads the player to a page that does not exist.
21 Jul 2019

Definitely! I recommend having a few cold ones and screaming "The HVAC is full of box tops, Maggie!!" at the top of your lungs between songs during the show.
This Tweet is a reply to @dminkle, who asked if a Homsar shirt was an acceptable replacement for a Weird Al shirt during a Weird Al Yankovic concert.
21 Jul 2019

Congrats!! Looks like somebody burninated their taco meat and shredded cheese (or squash zoodles?) too! That's a great combo!
This Tweet is a reply to @RocketCaley, who posted a Trogdor!! The Board Game setup on a kitchen table with a pink plastic plate of food.
21 Jul 2019

Once all the KickCheater backers get their copies, we'll sell the extras in the online store. Watch this space in mid August maybe?
This Tweet links to the store page for Trogdor!! The Board Game.
This Tweet is a reply to @Munchbott, who didn't know a board game was made and expressed desire for one.
21 Jul 2019

Those meeps were a BackerKit add-on in case you had extra money to burninate. If there are extras after all the backers get their rewards, we'll sell em in the Homestar online store.
This Tweet is a reply to @GioVonGio, who didn't receive the Homestar Runner-themed meeples with the game.
21 Jul 2019

Nice choice playing with DAGRON! Brother Graw Mad will be so proud/not really know what I'm talking about when I tell him!
This Tweet is a reply to @soupdragon90, posting a setup of Trogdor!! The Board Game on a wooden floor with the DAGRON meeple in play.
20 Jul 2019

Sorry to hear about the take-long! Here's a Strong Bad exclusive chaos rule you can play with as a reward for your patience: -if the archer shoots THROUGH an already-burninated cottage, the arrow catches fire and burninates all tiles, peasants, and cottages in its remaining path
This Tweet is a reply to @wjblack, lamenting that the board game was taking longer than a week to ship.
19 Jul 2019

Yes! I suppose I should change my account name to one of those SOON arrows pointing to Generic Conferencing (which is what I assume (GenCon's full name is). Find me @GTGamesLLC room/booth!
This Tweet is a reply to @Xammas, asking if Strong Bad was going to Gen Con.
19 Jul 2019

Don't fret! There are still some thousands to send out! US shipping is supposed to take the rest of July. EU/UK shipping just started this week and Canada/Asia shipping start next week. YOU'RE NOT ALONE! Hold on my friend!
This Tweet is a reply to @zachburnham, worried that he was one of the last ones to get a Trogdor!! game.
19 Jul 2019

So psyched you like! Thanks for supporting my variegated styles!
This Tweet is a reply to @AlecJStephens, who already received his copy of the board game, and expressed pleasure at seeing the fullfillment notice.
19 Jul 2019

Dear everyone,

Hold out for someone that hugs you the way Storm hugs a Trogdor board game.

This Tweet is a reply to @paulandstorm, posting a picture of himself gleefully hugging the Trogdor!! game box.
18 Jul 2019

Once all backers get their copies, the extras will go on sale in the Homestar Runner online store. Sometime in August probably?
This Tweet is a reply to @macboer, asking if the game would be available for purchase outside the US in 2020.
18 Jul 2019

That's a perfect way to receive your game! We tried to balance it so that most wins are close shaves and most losses are near misses! You've got your first close shave win and you haven't even opened the box!
This Tweet is a reply to @pk_sweets, who picked up the copy of Trogdor!! right before the office closed.
18 Jul 2019

Thank you for liking my style for so long and for supporting the game! You should definitely bring in that custom statue of me to wreck shop at the end of the game if Troggie can't get the job done!
This Tweet is a reply to @ubernerd527, posting a picture of Trogdor!! with the Strong Bad and Cheat Commandos figurines.
18 Jul 2019

"Oh, Trogdor! I didn't hear you knock. Would you like to come in for some soft focus and pea gravel?"
This Tweet is a reply to @pandagm, posting a picture of the Trogdor and Cottage meeples arranged to resemble an advertisement.
18 Jul 2019

This is a legit way to play the game! Carry on!
This Tweet is a reply to @Comieb, posting a video where he and his 5-year-old son was playing Trogdor!! The Board Game.
18 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 18 Jul 2019
You mean beefy, sorta feet-have The Cheat?
This Tweet is a reply to @landfill2007, who posted a picture of a cloud formation resembling The Cheat.
18 Jul 2019

Just one peasant of damage. The Archer does NOT cause damage when he lands on or intersects with Trogdor like Knights. He'd do his movements, shoot his arrows North across the board, hitting Trogdor just the one time. ARROWED! Truly.
This Tweet is a reply to @aleafinwater, asking how much damage the Archer inflicts during a given movement.
18 Jul 2019

You can download em all for free right here!


But if you're looking for strictly Homestar Jams, I think his Bread Sing-a-longs album is long out of print. I have no interest in it but you should petition for a 180gm limited colored vinyl rerelease.
This Tweet is a reply to @Fly_Cuttlefish, asking when Homestar would release his album of catchy tunes.

Fun Facts

  • Homestar's "Bread Sing-a-longs" album was featured in origins.
18 Jul 2019

I am thankful that The Cheatmeep is sitting profusely on my head!
This Tweet is a reply to @Brehm_Sarah, posting a picture of the Hometar Runner and Trogdor meeples standing together, with The Cheat balanced on top of Strong Bad, and a Peasant carrying Homsar.
17 Jul 2019

It's not a reboot. As I said, that is clearly swervebody Homestar from the oh-so-popular Homestar Runner & Deauregard show easter egg from sbemail96 "lackey."
This Tweet is a reply to @TAlanHorne, who didn't like the animation style used in The Actions You Can Do (video).

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad uses the "Deauregard" spelling used in the video, and not the "Doreauxgard" spelling used elsewhere.
17 Jul 2019

That's a tuff one! Do you take the hit and trigger Trogdor's Fiery Rage which will instantly burninate that peasant and win in rage quit fashion? Or try and hold out for a legit win on the next turn and hope that the countryside doesn't undo too much? Got an item that could help?
This Tweet is a reply to @Sparkster2600, posting a picture of Trogdor needing to eat a peasant guarded by a knight on the same tile and asking for a strategy.
17 Jul 2019

Aw crap! (heh) Sorry bout that! Head over to the FAQ and it'll tell you who to contact about damaged or missing game parts! We'll get right on it!
This Tweet is a reply to @scorkla, who didn't receive a Poopsmith meeple because of the duplicate Strong Sad.
17 Jul 2019

Just keep holdin on! Soon you will be able to fill that thing with Majesty! And FOOMP your plastic Trogdor right into his precut foam throne!
This Tweet is a reply to @TimmoWarner, who received the empty deluxe wooden box before the actual game components.
17 Jul 2019

Whoa! Dumpus twins! Are you missing anybody else as a result? I'd take this as a grim omen, which Strong Sad would be way into.
This Tweet is a reply to @scorkla, who received two Strong Sad meeples and posted a picture of them stacked togehter.
17 Jul 2019

Well I can tell you one thing: we are definitely NOT puttin it on wax. Cool check-in's aside.
This Tweet is a reply to @WillWrambles, asking if the animation style used in The Actions You Can Do (video) was a new style.
17 Jul 2019

Once all the backers get their copies, any leftovers will be for sale in the Homestar online store. Maybe in late August? (also might have some for sale at GenCon if you go to those type-a things)
This Tweet is a reply to @misterscratch, asking where people who were confused and frightened by Kickstarter would be able to get a game.
17 Jul 2019

Video thumbnail for 17 Jul 2019
Recent acquirers of Trogdor!! The Board Game, let swervebody Homestar help you remember the actions Trogdor can take each turn with this little number.

Video Transcript

See The Actions You Can Do (video), YouTube Version.

17 Jul 2019

They do wraparound! They're considered enemies because they can repair the countryside you've burninated. Sneaky jerks walking around with a buncha sod and replacement shrubbery under those peasant robes apparently. Don't forget Coach Z's rap: homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @bluebubblegum88, asking if Peasants have wraparound movement.
17 Jul 2019

I can do more than autograph!! Have you not seen my Skills of an Artist?!
This Tweet links to the Skills of an Artist YouTube playlist.
This Tweet is a reply to @10D_36, asking how Strong Bad signs autographs with boxing gloves on.
17 Jul 2019

Yes they do. Nice Cheatin! From the rulebook:
This Tweet is a reply to @sugarfairycake, asking if knights and archers had wraparound movement, and that all the enemy pieces got stuck together, which made the game easier.
17 Jul 2019

Yes! I will be mooching off the @GTGamesLLC booth and yelling at passersby! Will YOU be escape rooming?!
This Tweet is a reply to @annelukeman, asking if Strong Bad would be at Gen Con and autographing Trogdor!! games.
17 Jul 2019

Oh jeez! I should warn you that this game does NOT treat peasants very well. Maybe we shoulda put a warning label on the box! Apologies in advance!
This Tweet is a reply to @VaasZhura, posting a picture of the game, saying that he doesn't have any granite because he is a simple peasant.
17 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 17 Jul 2019
Either way! Choosing powerful Keeper/Item combos before playing is one of our suggestions to adjust difficulty in the FAQ:
This Tweet is a reply to @muttonchopgamer, who thought Keepers and Items were distributed randomly, and not selected by players.
17 Jul 2019

Show those hands! You can even pick Keepers and Items together before the game to come up with the best combos.
This Tweet is a reply to @Vaderman212, asking if players can show their cards to each other if they're playing cooperatively.
17 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jul 2019
Good luck!! Trog Floaty in effect! I totally didn't think anyone would ever actually play with that one! Lemme know if it's useful at all!
This Tweet is a reply to @Alec_Thompson, who posted a picture of him and his friends playing Trogdor!! with the Quickstart Overview (video) playing on the TV in the next room.
16 Jul 2019

This is a spouse you should do your best to keep.
This Tweet is a reply to @ryeinn, who said his copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game was a surprise from his wife.
16 Jul 2019

Apparently that's a problem specific to Thy Dungeonfolk. Keepers of Trogdor are able to just straight up get ye. Who'da thought?!
This Tweet is a reply to @LuigiHann, surprised that the Keepers of Trogdor were able to get Ye Flask of Dennis.
16 Jul 2019

The Troghammer looks like a tired mama smushed under her litter of pups, kittens, or other cute animals from some kinda farm calendar maybe?
This Tweet is a reply to @pandagm, posting a tower of stacked meeples with the Troghammer as the base.
16 Jul 2019

Nope! If there are no peasants left in the Trog-Meter, then none can spawn. Listen to Strong Sad's whiny song about peasant spawning.


The only way a peasant can come back from the Void is with the Item The Disk of Healing.
This Tweet is a reply to @JustinBoy24, asking if peasants can be taken from the Void to spawn if there aren't enough in the Trog-meter.
16 Jul 2019

Aw, you don't want me crashing your adorable game and existing world and storyline. Let's just all make "Cheat Commando's Tactics" or "Dangeresque: Animal Crossing 'Cept it's in a City and there's MURDER!" together someday instead!
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who had a sprite sheet for her own game.
16 Jul 2019

Thanks for all your awesome work! You guys were the only game-make-place that was willing to tape my random thoughts and scribblings into the rulebook! Those Boardelectrix weirdo's wanted to make Trogdor "fun-inate" the countryside! The crap?!
This Tweet is a reply to @mikeselinker, who was glad that he and his crew were able to develop Trogdor!! The Board Game.
16 Jul 2019

Total! Once all the backers get their copies, we will sell extras in our online store. Maybe like late August? Keep checking this site for more info:
This Tweet is a reply to @Super__Sonic, asking if games could be bought after the Kickstarter.
16 Jul 2019

You'll get an email once your order is processed. Check spam folder if you think you shoulda received one already. US shipping will take the rest of July. EU/UK shipping starts this week. Canada and Asia shipping starts next week! Read your Kickstarter updates for more info.
This Tweet is a reply to @divisionten, asking if a tracking email for the shipping of the game was sent.
16 Jul 2019

Nope! Once all the backers get their rewards, we'll sell the leftovers in the Homestar Store! Check back in late August mebbe?
This Tweet is a reply to @Infinitivo5, asking if the Homestar Runner meeples were Kickstarter-exculsive.
16 Jul 2019

I gotta say, one of my fav parts of seeing all you folks get your games is meeting your fantastic countertops! Regal granite, adventurous Corian, decadent marble! It's like I'm in your kitchen, secretly scraping week old dried brownie batter off the counter and into my mouth!
This Tweet quotes @BetterThanVegas, who posted a photo of their new copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
16 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jul 2019
Excellent! Thanks so much and hope you like the game! Also, I love that there's a 3.5" floppy in your cube in 2019! That's my kinda office environment!
This Tweet is a reply to @fardmuhammad, posting a picture of Trogdor!! The Board Game delivered to the office.
16 Jul 2019

Video thumbnail for 16 Jul 2019
Incredible! Am I dodging diving Marshies? Also nice CGNU fight song! You saw this one, right?
This Tweet is a reply to @JaysonWingo, posting a video of WarioWare DIY played on a DS.

Video Transcript

{A WarioWare game starts with the command "Jump In Car!" Dangeresque is on top of a building, with the DangeCar-esque driving below, all against a sunset background. The car stops, and the player taps the screen; Dangeresque falls as the car resumes driving and catches him.}

16 Jul 2019

I couldn't resist! Your squat little sprites are so freakin' adorable I just had to make a little The Cheat-chucker! Best of luck with the game and campaign! Mostly ignore the angry voices, listen to the critical ones, and embrace the crap outta the positive ones!
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who liked the Strong Bad sprites.
15 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jul 2019

(no text)

This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who proclaimed that Strong Bad is available in the game Orange Island.
15 Jul 2019

This is how you mix meeples and minis, my friend!
This Tweet is a reply to @cmckennaiv, posting a picture of the Strong Bad meeple riding the Trogdor figurine and the Homestar meeple with a flame helmet.
15 Jul 2019

I did! It ruled! I admit that I was disappointed by the lack of Videlectrix hardware and software, though. They didn't even have a booth! I'm sure those guys are just wandering around an abandoned MicroCenter somewhere. Hit em up for next year!
This Tweet is a reply to @SFGamingExpo, amazed that Strong Bad visited the SF Gaming Expo.
15 Jul 2019

The closest you'll get so far is the weird corporate/possibly domestic dispute that is the Videlectrix Weekly Waggle:
This Tweet links to Joystick Wagglin' with Videlectrix: Halloween Edition on YouTube.
This Tweet is a reply to @RobertP221B, asking about Videlectrix.
15 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jul 2019
Lookit these rough Keepers of Trogdor I drew before @schweizercomics took over. I personally think that Galgabudge is a high point of character design for me.
15 Jul 2019

I'm not sure the FunMachine could handle your game. Unless you were also using the GoodGraFX cassette drive add-on and 32kb (and 32lb!) memory upgrade.
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, saying if Videlectrix could post Orange Island to the Fun Machine.
15 Jul 2019

Switchable characters?! You mean like that game Lickle?! Count me in!
This Tweet is a reply to @orangeislandok, who was making a game that Strong Bad expressed interest in.
14 Jul 2019

Oh man! Nice work! I hope you got to Shot Put that last cottage in the same row there! There's nothing like a walk-off Ptooo-DOOJ!!!
This Tweet is a reply to @The_Tim, posting a picture of a victory for the first playthrough of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
14 Jul 2019

Help!! Trogdor's got a consummate V clot forming by his beefy arm!!
This Tweet is a reply to @WildThaddeus, who drew Trogdor on the whiteboard in his mother's classroom.
14 Jul 2019

I don't trust that wavy tree to the south of Troggie there. I feel like it's either a dryad-in-hiding or one o' them dancing Fantasia trees. Either way... get to burninatin'!
This Tweet is a reply to @wesluallen, posting a setup of Trogdor!! The Board Game with the wavy tree tile directly south of Trogdor.
14 Jul 2019

Checka your spam folder! Are you running some Edgarware with the settings on strong? Everyone should receive a shipping email when their order is processed. Either way, so psyched you got it!! Thanks for backing!
This Tweet is a reply to @DaniSeeh, who received her copy of the board game and the Homestar Runner meeples, but was upset she didn't receive an e-mail confirmation.
14 Jul 2019

"None" is supposed to mean it can't recharge once it's used. But don't, like, rip it up like in those "Play it for weeks but then it's ruined" games. We put this one in the FAQ because we get this question a lot. trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rules.html#kee...
This Tweet is a reply to @scottmowen, asking if the Disk of Healing couldn't recharge, or didn't need to be recharged.
14 Jul 2019

Cooked beans and rice!! Cooked beans and riiiiiice!!
This Tweet is a reply to @TheFinalDoctor, who posted a picture of an unopened package and asked Strong Bad to guess its contents.
13 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 13 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 13 Jul 2019
Spotted @SFGamingExpo. This looks like kids' book Strong Mad involved in some shady back alley dealings. Also, is that a zero dollar bill?!
13 Jul 2019

What is Jenny talking about?! I clearly included ALL the parameters! That's what cheating is!
This Tweet is a reply to @Vote_Chuck, who said his friend Jenny complained that the "Just The Cheat" card didn't have enough parameters.
12 Jul 2019

Also, the lake tile extinguishes burninated peasants regardless of its burnination status. There's still that little puddle in there that's enough to douse the little jerks!
This Tweet is a reply to @liracali, who asked if Trogdor can burninate peasants who are standing on the Lake tile.
12 Jul 2019

Good question! The lake tile immediately extinguishes peasants when they land/be's on it so technically you could burninate the peasant, but it would just instantly get extinguished anyway. So I wouldn't bother.
This Tweet is a reply to wiki user @liracali, who asked if Trogdor can burninate peasants who are standing on the Lake tile.
12 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 12 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 12 Jul 2019
Keeper Powers and Items can only be used (and recharged if it's an Item) on your turn unless it says otherwise.
This Tweet is a reply to @Waffleophagus, who posted a picture of him playing the game on company boardgame night, and asked if he could use his Keeper's item on another player's turn.
12 Jul 2019

That is awesome! But also are you straining that baby in a colander?!
This Tweet is a reply to @needleslace, who received her copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game on the same day her baby was wearing a Teeny Tiny Girl Squad onesie, and posted a picture of the baby in the onesie in a pink plastic basket.
12 Jul 2019

A couple tweaks for solo play here:


Only 1 keeper definitely puts you at a big disadvatage. You can always play with 2 and just alternate. Another easy adjust is to make ONLY the Trogham able to repair cottages. But both he and Knights can still hurt you.
This Tweet is a reply to @WackoMcGoose, posting his own rules suggestion which required using The Cheat more often.
10 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 10 Jul 2019
Aw crap! Well, everybody told us there'd be something we didn't catch no matter how many fine toothed combs gave their lives to edit your rulebook. Here, have this early draft that has old graphics but a correct non-repeat map suggestion.
This Tweet is a reply to @Photo_C4, pointing out that the instruction booklet showed the exact same example map for both the Easy and Medium levels.
10 Jul 2019

We didn't know how awesome Wyrmwood's cardboard boxes were gonna be until the game was way into production (I figured they'd just wrap it in old newspapers like grandma's fine china) so currently there are no plans for a Beefy board/base game combo storage solution but who knows?
This Tweet is a reply to @AndrewKossMusic, who had difficulty storing the game pieces with his Wyrmwood set.
10 Jul 2019

Just as soon as I finish my new invention called "unlimited time, money, and resources!" I think I'm almost finished!
This Tweet is a reply to @batbrain1998, asking when the Homestar Flash Games Classic shaped like a mini FunMachine would be coming.
10 Jul 2019

You're missing a key portion of the ad up there at the top:
This Tweet is a reply to @muttonchopgamer, who would buy the game if it really was only $20, and not 25 installments of $20 as depicted in Strong Bad's parody ad.
10 Jul 2019

Once all the backers have their copies we will make any extras for sale in the online store. Hopefully early-mid August!
This Tweet is a reply to @StevenFC, asking when the board game will be back in stock.
10 Jul 2019

Oh btw, don't actually send any money to that fake address. Unless it's fake money. Send all real money directly to my pants. And the wallet therein.
This Tweet is a reply to the previous "not executive style" Tweet.
10 Jul 2019

Not currently but maaaaaybe if enough people want em...
This Tweet is a reply to @john_armbruster, who just wanted to buy the game pieces and not the full game.
10 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 10 Jul 2019
Scratch that. It's not executive style, it's the opposite. Something about that photo just screams "But wait! There's more!"
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
10 Jul 2019

Whoa! You make it look like the Executive Edition with that whiteboard over there and the conference room chair. You should throw some cigars, yacht keys, and um... stock options in that box to complete the look!
This Tweet is a reply to a since-deleted Tweet.
9 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 9 Jul 2019
Sweet deals cereal!! So glad you got all the Trogponents! And how satisfying is that tappo-tappo-tappo-tippo...flippo on your Wyrmwood board?! I sometimes forget to play the game! Just keep tap-tip-flippo-ing all dang day!
This Tweet is a reply to @MonkeyDLenny, who finally received the actual Trogdor!! The Board Game pieces and arranged them inside the Wyrmwood box received earlier.
9 Jul 2019

THIS is how everyone should look when they receive their Trogdor game! Thanks so much for backing!! Hope you dig the crap outta game!
This Tweet is a reply to @Tekkaman_Blade, posting a picture of himself with the Trogdor!! The Board Game box, wearing a Trogdor!! The Board Game T-shirt, and looking very excited.
9 Jul 2019

Thank YOU for supporting it! I hope you have twicetimes fun! And remember, Trogdor doesn't lose... he rage quits!!
This Tweet is a reply to @jubry, who received Trogdor!! The Board Game and could feel the majesty radiating from it.
9 Jul 2019

Oh dang! I forgot to @TheAquabats those dudes!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
9 Jul 2019

Video thumbnail for 9 Jul 2019
And check out this tiny behind the scenes snippet with beardless Crash from way back then!
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet

Video Transcript

{Crash McLarson is standing next to the Cobraman}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} And today on the Crash McLarson show {pan right to Cobraman} it's a Cobraman!

{Pan back to Crash.}

ANNOUNCER: {voiceover} Ask him some personal questions.

CRASH MCLARSON: Cobraman? You're a cobra, right?

{Cobraman uses one of his cobra-headed hands to bite Crash McLarson on the neck. Crash laughs.}

9 Jul 2019

Remember that awesome/weird time I almost/sorta guest starred in an Aquabats episode?!! It's finally on the Internet! Technology!!
This Tweet links to The Aquabats! Super Show! episode "Cobraman!"
9 Jul 2019

Whoa! This is way better than any of the promo pictures Boardelectrix took of the game! I hope you can play it in that sweet dungeon corner too! Thanks so much for backing it! Hope you dig it!
This Tweet is a reply to @wonkgm, who posted a picture of Trogdor!! The Board game with the pieces arranged on a wooden table in front of a brick wall corner.
9 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 9 Jul 2019
The Cheat's animation skills are getting pretty good. I grudgingly admit that this run cycle makes even Spacestar Runner look a prettypretty cool!
9 Jul 2019

This is goin in the good ones folder for sure! Who knows? At my current pace, in 3-5 years I might actually answer this one!
This Tweet is a reply to @longestaugust, who Tweeted in Strong Bad Email format asking about the best thing about hotel breakfast.
8 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
These are from some ancient flash file called "colorforms.fla." No idea what this was gonna be but man, lookit Homestar gunnin' for that webbed-footed Nebulon!
8 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 8 Jul 2019
Nice! What's this pink goop dripping from the KOT and the Poopsmith? Jelly donut explosion? Pickled Beet Hot Pockets?
This Tweet is a reply to @muttonchopgamer, who lined up all the Homestar Runner meeples on the computer monitor at work, and included some purple goop on a piece of tape directly below the King of Town and The Poopsmith.
8 Jul 2019

But it's a cooperative game! So if he bests you somehow then he cheated! Which he is wont to do!
This Tweet is a reply to @kitfm, who posted a picture of a Kick The Cheat plush saying The Cheat was going to beat him at Trogdor!! The Board Game.
7 Jul 2019

Majesty will be yours!! I can feel it! Tonight you're gonna make it happen! homestarrunner.com/songs/rulebook...
This Tweet is a reply to @humulos, posting a picture of herself and a Trogdor!! The Board Game setup on her dining room table.
7 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 7 Jul 2019
Soooo, apparently someone got a The Cheat in their animal crackers. And he maybe has one duck wing and is cuddling a fish? What do you think is going on with his torso? (also, The Cheat has a torso?)
7 Jul 2019

Thanks! That's why it's like 2 seconds long!
This Tweet is a reply to @thunderzizi, remarking that the animation quality for the Chorch beating Stinkoman animation was much higher than the majority of cartoons on the website.
6 Jul 2019

Once all the Kickcheater backers get their copies of the game, l'll put the extra copies up for sale in my online store. Mebbe like early-mid August? Keep watching this page for more info.
This Tweet is a reply to @RFSwitchArt, asking where Trogdor!! The Board Game could be purchased in Strong Bad Email format.
6 Jul 2019

You can totally play the main game by yourself too!
This Tweet is a reply to @ReceipTeR, who bought the game and had no friends to play with, so played Stack 'Em To The Heavens! alone.
5 Jul 2019

Do NOT listen to the Marshie voices in your head! I'm pretty sure if you stack those knights and peasants in the right sequence, it opens up one o' them demon portals in your floor! Like if you dialed all 6's back in the 80's!
This Tweet is a reply to @CarlWrites, who chose to play Stack 'Em To the Heavens! before beginning a round of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
5 Jul 2019

And thank YOU for helping me just plain live by buying this game! I hope you dig it! Don't forget to listen to the dumb songs we made about the rules! trogdorboardgame.homestarrunner.com/rulebookEP.html
This Tweet is a reply to @lmelegari, thanking Strong Bad after she had received Trogdor!! The Board Game with the Homestar Runner meeples.
5 Jul 2019

I've always wondered, was that a region thing? Or was it just a "this doesn't always work and we don't know why but this weird switch somehow fixes it" thing?
This Tweet is a reply to @MonkeyDLenny, who confirmed that his NES cartridge did have the Position A/Position B switch on the back that Strong Bad asked about.
5 Jul 2019

Ooh what powers did you give everybody? Homestar can move double the normal spaces, Marzipan can set off a 3x3 replant bomb, I get to ride Trogdor for fun and profit, Bubs sells discount cottages that burn themselves down due to faulty wiring, and...The Cheat cheats.
This Tweet is a reply to @gen8555, who posted a picture demonstrating that the classic Homestar Runner figurines were compatible with Trogdor!! The Board Game.
5 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 5 Jul 2019
Oh man! A shiny, silver Camerica release!! Does yours have the Position A/Position B Switch on the back?
This Tweet is a reply to @MonkeyDLenny, who posted a picture of his Wyrmwood game board using a NES cartridge to demonstrate scale.
5 Jul 2019

I will be there in some capacity! Formal info to follow sooooon!
This Tweet is a reply to @AlecJStephens, asking if Strong Bad was going to Gen Con so he would be prepared in case he accidentally sees Strong Bad again.
5 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 4 Jul 2019
Same to you!
This Tweet quotes @camkasal, who wished Strong Bad Happy Fireworks.
4 Jul 2019

This is a Retweet of @georgeordavid73's picture of his wedding cake with a homemade Homestar Runner and Marzipan cake topper. 4 Jul 2019

Email trogdorsupp at gee mail dot com and tell em what's up. They will try to help!
This Tweet is a reply to @nocontext_hsr, a backer who forgot to finalize the shipping address.
4 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 4 Jul 2019
Whoa! Did you put Shadow Homestar on your wedding cake? That guy's way cooler than regular Homestar!
This Tweet is a reply to @georgeordavid73, who posted a picture of a Homestar Runner and Marzipan wedding cake topper. The Homestar on the cake wore a black shirt.
4 Jul 2019

What a weird convo that musta been! "OK sweetie, so you see that dragon there? Well 16 years ago an internet wrestleman drew a picture of that dragon and for some reason the Internet was way into it. And now, for some other reason, it's this board game you have to play with dad."
This Tweet is a reply to @fernsie, who received a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game and had introduced his 10-year-old daughter to Homestar Runner just before playing it.
4 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 3 Jul 2019

This Tweet was pinned.

Hey people-types! If you received, are going to receive, or one day want to receive a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game, check out this site for videos, rules, FAQs, songs, and other dumb stuff!
3 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 3 Jul 2019
Don't worry, they don't arrive in backer-number order. It's based on where you live and your proximity to the shipping hub! (not to be confused with da shipping huuuudge)
This Tweet is a reply to @fastlane250, who received a Wyrmwood box before the actual game.
3 Jul 2019

Awesome! Thanks for being a Keeper if Trogdor! Go here for FAQs, playthroughs, dumb songs, and more!
This Tweet is a reply to @ReceipTeR, who announced receiving a copy of Trogdor!! The Board Game in the mail.
3 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 3 Jul 2019
Sadly, no. I can't get you free expedited shipping. Murfreesboro even rejected buying and displaying this $5000 street sign I had made!
This Tweet quotes @muttonchopgamer, who asked Strong Bad if Murfreesboro would expedite his shipping of Trogdor!! The Board Game for free since Strong Bad liked the sound of the town in caffeine.
3 Jul 2019

Watch this page around August! Once all the Kickcheater backers get their copies, we'll start sellin the extras! homestore-runner.myshopify.com yshopify.com/collections/fr...
This Tweet is a reply to @TaratheBookling, who wanted to buy Trogdor!! The Board Game for her husband's birthday, but figured she would have to wait until Christmas.
2 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 2 Jul 2019
VR too methinks. Also this game was WAY ahead of its time:
This Tweet is a reply to @_ZRDR, who thought that Homestar's "Sid" Game needed an HD remake.

Fun Facts

  • Homestar's "Sid" game and the Dating Sim XR come from the Strong Bad Email date.
2 Jul 2019

Once all the backers get their copies, we'll sell any leftovers in the Homestar store:
This Tweet is a reply to @codyhazelwood, who didn't see the Kickstarter until it was too late.
1 Jul 2019

This is a Retweet of @QMLogistics's announcement of Trogdor!! The Board Game being shipped throughout the month. 1 Jul 2019

What?! No way! He even gave him ghostoothpastefish gills! I'm seriously considering pouring molten pizza into a pizza trophy-shaped mold for this one!
This Tweet is a reply to @MagentaWig, who believed that The Cheat did not deserve a pizza trophy.
1 Jul 2019

Fish ghost but also part toothpaste too mebbe? No stripes but I still get an Aquafresh vibe.
This Tweet is a reply to @mikeIerardi1, who posted a Homestar Runner-inspired response to The Cheat's GIF.
1 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 1 Jul 2019
The Cheat just HAD to get in on the tom-nightmare-fuelery so he animated this.
1 Jul 2019

Tweet image for 1 Jul 2019
There we go. NOW it's the worst nightmare.
1 Jul 2019

[edit] June

Text / Transcript Date / Link
That's fiercely adorable!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Mrs_KBarnes, who posted a video of her husband and daughter watching dragon on a smartphone and singing along.
30 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 30 Jun 2019
BLAAAAHH!! It's so much worse when it lands back on my face!!
This Tweet is a reply to @_AlexHirsch, stating that he "knew" that Strong Bad's face mask was actually a bat.
30 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 30 Jun 2019
This doodle keeps flipping between worst nightmare and best thing ever.
30 Jun 2019

Expertly animated in Flash to LOOK like it was poorly animated in SoftImage!
This Tweet is a reply to @NDarkson984, asking if the Homestar Runner DVD intro was animated with Softimage.
29 Jun 2019

Pittsburgh steelworkers are thankful for Pan Pan's epiglottis!
This Tweet is a reply to @invisibleswitch, who posted a screenshot of Craig Zobel's TV show with Twenty THANXty Six playing on the television.
29 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 28 Jun 2019
Oh man @screenjunkies! Does this mean my dream of dead-eyed, over-animated CG The Cheat can finally come true?!!
This Tweet quotes @screenjunkies, who Photoshopped a Spider-Man: Far From Home poster with characters from Homestar Runner added in.

Fun Facts

  • The CG version of The Cheat previously appeared in the email Comic Book Movie, as an example of the "CG monstrosity" that would appear in a Strong Badman movie.
28 Jun 2019

That's all @schweizercomics! Guy's amazing!
This Tweet is a reply to @Elyssa_Hilton, who liked the design of Trogdor's feet on the cover of the Trogdor!! The Board Game box.
28 Jun 2019

Susan Thensettle should be the name of Litigation Jackson's rival/love interest!
This Tweet is a reply to @SeanZachel, who suggested that Strong Bad should sue, then settle.
28 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 28 Jun 2019
Some have pointed out that it's actually Google who's using Trogdor as a codename. As a result, I should reveal the codename we've been using for my upcoming board game.

Fun Facts

  • Google Buzz was a social media platform launched by Google in 2010. It was previously mentioned in sbemail 206.
28 Jun 2019

If it's not for sale in my online store, it's not legit. Bubs is still the only licensed UNlicensed seller of Strong Bad merch.
This Tweet is a reply to @LukeWMiller, posting a link to an unofficial Trogdor-themed T-shirt.

Fun Facts

  • Bubs being a licensed unlicensed Strong Bad merchandise seller refers to the email licensed, where Bubs's black market is shown to have high-quality unlicensed merchandise based on Strong Bad and The Cheat.
    • Strong Bad mentions that Bubs is "still" a licensed unlicensed seller, despite claiming to have shut down his operation at the end of the original email.
28 Jun 2019

You're prolly right. Does that mean I can aim my legal rampage at google instead?
This Tweet is a reply to @Narcogen, trying to explain that Chromium was responsible.
28 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 28 Jun 2019
So if @Qualcomm or whoever can officially, press-releaserally codename their processor 'Trogdor,' is it cool if I rebrand like-a so:
This Tweet quotes @mattsandy34, who pointed to an upcoming Chromebook codenamed "Trogdor".
28 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 28 Jun 2019
Sounds like some-corporate-body's about to be the proud recipient of a LEGAL RAMPAGE!!
This Tweet is a reply to @conrad_chris, who posted a link to an article about Google's new Snapdragon Chromebooks.
28 Jun 2019

They'll be back soon! They're on a dangerous mission called "The Great Merchandise Warehouse Switch!"
This Tweet is a reply to @candyman106, asking if Cheat Commandos figurines will ever be back in stock.
28 Jun 2019

You want a real treat? Watch em in French!!
This Tweet links to the French dub of the Two More Eggs episode "Hot Dip: End Game".
This Tweet is a reply to @ChuckWendig, who had recently discovered that The Brothers Chaps had made Two More Eggs.
26 Jun 2019

There's just this:
This Tweet links to the Two More Eggs episode "Gankroar: Backyard".
This Tweet is a reply to @David_Bohr, who replied to the previous Tweet, asking if Cheap As Free made a Scantron action figure.
25 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 25 Jun 2019
I think we all remember where we were the day the "Scantron/Cheat Commandos" crossover hit the newsstands (and gave Scantron a much needed robo-nose)!

Fun Facts

25 Jun 2019

I debated having these show up in actual The Pizz pizza boxes with fake pepperoni/cheese grease stains screen printed on the top but it didn't fit with Wyrmwood's usual classy styles.
This Tweet is a reply to @LysolPionex, who posted a Trogdor!! The Board Game box and jokingly suggested it was mailed by The Pizz.
25 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 25 Jun 2019
Tweet image for 25 Jun 2019
Strong Sad plays The Beleaguered: Alliance but that may just be a game he made up himself because no one would play Magic with him.
This Tweet is a reply to @BibbHerrod, who asked Strong Bad if he plays Magic: The Gathering.

Fun Facts

25 Jun 2019

These are fantastic! He got everything right! The angularity of The Cheat! The dump-frumpery of Homestar! Marzipan's goth phase! And of course, the way I'm always holding a sign that says "JLARAR!"
This Tweet is a reply to @StrongBadian, who posted his seven-year-old's drawings and asked Strong Bad for his opinion.

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad mentions the "dump-frumpery" of Homestar.
25 Jun 2019

No toon. Just a moment in time. Captured in gif form. Like a butterfly in a jar. That you didn't punch any airholes in. And also threw an angry wasp in there. And some WD-40.
This Tweet is a reply to @TrixieAsk, who replied to the previous Tweet asking what toon it was from.

Fun Facts

23 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 23 Jun 2019
Sometimes, when you drop by the concession stand for an astro pop, this is what happens. Keep it shady, Bubs.

Image Transcript

{Strong Bad and The Cheat walk up to the concession stand, where Bubs is hanging from the ceiling with only his lower body visible. As Strong Bad begins to say something, Bubs lowers down to the floor, followed by a large number of wads of dollar bills that bounce off his head. Strong Bad winces in reponse, followed by one more wad of money that falls and bounces off of Bubs.}

Fun Facts

  • Astro Pops are a brand of three-color lollipops sold by Leaf Brands.
  • Most of the animation in this Tweet would be later reused in an Easter egg in the Flash version of the email parenting.
23 Jun 2019

Homestar called me Stinkoman in sbemail52 so I made anime-Homestar call anime-Strong Bad the same thing in sbemail57 and it stuck. That is all.
This Tweet is a reply to @invisibleswitch, who wondered why Homestar's "Stinkoman" from island was repurposed into the name of the character Stinkoman.
23 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 20 Jun 2019
Full-to-partial dang!! This fanart from @Karasz_Arts rules! It's like Strong Mad and I got caught in the teleporter together with that Powered By The Cheat version of me from the Millionzoic Era!!
This Tweet quotes @Karasz_Arts, who shared fan art of a caveman-styled Strong Bad.

Fun Facts

20 Jun 2019

How bout Computational Algorithmic Gymnastics?
This Tweet is a reply to @WhatBiif, who replied to the previous Tweet with "Computational Algorithmics!"
19 Jun 2019

Video thumbnail for 19 Jun 2019
Unfortunately, CGNU tuition has skyrocketed to ThriceButt and our online course offerings are the same as they were in this ad from 13 years ago. What sort of legit-sounding words would you like to see strung together to form class names for the Fall 2019 semester? twitter.com/calmcajun/stat ...

Video Transcript

See the Crazy Go Nuts University commercial from theme song.

19 Jun 2019

2019 benefits:
- up to 3 pats on The Cheat's head (no deductible)
- access to 'the medicine drawer' featuring empty spools of floss, braces rubber bands (moose variety), various tubes of ointments all no fewer than 8 winters old
- unlimited low fives ($20 copay for high fives)
This Tweet is a reply to @OceansOfBliss, who wanted to work for Strong Bad and asked what his benefits plan was.

Fun Facts

18 Jun 2019

Cheerleader's floataway crushin'
This Tweet is a reply to @UncleBibby, who asked what part wasn't there before.
17 Jun 2019

I s'pose the 'floataway crushin' has its place, just feels like a dangling modifier somehow, you feel me?
This Tweet is a reply to @adamvmassimiano, replied to the previous Tweet almost wishing the joke was left in.
17 Jun 2019

Video thumbnail for 17 Jun 2019
Y'ever cut a joke from one of your comics and always wish you'd left it in, but then you go back years later and look at the joke you cut and you're like, "this was a joke?"

Video Transcript

{Pom Pom is sitting at a dinner table and offering a flower to The Ugly One, whose top half is being eaten by a drum.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Pom Pommed?

{Cut to Cheerleader with her guitar and So and So at her synthesizer keyboard.}

SO AND SO: That sounded SLOOOW GOOD!

CHEERLEADER: I like boys so much!

{Cheerleader dreamily drifts away. Nebulon's sound effect plays faintly.}

{Cut to a mouth surrounded by beard stubble. The words "Battle of the Bands!!!" are written on the teeth.}

STRONG BAD: {voiceover} Battle of the Bands!

Fun Facts

17 Jun 2019

Video thumbnail for 17 Jun 2019
Trogdor is swimming (and then flying and/or driving) as fast as he can! Thanks so much for getting the game! Can't wait for you to play it, man! Hope you dig your @WyrmwoodGaming board And bonus cards!
This Tweet is a reply to @MrCommodoreZ, who posted the wooden game board and extra Keeper cards included with special editions of Trogdor!! The Board Game.

Video Transcript

{Open to a shot of live action water. The camera pans up to reveal the live action Trogdor from the Peasant's Quest Movie Trailer in the water. He then breathes out fire.}

17 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 17 Jun 2019
Should be good now. Bubs said the server either 'hiccuped' or 'threw up in its mouth.'
This Tweet is a reply to @Cube59525219, who said the website was down.

Fun Facts

  • The tweet's image is taken from the email pizazz.
17 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jun 2019
And of course Strong Sad had to try and copy me by having a giant meteor hit Quebec like 200 million years ago. So unoriginal!

Fun Facts

  • The tweet shows an overhead view of the Manicouagan Reservoir. This image previously appeared in the email pop-up, where its coincidental similarity to Strong Sad's head was first pointed out.
16 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jun 2019
Someone finally did it! You found the giant, real world geographical easter egg I hid all those years ago! Congrats twicetimes!
This Tweet quotes @JacobLenstar, who shared a photo of a "Lake Hockey-Playing The Cheat" he took from an airplane.

Fun Facts

16 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jun 2019
Thought I should repost the software's fantastic "Obliterating Redundant Tweet" animation.
16 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jun 2019
Naw, it's just that this is my Twitter rig: (got the 3.5" drive later)
This Tweet is a reply to @LimeHatGuy, who replied to the previous Tweet asking if Edgar's Older Cousin's Pet Ferret predicted Twitter in the floppy disk era.
16 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 16 Jun 2019
Got a buncha new followers yesterday! Thanks and welcome to all o' dang y'all! Been getting a lot of 'SB, how tweet w/ box gluvs?' messages so I may have to re-employ this fellow from back when I first got on the Tweetboards:
This Tweet quotes @Rundinj, who asked the time-honored question.

Fun Facts

  • The image of "Edgar's Older Cousin's Pet Ferret" previously appeared in a tweet from October 15, 2014, less than a full month after @StrongBadActual's first tweet.
16 Jun 2019

Probably! Those not-black-wristband-wearers-with-short-hair! Somehow those jerks are on music streaming before I am!
This Tweet links to sloshy on Amazon Music.
This Tweet is a reply to @adam_philips, who quoted the previous Tweet and speculated on there being a new sloshy record coming.
15 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jun 2019
Also, 'no reason to trend' is DEFINITELY the name of some sloshy record.
15 Jun 2019

Whoa! I glow from within! I look like one of those bedside table lamps that you only find at those euro-expensive design-y cartoon stores that are fulla Moomins and Tin-Tins.
This Tweet is a reply to @ojogobo, who posted a computer-generated rendering of Strong Bad holding a Cold One.

Fun Facts

  • Moomin and Tintin are both cartoon characters originating from European countries.
15 Jun 2019

I like that you gave us both those around-the-mouth skin flomps.
This Tweet is a reply to @MoopityBoop, who wondered why Homestar Runner was trending and was inspired to draw Homestar and Strong Bad.
15 Jun 2019

Video thumbnail for 15 Jun 2019
Technically shouldn't #HomestarRunner be 'twending'?

Video Transcript

See Social Media Crap Compilation 3#Twending for no apparent reason
15 Jun 2019

You didn't hallucinate! I even made a custom intro for Everybody To The Limit that made fun of trucker caps and incorrectly said "attention Long Island" since that's where it was originally supposed to happen.
This Tweet is a reply to @en_cohen, who wondered why Homestar was trending and said of Field Day 2003 that the Trogdor sketch was the only redeemable part.

Fun Facts

15 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jun 2019
Come on man! You know how our Ween Stumes work around here. If I was gonna get Marvel-ous with my costume, I'd dress as someone obscure, lame, and awesome like Scavenger from Dragon's Claws!! 2 British kids would recognize it! It'd be great!
This Tweet quotes Leavittman1, who shared fan art of Strong Bad as Marvel's Thanos.

Fun Facts

  • Dragon's Claws was a comic book series published by Marvel UK. Scavenger is one of the comic's main characters, being a member of the titular group of heroes.
15 Jun 2019

Total. It just turns out making a Trogdor board game is WAY more work than I thought. It takes forever for him to put all the little pieces in boxes with just one beefy arm.
This Tweet is a reply to @chaseredbaron, who replied to the "non-ripped-by-a-12-year-old" Tweet asking if there was new content on the way.
15 Jun 2019

Whoa! Is that me with Bubs' body? Strong Bubs? Or a Beef Stroganauts crossover?
This Tweet is a reply to @herrfettgesicht, who replied to the "Super Smashy Towne Ultra-mint" Tweet with a Mii Fighter Strong Bad.

Fun Facts

  • Beef Stroganauts is an in-universe series from Two More Eggs, another series created by the Brothers Chaps.
15 Jun 2019

This is the kinda fan fiction I like to see! Large Bean should be a grodypasta for the ages! Slenderm'n sounds like a diet milkshake!
This Tweet is a reply to @jkelley500_jk, who posted a piece of fan art featuring Large Bean.

Fun Facts

15 Jun 2019

Just tryin to get the classics out there in non-ripped-by-a-12-year-old quality. It's the opposite of seeing a band you used to like. Instead of sitting through my new album you didn't buy to get to a hits-filled encore, you gotta endure my best-of before I'll play the new crap.
This Tweet is a reply to @SlabMangrave, who noted the various YouTube uploads of old sbemails.
15 Jun 2019

Not sure where you heard it was HTML5. Nope, they're putting out a Flash game right before the player is officially killed! THAT'S the Videlectrix way!
This Tweet is a reply to @ArcOnInternet, who replied to a @pixeljamgames Tweet saying that the Level 10 release of Stinkoman 20X6 would be in HTML5.
12 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 12 Jun 2019
Yeah! I tainted my own dang self years ago anyway! And Totems of Corporate Avarice sounds like a normo-datacore band Strong Sad would be into.
This Tweet is a reply to @ChaiSpices, who replied to the Funko Pop Tweet Strong Bad previously replied to, asking for Funko Pop not to taint at least one thing they like.

Fun Facts

12 Jun 2019

Hot Dip: Endgame?!!
This Tweet links to the Two More Eggs short "Hot Dip: End Game".
This Tweet is a reply to @GoodMangoes2war, who said they were looking for Strong Bad in Endgame.
12 Jun 2019

One of these men thought about how his legs might appear in photographs before taking the stage.
This Tweet is a reply to @JoCoCruise, who posted a picture of Matt Chapman with Jonathan Coulton.
12 Jun 2019

Look, I wish I was a character in Super Smashy Towne Ultra-mint also, but if people are basing their hopes on the fact that I once had a WiiWare game, then I think 'Cocoto Fishing Master' and that little guy from 'Lost Winds' are way in front of me in line.
This Tweet, while not technically a reply, refers to @porfenablah, who replied to the previous Tweet asking if it meant no Super Smash Bros. reveal.

Fun Facts

  • "Super Smashy Towne Ultra-mint" is a corruption of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the then-latest entry of Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. series of fighting games featuring characters from games by Nintendo, as well as third-party companies later in the series.
  • Both of the games Strong Bad mentions are actual WiiWare titles.
    • Cocoto Fishing Master is a fishing simulator developed by Neko Software as part of the company's Cocoto series of games.
    • LostWinds is a puzzle-platformer developed and published by Frontier Developments. The "little guy" Strong Bad mentions is Toku, the game's main protagonist.
12 Jun 2019

I love it when people assume I have sway with people or corporations on whose radars I am most likely not even present. But hey, neither are stealth bombers! I have stealth sway!!
This Tweet is a reply to @MyopiaPodcast, who broadly appealed to Strong Bad, @homestarrunner and @OriginalFunko to make Homestar Runner Funko Pops.
11 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 8 Jun 2019
Sometimes I can't decide. By never exploiting this tired fad, did I dodge a bullet or miss a goldmine?

Fun Facts

8 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 3 Jun 2019
I used to always have one of those back in the early aughts! My five o'clock chin swirl! It aged way better than soul patches on those music festival type-dudes if you ask me.
This Tweet is a reply to @craigzobel, who replied to the previous Tweet and noted the chin shadow.
3 Jun 2019

Tweet image for 2 Jun 2019
See this old screensaver for clarification (the screensaver, btw, is almost old enough to drink at this point. with art by @craigzobel)
This Tweet is a reply to @jodudeit, who replied to the "stitch-crossery" Tweet asking if Cold Ones are alcoholic.
2 Jun 2019

No way man! I was a meticulous decal master! No one could nail a tiny sticker that said "INTAKE" below a vent on a Cheat Commandos jet like definitely-not-still-playing-with-toys-as-a-teenager Strong Bad!
This Tweet is a reply to @FusionPlank23, who replied a Tweet by @pixelkitties, who said stickers were applied to a microphone with boxing gloves.
2 Jun 2019

I dunno who that second rate corporate Homsar knockoff is, but that's a fantastic little bit of stitchin' crossly! It will make someone in a thrift store in 15 years very happy!
This Tweet is a reply to @DukeSkath, who responded to the "stitch-crossery" Tweet with a cross-stitch of Dooble from The Brothers Chaps' Side Project Two More Eggs.
1 Jun 2019

Aw man. Supposed to be 'clown collars.' I blew it. My big chance.
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
1 Jun 2019

Run!! It's Depresseon! Planet sized devourer of alien worlds! And wearer of ringed cloud collars! And um... blower of grape-flavored vape smoke... apparently?
This Tweet is a reply to @_tgjessie, who replied to a Tweet from @NoMansSky noting its picture's similarity to Strong Sad.
1 Jun 2019

Hot damp! That is some serious stitch-crossery! Make sure to hang it where it gets lotsa sun so it'll fade to a perfect grandma-golden yellow!
This Tweet quotes @Eric_Albers17, who shared a property of ones cross-stitch made by his sister.

Fun Facts

  • Stitch-crossery is another example of Noun-ery.
1 Jun 2019

[edit] May

Text / Transcript Date / Link
OnlineBubs was the name of his old ISP! It used to be called BuBBS but no one knew how to say that out loud.
This Tweet is a reply to @BrandonCOdom, who couldn't tell if peasants are sacred or excited for Online Bubs when playing the "Peasant Yell" sound for Trogdor!! The Board Game.
30 May 2019

Did I ever show you guys this sound board? Click around, it's got all sortsa crap on there. Random buttons, quotes, music, sound effects, and the whole Rulebook EP.

29 May 2019

Oh I still got some. A bunch even. But the secret is that I dole it out in little bits so you don't notice it's happening like a drippy bathtub that fills up and overflows down the stairs and into your foyer during book club.
This Tweet is a reply to @heychrischin, asking if Strong Bad still had some.
29 May 2019

Um, knowledge of a for-real moon covered in volcanoes is not nerdy. It's called research for future album covers, first person shooters, and um... lunchmeat.
This Tweet is a reply to @zyborgmon, saying that Strong Sad's nerdiness was beginning to rub off.
27 May 2019

Tweet image for 27 May 2019
That's right The Moon!!
This Tweet is a reply to @captain____derp, who posted a picture of The Moon with a space ship stuck in its eye from a classic film.
27 May 2019

You set me up!! YOU SET ME UP!!
This Tweet is a reply to @chalkzhone, who posted a picture of a Homestar Runner figurine standing on the Jail square on a Monopoly board.
27 May 2019

Tweet image for 27 May 2019
I'm sad that my soft-serve flip is erupting plumes of sulfur dioxide 150 miles into space due to the crunch of Jovian gravity.
This Tweet quotes @AntikytheraClio, who compared the appearance of the moon Io with an active volcano to Strong Sad.
27 May 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @BenjyMLewis, worrying that Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People was being delisted on GOG.com along with all the other Telltale titles, and would not be available to purchase in the future.
27 May 2019

Tweet image for 26 May 2019
Why a boss ds-1 with 'Supra' written on it so it sounds like a DOD supra distortion pedal of course!!
This Tweet is a reply to @talkingwithpapa, asking what kind of distortion sloshy uses.
26 May 2019

Tweet image for 25 May 2019
I'm less concerned with you being on-model than I am with us all being devoured by this hideous conqueror tardigrade you got goin up here.
This Tweet is a reply to @PracticalPeng, who posted chalk drawings of Strong Bad and Homestar Runner.
25 May 2019

You don't gotta kill nobody but two Hamiltons and a Linc-linc from your wallet!
This Tweet links to the Store page for Figurines Set One.
This Tweet is a reply to @weird_legs asking if the Homestar Runner figurines were still available and would kill to get them.
25 May 2019

But ours is labeled correctly.
This Tweet is a reply to @RangerSnow, posting a picture of Homestar Runner taking a plastic tub labeled "old H*R crap" out of his shed.
25 May 2019

Tweet image for 25 May 2019
I didn't draw that, some beardo prolly did. But here's an even better one he drew that never made it as a pin-up:
This Tweet is a reply to @menachemachem, who posted a picture of SCUD, the Disposable Assassin, and mistakenly attributed it to Strong Bad.
25 May 2019

Tweet image for 24 May 2019
In somebody's garage. Dunno how to feel. On one hand, these people consider me and mines keepsakes. On the other hand, these people store their precious keepsakes in plastic sterilite bins in the garage.
24 May 2019

Well, it's always been a 'D-List' title on the sales charts so it's not really that big a change. If anything, we gained a lowercase 'e'!!
This Tweet is a reply to @TheRobSka, whose Tweet is unavailable.
24 May 2019

She did it again! @JanelleCShane got a neural net to extend my "Okay for Mom" list from sbemail 186 with expectedly bananas results! (pounds!)
This Tweet quotes @JanelleCShane, who shared some neural net-generated lists of "Okay for Mom" euphemisms.

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad's "Okay for Mom" list was seen in the email environment.
23 May 2019

Hey, at least they remembered to include the game in that list at all! Some algorithm prolly told them "(4) people will [sorta] care about (SBGC4AP)" and they still included me in the kill-list! Score!
This Tweet is a reply to @FusionPlank23, saying that Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People will be delisted from GOG and Steam so people should download it before then.
23 May 2019

Man, I have no idea who to even think about talking to about that. All's I got is the 10,000+ lines of dialog I recorded. You think I'll get in trouble if I just start posting sound files from the game to twitter and we all play it tweet-your-own-adventure style?!
This Tweet is a reply to @TheSeg, asking if there was anything he could do to get Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People back up.
23 May 2019

Tweet image for 19 May 2019
Only a couple hours left to back @schweizercomics kickstarter wherein he makes cool wooden Sherlock Holmes figurines! kickstarter.com/projects/schwe... Have a pic of me and Holmes and a spectral hound in front of a wizard boarding school and an essential oil diffuser!
19 May 2019

I just dang might! I'll let people know if and when there are details to detail to you!
This Tweet is a reply to @annelukeman, asking if Strong Bad was returning to Gen Con this year, because she enjoyed playing Trogdor!! The Board Game last year.
18 May 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @TrixieAsk, posting a video about filling a pool with red Jell-O.
16 May 2019

Tweet image for 16 May 2019
Oh yeah? Even in... THIS FORM?!!
This Tweet is a reply to @JCPbone, saying the world needed more Strong Bad in any form.
16 May 2019

Then let's put on our leather flight helmets and fly directly into a giant laser beam as we scream a super lame one-liner together!!
This Tweet is a reply to @playeveryware, posting a gif from Top Gun saying that he could fly; he was a pilot.
16 May 2019

I did have a problem for a while there but it was more like email-aplague victim, than -aholic.
This Tweet is a reply to @LydiaPrower8, saying the mug fit Strong Bad's early personality.
16 May 2019

Tweet image for 16 May 2019
208 was the one hidden inside last year's April Fool's thing. 209 is coming...
This Tweet is a reply to @PokePok37934704, requesting Strong Bad Email #208.

Fun Facts

16 May 2019

I dunno if checking 1 email a week for 6-8 years and then pretty much not at all for the next decade constitutes -aholic status. But hey, Impact plus Sand font is a winning combo!
This Tweet quotes @ButteryParanoia, who posted a picture of a mug with the words "email-aholic" on it.
16 May 2019

Ye attempt to get a life but are met with adversity, both societal and economic. Ye settles for a job that almost pays thy bills and putst the rest on Thy Dungeonmaster charge card, accruing significant dungeondebt which your kids inherit. You dead. Score 21 out of a possible 999
This Tweet is a reply to @iceco666, saying "Get a life?"
15 May 2019

This outpouring of actual crap-give from everybody brings a rare tear to this washed-up old internet wrestleman's eye!
This Tweet is a reply to @thebehemoth, invoking users from the Council of Flash.
15 May 2019

Best followers ever man! I tweet some mostly jokey nonsense and get a buncha replies with legit solutions! You people rule!!
This Tweet is a reply to @larsiusprime, describing the OpenFL emulation he had running on modern consoles.
15 May 2019

Tweet image for 15 May 2019
Dear @thebehemoth, I want to port my text adventure that was made with Actionscript 2.0 but looks like it was made with BASIC to modern consoles because I think kids are finally ready to have the crap text-parsed outta them properly. Any advice?
15 May 2019

Tweet image for 14 May 2019
"You got SPONCH'D!" doesn't sound as violent as getting SBLOUNSKCHED. Almost sounds pleasant! Maybe Sponch is like the diet, 100 calorie version. Y'know, without all the pepperoni.
This Tweet is a reply to @RicksWriting, who posted a picture of a box of SPONCHED! marshmallow cookies.

Fun Facts

  • SBLOUNSKCHED! is the name of the candy bar from candy product, which has pepperoni as an ingredient.
14 May 2019

There already is! Just play the regular game and change Trogdor's name to Beefaeryghon or whatever and you're good to go!
This Tweet is a reply to @Bratmon, who asked if there was a Game of Thrones edition of Trogdor!! The Board Game.
14 May 2019

I would love this. Unfortunately, Videlectrix doesn't have the clout they (never) once had.
This Tweet is a reply to @ThomasBuster, who wanted to see a Homestar Runner game on the Nintendo Switch and would pay to help get the Wii game ported.
13 May 2019

Stnank is the word used by the chosen few like me who are incapable of 'mistakes.' A stnank is the closest we get.
This Tweet is a reply to @hallaren, who insisted that Stnank is totally a word, and asked Strong Bad to back him up.
13 May 2019

Tweet image for 13 May 2019
I'm told that technically there wasn't any burnination of actual thatch so they are spared from my legal rampage for now. Countryside and peasants were apparently well represented though.
This Tweet is a reply to @Harvey_S, who said the Game of Thrones writers should credit Strong Bad for Daenery's Trogdor-like approach to burninating everyone.

Fun Facts

  • "Legal rampage" and the accompanying picture come from the Strong Bad Email rampage.
13 May 2019

The last track off the Rulebook EP! It's the triumphant return of Brainkrieg with Trogdor's Fiery Rage!
This Tweet links to Trogdor's Fiery Rage on YouTube.
10 May 2019

That's awesome! Nothin says love like a cleft-in-twain The Cheat-- Waitaminute! Parking in the ramp is free if I'm in and out within an hour?!! How come nobody told me?!!
This Tweet is a reply to @Wirter, who found a drawing based on the The Cheat drawing in Skills of an Artist LIVE!! in a book, with an "I love you!" message and a library receipt visible.
10 May 2019

I've always loved that this cover of the Stinkoman theme is like 80% build-up. I almost want it to end right when the theme proper kicks in.
This Tweet is a reply to @zaneyboy2, who replied to the previous Tweet with a VikingGuitar cover of the Stinkoman 20X6 Level 1 theme, saying it was the music going through the Chorch's head.
10 May 2019

Tweet image for 9 May 2019
Sometimes ya gotta see things from a Chorch's perspective.
9 May 2019

Tweet image for 4 May 2019
Remember their involvement!
This Tweet is a reply to @Gmightyguin, who said "The Archers" from the Trogdor EP was stuck in her head.
4 May 2019

It infuses the salmon with delicious science umami before you smoke it.
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
4 May 2019

I def never shoulda canceled my subscription to The Journal of The Cheat Science and Medicine. The yearly 'Skelebratory Skelebration' issue was always full of... Salmon. Y'know, after I used its pages to wrap salmon in them.
This Tweet is a reply to @Game_Overture, who replied to the previous Tweet with the diagram of The Cheat's physiology, noting the names of the "tube" and "face bone".
4 May 2019

Tweet image for 3 May 2019
Man, for a sell-crap-to-kids cartoon, this old Blue Laserdisc Challenge game got pretty gruesome. Also, The Cheats apparently have simpler nervous and circulatory systems than, like, those little... asymptotes or whatever they're called.

Fun Facts

3 May 2019

Yes! It is truly grab bag style! Bubs pokes whoever is pulling shirts for him (90% chance of Strong Sad) in the eyes as they do it so they don't know what shirt they just packed. Check that link for more boring info!
This Tweet is a reply to @Riffcoms, who replied to the Mystery Shirt Sale Tweet asking if there's a chance of two versions of the same shirt being shipped if more than one shirt is purchased.
2 May 2019

This Tweet is a reply to a reply, mentioning a chainsaw lullaby, by @Maluf360 to a post with a photo of Suudsu made by @CamTroidy.

Fun Facts

2 May 2019

Tweet image for 2 May 2019
Oh fulldang! Mystery Shirt Sale! Only $10.99! Pick your size and who knows what old shirt design from the mid-to-late aughts you might get! 4 Gregs? Swirly Homestar? Troggie? Bubs wants these OUT of his crawlspace! Which sounds way weirder than I meant it!
2 May 2019

Do you wanna watch seemingly disinterested people mostly avert their eyes during a live performance of Quickstart Overview from @JoCoCruise 2019? Well thanks to @philster27, you totally can! Thanks man!
This Tweet links to a YouTube video of Matt Chapman as Strong Bad performing Quickstart Overview on the JoCoCruise.
1 May 2019

[edit] April

Text / Transcript Date / Link
He's little but densely packed!
This Tweet is a reply to @smashpro1, who asked about The Cheat's weight and curlability in reply to the "3/4" Tweet.
30 Apr 2019

It's neverything you never asked nor!
This Tweet is a reply to @fastlane250, who quoted the previous Tweet and noted how unsettling Homeschool Winner was in the standard Homestar Runner art style.
30 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 30 Apr 2019
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
30 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 30 Apr 2019
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
30 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 30 Apr 2019
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
30 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 30 Apr 2019
Here are those gifs you ordered. 1/4
30 Apr 2019

More Kickcheatery! Board game wizard @cheapassjames (who designed Trogdor!! The Board Game with me) is making a book about the 100+ games he made with @cheapassgames! Pledge it on strong! Last hours an allat!
This Tweet links to the Kickstarter page for Cheapass Games in Black and White.
30 Apr 2019

Everything still looks good for shipping in June as of this moment. But yes, exactly when you get it will depend on where you live on the planet plus it's gonna take a minute to ship out those piles and piles.
This Tweet is a reply to @mrbudha, who replied to the previous Tweet and asked when backers would receive their copies of the game.
30 Apr 2019

Once the 24,000 backers of the Kickstarter get their copies, we'll sell the leftovers in our online store. But you know how leftovers are, just pour a buncha gravy on em before you microwave and they taste just as good!
This Tweet is a reply to @AMisStewart, who asked where to buy the Trogdor board game.
29 Apr 2019

Here's the YouTubery. Now with 3x more curling!
This Tweet links to the YouTube version of Quickstart Overview.
This Tweet is a reply to the Tweet containing the original Quickstart Overview video.
29 Apr 2019

Where ya think?! It doing-sproings outta my top hat, man! Like all dapper investigator/roustabouts!
This Tweet is a reply to @Driver_270, who replied to the previous Tweet asking where the Nunchuck Gun was.
29 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 29 Apr 2019
Dangeresque stands dapperly by the other greatest detective of all time! Check out this Kickcheater from @schweizercomics (who did the art for the Trogdor board game) where he makes cool wooden figures of Sherlock Holmes characters! kickstarter.com/projects/schwe...
29 Apr 2019

After all the kickcheater backers get their games, we'll sell any extra copies in the online store and you can pick one up then!
This Tweet is a reply to @FoxytronicArts, who asked, in reply to the Quickstart Overview video, if there was still a way to support the game with the Kickstarter being over.
27 Apr 2019

Just the one initial vat of money! Every copy of the game comes with 5 alternate Trogdor meeples including Wormdingler, DAGRON, Chiaroscuro Trogdor, and more!
This Tweet is a reply to @HiReception, who replied to the previous Tweet, noted the S is for Sucks dragon meeple and asked "how many vats of money" are needed to get it.
27 Apr 2019

Video thumbnail for 26 Apr 2019
Check out this awesome music video The Cheat and Strong Mad made for the first single off my new EP/Audio-Rulebook-For-A-Board-Game! It's the Quickstart Overview!

Video Transcript

See Quickstart Overview (video).

26 Apr 2019

I knoweth already, Thy Dungeoness Crab! Those are summa the earliest ones we uploaded (and applauded). We'll unify naming conventions and meta tags and font kerning eventually!
This Tweet is a reply to @thydungeonman, who noted that some emails on YouTube lacked "email" in their title and were left off the email playlist.
22 Apr 2019

You were probably trying to match the poly-count of Mega Man on that cover to mine from SBCG4AP.
This Tweet is a reply to @scalemodlgiant, who posted a strongbad_email.exe Disc Six DVD inexplicably found in a Mega Man Legends 2 case.
20 Apr 2019

Try new.homestarrunner.com for now. Beta stylez.
This Tweet is a reply to @RegehrEvan, who said the website was broken and asked when it would be fixed.
20 Apr 2019

Happy The Cheatday, everyone! The Cheat replied "Yeah, man. I'll gnaw your face off," to no fewer than 20 emails today! A personal record!
This Tweet links to cheatday on YouTube.
18 Apr 2019

How many people were in the room? I'm usually workin a '1 in every 36 plebs' ratio.
This Tweet is a reply to @doughnut_jane, who said she made a reference to the email techno that only one person in the room understood.
18 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 18 Apr 2019
THIS is Marshie before the accident.
This Tweet is a reply to @Glovewithsauce, who replied to a @stuffedpuffs advertisement Tweet and noted their mascot's resemblance to Marshie.
18 Apr 2019

He's technically playing bass on the Cool Tapes song (marzipan wouldn't let him do the "whoa-oh's.")
This Tweet is a reply to @ReverendGuimo, who replied to the EP Tweet wishing that Strong Mad had a song on the EP.
16 Apr 2019

And it jorst might gort one!
This Tweet is a reply to @ne1for23, who replied to the EP Tweet saying The Wraparound should get a music video.
16 Apr 2019

In what way? 'Come on' like 'why do you do this to me?' Or 'come on' like what Larry from Limozeen screams when he's filling parts of the song he forgot the lyrics to during a live show?
This Tweet is a reply to @LeemanKessler, who quoted the EP Tweet and said "Come on".
16 Apr 2019

Pre-orders are closed for now but we will have copies available for sale in the Homestar store later this summer after all the Kickcheater backers get their copies. Have but a little patience, my friend, and burnination shall be yours!
This Tweet is a reply to @alternateshade, who replied to the EP Tweet and asked if preorders being disabled meant that the game was impossible to purchase.
16 Apr 2019

I liken them to late 80's/early 90's never-heard-of's like The Front, Royal Court of China, and Burning Tree!
This Tweet is a reply to @NoMoreSpearows, who replied to the previous Tweet expressing surprise at Bigg Nife being featured on the EP.
16 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 16 Apr 2019
Even the best rulebooks need some audio-visual aids! So we cut an entire EP of songs about the rules of the Trogdor board game! Tracks by me, Coach Z, Limozeen, sloshy, Taranchula, Brainkrieg, and more! Go listen the crap out of it!
16 Apr 2019

I vote yes one million.
This Tweet is a reply to @cavery210, who replied to a @SmashAdditions bot-created suggestion for Stinkoman to be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, asking for Strong Bad's opinion.
16 Apr 2019

Or maybe we both just grew up listening to the same dope tracks!
This Tweet is a reply to @SideshowSwap, who asked if @Lin_Manuel helped Strong Bad write Quickstart Overview.
16 Apr 2019

It's like the evolution of Dangeresque! First, he was a cool Pom Pom caveman. Then he devolved into his lowest form as Homestar. Then he, um, turned into a logo for a while. THEN he reemerged as a much more advanced life form as The Cheat until finally perfecting himself as ME!
This Tweet is a reply to @stomper1232, who shared a bedroom mural featuring Pom Pom, Homestar, the Homestar Runner logo, The Cheat, and Strong Bad in his Dangeresque outfit.
16 Apr 2019

Not contained. He's being... ensconced, perhaps?
This Tweet is a reply to @TAlanHorne, who replied to the Trogcuddles Tweet lamenting Trogdor being contained by Styrofoam.
16 Apr 2019

Trog...cuttles then?
This Tweet is a reply to @mikeIerardi1, who replied to the previous Tweet saying that cuddles aren't metal.
16 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 16 Apr 2019
Aww, don't you just wanna squeeze in there with him for Trogcuddles?
16 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 6 Apr 2019
Check it out! @laywastegames has a Kickcheater going for their super-evil new game Life Siphon! If they get to $80k, they'll add a meeple that looks like Strong Sad as The Makeromancer! (though I'm pretty sure this is just coincidence) kickstarter.com/projects/laywa...
6 Apr 2019

Doorknob? Drawer pull? Madball? Pommel of the coolest sword ever?
This Tweet is a reply to @TheBurlison, who showed a picture of a toy found by @jrc531, who described it as Strong Bad's evil twin.

Fun Facts

  • The object itself is an angry version of the character Raven from Teen Titans Go!
  • Strong Bad guesses the object is a Madball, a line of balls with freaky faces on them.
6 Apr 2019

Corgis LOVE to devour images of Homestar!
This Tweet is a reply to the same @ChronicallyAnna Tweet as before.
5 Apr 2019

Did you leave the dog crate open?! Don't feed the DVD to the dog!!!!
This Tweet is a reply to @ChronicallyAnna, who, replying to the Exaggerations video, showed her copy of Everything Else Volume 1, holding it in front of a wire grid.
5 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 5 Apr 2019
Whoa! Didn't mean to scare the aspect ratio faithful out there. Don't worry. I can't be bothered to change the seemingly arbitrary default document size and frame rate that's been the same since Macromedia Flash 4.
5 Apr 2019

I may be paraphrasing here but you know what Neil Young says: "It's better to have existed for two decades in a bloated, unsecure media player than it is to rust..."
This Tweet is a reply to @Seglegs, who, replying to the Exaggerations Tweet, expressed interest in paying for a vector-based HTML5 reformat for old sbemails.
5 Apr 2019

Don't worry, I'm WAY too lazy to actually do something like that. Besides, in EVERY email you would now see Homestar standing over there "behind the black." No way am I givin away that much screen time! I'm not runnin a country club, y'know!
This Tweet is a reply to @ColinMcInerror and @batbrain1998, who responded to the Exaggerations Tweet expressing concern over Strong Bad Emails changing aspect ratios.
5 Apr 2019

That one was lost for a long time and I just recently found it on a dusty beige hard drive that only works if you plug a parallel port into a 4-pin firewire while blowing into an old Sega tape (Joe Montana Sports Talk Football, I believe)!
This Tweet is a reply to @QuicksandBuddy, who said Why Come Only One Girl is their favorite in reply to the previous Tweet.
5 Apr 2019

Video thumbnail for 5 Apr 2019
For those asking for a dvd or blu-ray re-release, have some old PREMIUM bonus content from the early aughts to tide you over until such time as I get off my shiny keister and change the aspect ratios of all my old sbemails.

Video Transcript

See Exaggerations.

5 Apr 2019

That is highly encouraged!
This Tweet is a reply to @NebulosaEnigma1, who asked for permission to imagine a "chair skooch and printer paper" after Strong Bad's Tweets.
4 Apr 2019

Video thumbnail for 3 Apr 2019
Just tinkering. Still don't quite know what I'm gonna do with these neural network-generated sbemails from @JanelleCShane . Might be more like a podcast? There are lotsa them and they are all INSANE.

Video Transcript

{Strong Bad is holding an e-mail printed on The Paper}

STRONG BAD: {reading} Hey there Strong Bad! I think your dream robot should have a pom-pom-pom. Also, you should have a computer designed for its role in society. Matt, North Dakota. Again, you're really tipping your hand here, Neural Network. Both mentioning robots and then kinda demanding that computers should have roles in society. What kind of role did you have in mind, Matt? ROBOT OVERLORD?! Are you not happy with your role as a computer that gets fed tons of useless data so it can produce poorly-replicated results that we can all laugh at?

Fun Facts

  • The email Strong Bad reads is one of the emails from the neural network linked in an earlier tweet, and mentions robots.
3 Apr 2019

Too many folds!! TOO MANY FOLDS!!
This Tweet is a reply to @KHFMcAwesome, who shared a photo of a somewhat flabby The Cheat doodle on the back of a receipt.

Fun Facts

3 Apr 2019

It's like that creepy floating Twin Peaks shadow!
This Tweet is a reply to @AndrewKossMusic, who called attention to the mysterious black diamond shape in the previous video.

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad references Twin Peaks, a TV series from the '90s.
2 Apr 2019

Video thumbnail for 2 Apr 2019
I just love this so much.

Video Transcript

{A tiny Strong Bad head is standing at the base of a giant Tandy 400. Zoom out as the room shrinks. The room rotates as a dwarf Strong Bad shoves the Tandy 400 off the table. Strong Bad then reaches to the side and pulls out a massive Compy 386 computer, hoisting it onto the desk.}

Fun Facts

2 Apr 2019

I've been trying to forget him for most of my life.
This Tweet is a reply to @Over9000coffey, who asked the Twitter community if anyone else remembered Homestar Runner.
2 Apr 2019

Tweet image for 1 Apr 2019
I been busy making the best board game ever! Give a wrestleman a break!
This Tweet is a reply to @joetweetguy, who pointed out a lack of recent updates to YouTube.
1 Apr 2019

She really did it! @JanelleCShane ran all the senders' emails from all my sbemails (thanks hrwiki.org!) through a discount neural network! It's a little terrifying how on point its results are!
This Tweet links to Discount Strong Bad emails, a blog post from AI Weirdness.

Fun Facts

1 Apr 2019

[edit] March

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Oh man! My type-words and talk-says are humbled and honored by your engagement!
This Tweet is a reply to @JanelleCShane, who was in the process of extracting the text of Strong Bad Emails from the wiki and feeding them into her neural network.

Fun Facts

31 Mar 2019

Don't hold breath
This Tweet is a reply to @Plastic_Cyborg, who was anticipating a new April Fools' toon from Homestar Runner.
31 Mar 2019

Thanks man! I'm just out here trying my best not to suck. And if I ever did suck, I'm out here trying my best to make up for it.
This Tweet is a reply to @Zoutaleaux, who expressed his appreciation for Strong Bad's entertainment over the years.
31 Mar 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @daftkifty's request for Strong Bad Email transcripts for @JanelleCShane's neural network.
31 Mar 2019

You need look no further than hrwiki.org! You could deep learning the DVD commentaries even!
This Tweet is a reply to @AnaBlazewing's request for Strong Bad Email transcripts for @botnikstudios's neural network.

Fun Facts

31 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 30 Mar 2019
I would def hang with this guy.
This Tweet is a reply to @VonAether's digitally distorted image of Homestar Runner in The Field, in which several bushes somewhat resemble creatures.
30 Mar 2019

For April Fool's day this year, I wish Bubs would feed all my sbemails into his discount neural network and see what kinda insane, eyeball-covered gold it would spit out.
30 Mar 2019

Because that's what his unauthorized autobiography is called. (why he didn't give himself authorization is beyond me)
This Tweet is a reply to @ColonelGet, who posted a photo of a Hardee's sign simply reading "Welcome back / Froot Loops / Donuts" and asked why he read it in Homsar's voice.
29 Mar 2019

Video thumbnail for 28 Mar 2019
Me and Strong Sad -in a rare collaborative moment- in 2002 butchering classics by both @realSeBADoh and @_GuidedByVoices at the same time!

Video Transcript

{Strong Sad and Strong Bad are sitting on the couch watching the VCR together. Strong Sad is holding a guitar. Guitar music plays.}

STRONG BAD: {singing} Seeing all the things I've seen. Maybe I should go away for a wine. Maybe I shouldn't smile so much. Uh... he's sharpening his teeth, for everyone... did you really think that you were the only one? Buzzards and dreadful crows. {talking} That's a... that's a different band.

28 Mar 2019

Let's try and reverse engineer them from The Cheat's the artwork. We know for sure they contain steam and sugar (maybe steamed milk? I dunno). Royal icing. Scone-like consistency. Whattaya think the bits inside are? Nuts? Candied ginger? Semi-sweet Grumbles?
This Tweet is a reply to @TheMisterPipes, who requested a Grumblecakes recipe.

Fun Facts

25 Mar 2019

kept thinking the medium would be dead soon, but a decade has gone by and peoples keep asking
This Tweet is a reply to @pinata_time, who asked if there were plans for a new Homestar Runner DVD or Blu-ray.
25 Mar 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @Leavittman1, who asked when the Grumblecakes video would be posted to YouTube.

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad's made-up word contains the word thyme.
25 Mar 2019

Video thumbnail for 25 Mar 2019
A slowish jam from my past. Just the timeless story of a guy waiting in line, demanding random baked goods from the woman in front of him. No more, no less. #grumblecakes

Video Transcript

See Grumblecakes (video)

25 Mar 2019

AAAHHHH!! The human eyes!! They stare right through my breakfast and into my soul!!! (Nice highlight on Blue Diamond Phillips though.)
This Tweet is a reply to @NinMaster712_YT, who shared a photo of himself in a Strong Bad costume for Zenkaikon.
23 Mar 2019

Yes! It's called 'having a younger sibling!'
This Tweet is a reply to @kitschensyngk, who asked if Strong Bad could "feel [Strong Sad] creep into [his] private life".
20 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 20 Mar 2019
Oh great, @tuneyards. Now Strong Sad is all cheesed at me because I went on the @JoCoCruise and didn't get you to sign this weird album fan art he made. I told him that's several kinds of messed up but he insisted you would understand.
20 Mar 2019

Although if Katie Mack (@AstroKatie) had done a Craig Mack tribute, that woulda been pretty awesome also.
This Tweet is a reply to the previous Tweet.
18 Mar 2019

People from @JoCoCruise '19 keep focusing on @QuelleChris's extendo-dab, but me and Coach Z think his Craig Mack tribute was the highlight. #flavainyaear
18 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 17 Mar 2019
Let us celebrate today with a gif of one of the only appropriate examples I could find. Newly colored for 2019!
17 Mar 2019

This Tweet is a reply to @interdigital, who asked if passengers should leave or collect the hidden Trogdors.
9 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 9 Mar 2019
Forget hidden MouseMans! Passengers on the @JoCoCruise should be on the lookout for hidden Trogdors this week!
9 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 8 Mar 2019
All I ever wanted
Had to get away
8 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 8 Mar 2019
Not quite in Litigation Jackson territory but that winery is pushin their luck. If I see MERLOT'D on one of their wines then I'll have to regulate.
This Tweet is a reply to @VOOOLN, who showed a wine label and said they read it in their head in a Teen Girl Squad voice.
8 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 7 Mar 2019
Passengers on the @JoCoCruise, this is what I'm bout to endure so I can come play the Trogdor board game with y'alls on the boat. There is NO WORSE traveling companion than sidewise eyes puppet Homestar! (and possibly Strong Sad's severed arm?!)
7 Mar 2019

OR you could watch the high quality official version instead of some janky ripped-from-the-swf version:
This Tweet links to the official YouTube version of Teen Girl Squad 7.
This Tweet is a reply to @CamTroid, who had a conversation with @GeeksAndSundays stemming from the previous Tweet in which CamTroid linked an unofficial version of the cartoon.
6 Mar 2019

Tweet image for 5 Mar 2019
Another legend leaves us. We'll always have the time I drew King Kong Bundy in a Teen Girl Squad, executing a Big Splash from off a playground slide.

Fun Facts

5 Mar 2019

[edit] February

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Never gonna happen. It was on an old FD memory card, a proprietary format that Videlectrix only produced for like 3 months. There doesn't exist a beige enough box to read the data on these things.
This Tweet is a reply to @KazuoIchigama, who replied to the "Web 0.0" Tweet asking for a fixed "long-haired freaky The Cheat".
11 Feb 2019

<frame>'s amiright?! The keys that open the gates to true web design freedom!
This Tweet is a reply to @Sir5000, who replied to the rat GIF Tweet saying that Strong Bad's site helped with learning HTML.
10 Feb 2019

There's a 55% chance it was once a zucchini. The other 45% screams 'texas cheesesteak and egg patty melt.'
This Tweet is a reply to @lifeistatakai, who replied to the "Web 0.0" Tweet asking if Strong Bad ever found out what was in the foil hunk.
10 Feb 2019

Tweet image for 10 Feb 2019
This is def on of my favs.

Fun Facts

10 Feb 2019

Peoples keep sending me this comic movie website that's all Web 0.0. Lemme just remind all y'alls that Strong Bad unironically made an awesome/terrible website a million years ago with way better gifs and a proper broken hit counter. homestarrunner.com/sbsite

Fun Facts

Strong Bad's Website was first presented in the Strong Bad Email website.

10 Feb 2019

As it should. That's pure, mainlined The Cheat humor right there.
This Tweet is a reply to @Girl9Tweet, who replied to the previous Tweet, saying "steep prices and trees" made her laugh.
8 Feb 2019

Video thumbnail for 8 Feb 2019
In this week's edition of 'More Stuff Phife Dawg Inspired in Sbemail History,' we look at an easter egg from Sbemail 119: 'Animal' and the origin of my favorite wardrobe provider.

Video Transcript

{Fade in to the Easter egg from the Strong Bad Email "animal". The Deep Sea Fangly Fish is sitting on a counter with its lights flashing.

GENERIC ANNOUNCER: Second place contestants receive Deep Sea Fangly Fish. Promotional considerations by Sterrance.

{The words "Mr. Bad's Wadrobe provided by Styles Upon Styles" fades in}

GENERIC ANNOUNCER: Strong Bad's wardrobe furnished by...

{Cut to a music video. A rap artist with his eyes covered with plastic hits his finger against his palm as he raps.}

PHIFE DAWG: Styles upon styles upon styles is what I have! You want it just to fight for but you still don't know the hap!

{The music video stops, the text from before returns, and the commercial music resumes playing. The Homestar Runner head lure drops in from the left. Words appear below as he talks.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER LURE: Steep prices and trees!

Fun Facts

8 Feb 2019

Video thumbnail for 7 Feb 2019
It's no 'wagon fulla', but @fancybane did a pretty good slopjob with these pancakes!

Video Transcript

See Social Media Crap Compilation 1#Fan Pamcakes

Fun Facts

Both songs are from montage, where the Wagon Fulla Pancakes was first introduced.

7 Feb 2019

This is what we call in the industry 'a good idea.'
This Tweet is a reply to @Cillian1996, who asked about making a new game instead of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.
6 Feb 2019

I'll start calling Telltale's now-empty offices and see if I can get the rights to make a Switch port. "Yes, hello, Cap'n Telltale? If I'm allowed to port SBCG4AP to the Switch then just sit there, say nothing, and be a defunct business entity." "..." "Great, thanks!"
This Tweet is a reply to @Patstar54, who replied to the "Justice Combo Meal" Tweet, saying they can't play Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People.
6 Feb 2019

I'm happy for you and everything but you'd best not attribute that quote to me! That's some Strong SAD syllabic garbage you're quotin! From when he was hopped up on caffeine-free coffee substitute! I can ALWAYS remember my (tape) legs!
This Tweet is a reply to @CCCieri, who Tweeted about writing a play named after the "@StrongBadActual quote" "I Can't Remember My Legs".
6 Feb 2019

Yes, after all the Kickcheater backers get their copies we should have extras to sell in the Homestore.
This Tweet is a reply to @thomaspercyfan, who asked if there will be another chance to order Trogdor!! The Board Game.
5 Feb 2019

Oh man! That wave of early 80's spice games was fantastic! Lawry's Seasoned Salt Miner, FruitFresh Bruise Brawler, NoSalt Health and Fitness Monitor!! All the hits!!
This Tweet is a reply to @ArkRetrocade, who replied to the previous reply, making up a game called "Shippin Thyme" about tossing crates of spice onto trucks.
2 Feb 2019

Shipping is the same time we've always said: June 2019. You can always change your address in BackerKit and I'm pretty sure we'll triple check once it gets close to shippin thyme!
This Tweet is a reply to @CrazyCattsLady, who asked when Trogdor!! The Board Game is shipping, and how to change the address.
1 Feb 2019

More like shoulder pads. We have to run a thick metal cable through the neck of his turtleneck sweaters to get them to stay in place so he can see and eat Decemberween brunch (the only time he wears turtlenecks).
This Tweet is a reply to @GossSean42, who replied to the previous explodey collar Tweet, asking how Strong Mad wears a collar.
1 Feb 2019

Maybe in real life that would happen. But me and The Cheat made this. So that creepy, smushed blue Homestar in a bowler hat gets his head blowed off.
This Tweet is a reply to @iyeru, who replied to the previous Tweet, saying Homsar would probably blow up the remote or the screen, or his lower half instead.
1 Feb 2019

Tweet image for 1 Feb 2019
'Member the explodey collar app? If your device doesn't go into lockdown when it sees a Flash file, then have a go at it yourself! Can be very cathartisfying for those stuck at computers all day. homestarrunner.com/kotcollar.html

Fun Facts

The remote control collar head explosion game was first introduced in the Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Developer's Blog.

1 Feb 2019

[edit] January

Text / Transcript Date / Link
Not true! Pretty sure he had nothing to do with this particular track. Though Jared is responsible for all the music in the #1 Slow Jam 'Food-Related Love' as well as a buncha other musical awesomeness.
This Tweet is a reply to @IronCurtaiNYC, who replied to @chrisweedpiano (who replied to the previous "Justice Combo Meal" Tweet, asking what keyboards were used), explaining that it was made by Jared Emerson-Johnson.
31 Jan 2019

I just named it that! It's been the ever-so-catchy "protest.mp3" since its creation.
This Tweet is a reply to @ThundrStarchamp, who replied to the previous Tweet about the title "Justice Combo Meal".
31 Jan 2019

Video thumbnail for 31 Jan 2019
While we're on the subject of SBCG4AP, here's a little forgotten protest gem from the end credits of Episode 2. It's as if that song One Tin Soldier left its keys in a taxi and this song is the gross leather keychain from someplace in Arizona!

Video Transcript

{The Stave It Off Guy is sitting on a stool, strumming a guitar. The words "Justice Combo Meal by Stave It Off Guy" are in the corner}

SINGERS: Come on, everybody, now, can't you hear the wind blow?

{The words "just listen" fade in, then later fade out}

SINGERS: We don't like the King of Town making people's heads explode! What's the price of freedom, man? Can you cut me a deal? A crate of wholesale liberty, or a justice combo meal?

{The words "there's only this looping animation" fade in, then out}

SINGERS: So gather 'round, short children. Listen to what I sing. Remember those who went to waaaaar... all for creamy dings.

{The words "nothing else to see really" fade in, then out}

SINGERS: Come on, everybody now, can't you hear the wind blow? We don't like the King of Town making people's heads explode!

STRONG BAD: My head!

{The words "oh, except for this:" fade in, then out}

SINGERS: So come on, everybody now, can't you hear the wind blow?

{Close up on the Stave It Off Guy's mustache}

SINGERS: We don't like the King of Town making people's heads explode!

{A pair of yellow eyes open on the mustache, and a single tear wells and drops off}

STAVE IT OFF GUY: That was nice.

Fun Facts

31 Jan 2019

AHHHH!! Twitter make too large!!!
This Tweet is a reply to his previous reply, acknowledging that Twitter resized the GIF.
31 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 31 Jan 2019
Maybe they were basing him off this guy.
This Tweet is a reply to @NK_Cyborg, who replied to the DVD slip cover reply, saying Bubs (with black shading on his teeth) looks nightmarish.

Fun Facts

31 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 31 Jan 2019
That's actively being good-graphic'd as we speak!
This Tweet is a reply to @abra238_rs, who replied to the previous SBCG4AP Tweet asking about the development of Stinkoman 20X6 Level 10.

Fun Facts

31 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 30 Jan 2019
Tweet image for 30 Jan 2019
Tweet image for 30 Jan 2019
Ah yes, @The_BaconStrip, the slip cover dvd release. I think they might have put just a liiiittle bit less effort into that one (backwards Homsar, backwards Coach Z, ripped-from-a-swf Strong Mad complete with weird Flash masking issue on his mouth).
This Tweet is a reply to his previous SBCG4AP Tweet.
This Tweet, while not technically a reply, refers to @The_BaconStrip's reply to the previous SBCG4AP Tweet, stating to have the slip cover version.
30 Jan 2019

I was just being optimistic. Probably nothing.
This Tweet is a reply to @NK_Cyborg, who replied to the Switch re-release reply, asking what games SBCG4AP outsold to become third-worst.
30 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 30 Jan 2019
Here's the Videlecdiculous text from the back of the box.
This Tweet is a reply to his previous Tweet.

Image Transcript

Are you ready for a video game made by a video game making company?
That's exactly what you'll get with Videlectrix's 'point-at-then-click-on-then-
listen-to' adventure, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. We can't
even count the good graphics on one hand anymore. You won't be able to
either...unless you have 12 fingers! And don't get me started on the sounds.
Talking, music, sound effects, and more talking make this game a feast for the
eyes and ears. (It's not a feast for the mouth, though. We don't make edible
video games... yet!)

Be in control of famous character Strong Bad, and make him walk and talk just
like in real life! Homestar Runner and Coach Z? Yup, they are also characters
in this game! You can try to have more fun playing video games made with
computers, but you will fail utterly and miserably. That's the fact of life! The
back of a video game box doesn't get any more trustworthy than this one, so
point-at, then click-on, then listen-to neverending glory and joy with Vide-
lectrix's curvaceous thriller, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People!

Fun Facts

30 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 30 Jan 2019
For those asking about a physical release of SBCG4AP, there was a very brief one for the PC version! It had this awesome reversible cover with hidden Videlectrix goodness (with amazing 2600 art by @markdarin I believe?).
30 Jan 2019

I kinda doubt the 3rd worst selling Telltale title is high on the "port to modern systems" priority list for whoever took over their catalog.
This Tweet is a reply to @InmanAlex, who replied to the previous Nintendo Power Tweet asking about a Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Nintendo Switch re-release.
30 Jan 2019

Don't worry, I gave Videlectrix forever-rights to Homestar-related games. Not even death, illness, nor acts of good graphics shall rend it asunder.
This Tweet is a reply to @Sprokacola, who asked if Telltale Games still owned the rights to Homestar games.

Fun Facts

30 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 30 Jan 2019
In honor of the death of the Wii Shop Channel, I will repost this interview I did with Nintendo Power about SBCG4AP. Note how I refuse to take their Chuck Norris-bait and give Skulltulas a shout.

Image Transcript

See Nintendo Power Interview - July 2008
30 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 30 Jan 2019
Nowhere near as unsettling as Large Bean!!
This Tweet is a reply to @actuallyalfendi, who posted images of Homestar Runner combined with Slender Man.
30 Jan 2019

Those metal detector mini games did suck, didn't they?
This Tweet is a reply to @syke (who linked to @eurogamer's Tweet about the closing of the Wii Shop Channel), reminiscing about playing Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, "metal detector mini games aside".
30 Jan 2019

Two beefy arms?!! What is that? A Trogdor, S is for Sucks hybrid?! You unethical monster!! You can't crossbreed those two! What about Gene's Pool?! Hi, Gene! 'Hey gals!'
This Tweet is a reply to @bionicpencil, who replied to the Trogday Tweet with a drawing of a two-beefy armed Trogdor.
29 Jan 2019

Close. Right band, wrong album/song. Listen to "Rhythm" from People's Instinctive Travels...
This Tweet is a reply to @flushthechumps, who asked if the email intro for virus was an homage to A Tribe Called Quest's "we got the jazz, we got the jazz".
29 Jan 2019

If by "patched" you mean Videlectrix putting more duct tape on the cartridge, then yes.
This Tweet is a reply to @BenjiDeaula, who replied to the level 10 delay Tweet, asking if the glitch that causes the ground to disappear after dying on certain bosses will be patched in the update.
29 Jan 2019

Looks like "Bradtrogdor" according to this graffiti. Poor Bradtrogdor. Stuck on the JV Peasant Scorching team and plagued by horrible, scarring consummate acne.
This Tweet is a reply to @AntonacciBrian, who posted a Trogdor graffiti labeled "TROGDOR" (next to the name "Brad").
27 Jan 2019

Yeah, like instead of "Diggidy-Dear Strong Bad." Sometimes I like to get alliterative on all y'alls.
This Tweet is a reply to @cacciatorecreat, who replied to the previous reply, asking if Strong Bad just felt like saying "ding-dong" in japanese cartoon's intro.
27 Jan 2019

Woah, the haiku is totally just a coincidence! It's actually a reference to a common early 2000's virusy spam email that would try to get you to open the attachment with the enticing phrase "so cool a flash, I thought you would enjoy it!" So enticing!
This Tweet is a reply to @R36_9346, who posted the email intro from japanese cartoon in response to @cacciatorecreat, who replied to the Phife Dawg Tweet, asking if said intro was a haiku.
27 Jan 2019

Let's make a new game entirely! How about a Dangeresque game that's like that cute Animal Villagetown game 'cept with crime and murder! Instead of bringing giraffes hip tanktops and modern sofas you bring perps hard justice and sweet vengeance!!
This Tweet is a reply to @FatSamurai92, who asked if Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People will be ported to the Nintendo Switch, or if a new game will be made entirely.

Fun Facts

26 Jan 2019

And speaking of, here's the official YT link for that Fu-Schnickens song:
This Tweet links to the official YouTube video for the song La Schmoove.
This Tweet is a reply to his dragon YouTube reply.
26 Jan 2019

And I you! Catch up on my latest styles! I made a board game:

I showed off more Skills of an Artist:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= ...

And I tried to kill Homestar's imaginary dog/cloud:
This Tweet links to the YouTube version of Mr. Poofers Must Die.
This Tweet is a reply to @Laurel_Glidden, who linked to the previous Phife Dawg Tweet saying they missed Strong Bad.
26 Jan 2019

Or as Coach Z pronounces them, Phorf Dag and Q-Torp. Jarobi, unsurprisingly, he can say just fine.
This Tweet is a reply to @caitcastlelaz, who replied to the previous Phife Dawg Tweet, simply saying "Phife the Burninator".
26 Jan 2019

Aw man! You coulda at least linked to my official YT page for that email that has decent sound and less ripped-from-the-web jankiness.
This Tweet links to the official YouTube upload of dragon.
This Tweet is a reply to @AndrewDMth's reply to @GeoValentine (who replied to the previous Tweet asking what dragon was) with an unofficial link.
26 Jan 2019

Video thumbnail for 26 Jan 2019
Sbemail Factoid: did you know that the email song from 'dragon' is an homage to Phife Dawg's flow from La Schmoove by the Fu-Schnickens?

Video Transcript

{Strong Bad is sitting at the Compy 386, typing in his e-mail client}

STRONG BAD: {rapping} Here I go once again with the e-mail. Every week I hope it is from a female.

{Cut to a man rapping within a large crowd}

PHIFE DAWG: {rapping} Here I go once again with the ill-so! All the MCs, their rap style is so-so!

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: Here I go once again—

{Cut back to Phife Dawg}

PHIFE DAWG: —with the ill-so! All the MCs, their rap style is—

{Cut back to Strong Bad}

STRONG BAD: —e-mail!

26 Jan 2019

Those spinities on his tail appear to be proto-consummate. These are all over the fossil record. If I had a cold one for every trilobite fossil I've dug up covered in proto-consummate V's...
This Tweet is a reply to @_ragegun, who replied to the previous Google Doodle link, saying there doesn't appear to be any consummate V's.
25 Jan 2019

This is quality winter decor!! Burninating the deranged mutant killer monster snow goons!!
This Tweet is a reply to @chowspecial, who replied to the Trogday Tweet with a photo of Strong Bad and Trogdor painted on a window (along with snowmen from Calvin and Hobbes).
25 Jan 2019

Ah, that's clearly the stickly-armed Wingalasaurus Trog, a Surreptaceous Era ancestor of the modern beefy armed burninator. @GoogleDoodles wouldn't know beefy if it came up and punched em in the face!
This Tweet quotes @FunnyGirlTM, who pointed out the resemblance between a dragon in a Google Doodle and Trogdor.
25 Jan 2019

That rules! But he's so tiny! He's like the Minish Trog!
This Tweet quotes @cavery210, who replied to the Trogday Tweet with a screenshot of a The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past randomizer with a Trogdor skin for Link.

Fun Facts

25 Jan 2019

Though Puffed Salt Dries do claim to be a 'soup-or-food.' Y'know, cause they're pretty sure it's at least ONE of those things.
This Tweet is a reply to his previous "Puffed Salt Dries" link.
23 Jan 2019

If June is soon (those are samples. meeples are be'sing mass produced as we speak)
This Tweet is a reply to @senor_cardgage_, who replied to the country dish towel Tweet, asking if meeples were coming soon.

Fun Facts

  • Strong Bad describes the meeples as "be'sing" mass-produced.
23 Jan 2019

To be clear, these are NOT the official munchies of the CGNU dorms. That honor goes to Cheap as Free Food Service's Potato-Glanced Puffed Salt Dries. (yes, they are trying to pass off a 'dry' as a type of snack medium) Available in ranch and thrice-ranch!
This Tweet quotes @henrylutts, who posted a photo of a snack bag labeled "Crazy Go Nuts, The Superfood Snack".

Fun Facts

23 Jan 2019

Honestly, I'm not siding with either one. The whole thing is a 3rd-rate Hokey Pokey ripoff if you ask me.
This Tweet is a reply to @TAlanHorne, who replied to the previous looptie-loo Tweet, pointing out that Strong Bad has acknowledged the debate.
20 Jan 2019

There already was. It was hidden in last year's April Fools cartoon. There's gonna be a sbemail 209.
This Tweet is a reply to @TheFinalDoctor, who replied to the previous Tweet, asking if there was going to be a sbemail 208.
20 Jan 2019

Video thumbnail for 20 Jan 2019
Not sure why I deleted this awesome line and easter egg from sbemail208. Maybe because I didn't want to get in the middle of the "looptie-loo vs. looby lou" debate. Trust me, you do NOT wanna kick that hornet's nest!

Video Transcript

{A Cheap As Free Little Golden Book titled "Here we Go, Looptie-Loo! (and nothing more)" by Old Maid Bevulon Sportsinterviews with three bored children on the cover hovers in front of the Lappier}

STRONG BAD: Sincerely, Mollie B. Chowderworth Gruelmanger. Y'know, of the Puntington Farms Gruelmangers. Now you sound like an important adjacent historical figure! She's the lady that discovered going looptie-lie! It used to just be looptie-loo! And Saturday night wasn't even involved!

20 Jan 2019

Thanks for the heads up! I'll sic Litigation Jackson on em posthaste! (wait, does that mean 'after speed'? cause I want it to be 'during speed')
This Tweet is a reply to @erinpanto, who pointed out an unofficial Trogdor shirt being sold online.
19 Jan 2019

Video thumbnail for 18 Jan 2019
I found more old dvd menu tests! Watch as I boot my The Cheatbrick into Fisher Price Strong Sad!

Video Transcript

{a 3D, CGI Strong Bad walks into the office. He has no mouth.}

STRONG BAD: And all the ladies say {Teen Girl Squad voice} Strong Bad is on point!

{Strong Bad flips a switch, and cringes as the rave lights blink and techno music plays. Strong Bad screams and flips it off}

STRONG BAD: Wrong switch.

{The camera turns across the room showing the window with the sycamore, the desk with the Compy 386, and an incompletely-rendered CGI Strong Sad in the doorway on the far end}

STRONG BAD: My mouth tastes like... DVDs. Hey, The Cheat!

{Strong Bad kicks an incompletely-rendered yellow block into the incompletely-rendered Strong Sad. Strong Sad falls over. Camera turns back to Strong Bad at the desk}

STRONG BAD: A direct hit!

{Strong Bad jumps onto the stool. A white box drops down from the top of the screen}

STRONG BAD: The Paper, show these morons what to do!

18 Jan 2019

Well, the KOT has been known to be left standing with the egg mustache, but that would make him a victim of the Egg Man, not the man himself.
This Tweet is a reply to @ThatCoolblue, who asked if the King of Town was associated with the Egg Man.
18 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jan 2019
Oh you know I strictly STINKOMAIN!
This Tweet is a reply to @The_Skullivan, who asked who Strong Bad mains in Super Smash Bros.
15 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 15 Jan 2019
THIS is the kinda stuff you find on Strong Sad's old hard drives. In a folder called "Chef's Whims" no less!

Image Transcript

{A head with a helmet made of clay sitting on a pedestal in a glass dome rotates around on a black, starry background. The animation loops.}

15 Jan 2019

You mean this one? (dunno whose YT account this is)
This Tweet links to a YouTube upload of the clip.
This Tweet is a reply to @PacifistRunGuy, who replied to the previous Trogday Tweet talking about the Trogdor mention on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
14 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 14 Jan 2019
Nope. Emails just take WAY longer to check these days. I'm workin on one right now!
This Tweet is a reply to @therealtasha818, who asked if Strong Bad Emails were over.
14 Jan 2019

Need one of these prints so bad it hurtinates.
This Tweet is a reply to @CharlemagneSeb, who replied to the previous Trogday Tweet with a Trogdor-themed "medieval woodcut".
13 Jan 2019

Maybe I'm not a true believer but I'm seein' WAY more Wormdingler in this one than Troggie.
This Tweet is a reply to @DanMilanoHere, who replied to the previous Trogday Tweet with a photo of earphones in the shape of Trogdor, saying "only true believers can see it".

Fun Facts

13 Jan 2019

Also Happy *Trogday. Autocorrect knows not to change 'Trogdor' anymore but now it freakin' changes 'Trogday' to 'Trogdor!'
This Tweet is a reply to his previous Tweet.
13 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 13 Jan 2019
Happy Trogdor! Let's celebrate Trogdor's big 16th by posting your fave Trog-sighting or Trogdor-shaped item! Here's mine!
13 Jan 2019

That's no Trogdor! That's a Eastern Beefless Leafaling Dragon! Not a beefy-armed Wingaling!
This Tweet is a reply to @alXtrathicc, who posted a Trogdor-like apple logo, with no beefy arms and leaves for wingalings.
13 Jan 2019

Video thumbnail for 12 Jan 2019
Sorry @Lin_Manuel, I chickened out on screaming "It's over!" at the end of your performance. Instead I butchered the lyrics to your styles!

Video Transcript

{In front of a building where the promotional image for the musical Hamilton is prominently displayed. Zoom out. The Strong Bad plush doll pops up.}

STRONG BAD: {rapping} I'm Strong-Lawrence in the place to be! Two pints of Cold Ones but I'm workin' on three! Do what I do, professionally, but to tell the truth I am exactly what I want to be... {stops rapping} Oh. I mixed up my hip hop styles.

12 Jan 2019

That is NOT what it looks like when you're staring down the barrel of a loaded The Cheat!
This Tweet is a reply to @thunderzizi, who posted a drawing of a front-facing The Cheat.
11 Jan 2019

depends. r u really Earthworm Cool Spot in Monster World?
This Tweet is a reply to @toejamandearl (who replied to @ComSpriggs's reply to them, suggesting they interact with Strong Bad), asking "r u really" Strong Bad.

Fun Facts

10 Jan 2019

Video thumbnail for 10 Jan 2019
Check out this old dvd intro previs nightmare! Why does Homestar look like he's got a wireframe cheek fulla chaw?

Video Transcript

{The "Everybody! Everybody!" song plays throughout. A pre-rendered grayscale of the words "Homestar Runner" are onscreen. A prerendered wireframe Homestar Runner strolls past the word "Homestar" from right to left, then scrolls across the word "Runner" from left to right. Halfway through the word, the camera focuses on Homestar from teh front. He flips the letters of the word has he passes, and the final letter converts into an h*r logo. Homestar fills the screen.}

{Cut to Homestar's wireframe feet. Then cut to Homestar's wireframe face in front of the website intro. Homestar moves off-screen as a round wireframe ball comes into view. Zoom in on the ball.}

{A wireframe Homestar Runner is strolling along the outside of the wireframe ball past some wireframe hills. Zoom in closer on Homestar. Blue ovals and red squares pass him by.}

{Cut to wireframe Homestar as seen from below. Pan up to his head.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: {singing} Everybody! La-DVD-do!

{The music cuts out}

HOMESTAR: {singing} Everybody! La-DVD-do!

10 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 9 Jan 2019
Here's last night's livestream playthrough of Trogdor!! The Board Game in case you missed it. JIBBLIES WARNING: Puppet Marshie may appear without warning. live.kickstarter.com/homestar-runne ...
9 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 8 Jan 2019
Thanks to everybody who watched the livestream playthrough with these jokers! Can't wait to get the game into the hands of all o' dang y'all! Paper Rat forev!

Fun Facts

8 Jan 2019

In 20 mins! Livestreamery playthrough! Join us for fun! (It'll get archived for those who can't)
This Tweet links to the Trogdor Playthrough with Strong Bad & friends! live stream on Kickstarter.
8 Jan 2019

Kong! I meant Diddy Kong, autocorrect! Diddy King is the name of the last northern Indiana Dairy Queen ripoff I would ever stop at!
This Tweet is a reply to his previous link.

Fun Facts

8 Jan 2019

This is like the soundtrack to my unrealized Tinstar-like Super Scope Six game! (it goes to a very Diddy King Racing place in the middle there)
This Tweet quotes @BryceIsaacson, who replied to the previous Tweet with a link to a 16-bit arrangement of "Here Comes the Strong Bad".

Fun Facts

8 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 7 Jan 2019
Join puppet me + humans Mike, Lucky Yates, and Ryan Sterritt tomorrow night at 8pm EST for a livestream playthrough of Trogdor!! The Board Game. Against my better judgement, I will crowdsource all my moves in the game from chat suggestions! live.kickstarter.com/homestar-runne ...
7 Jan 2019

Tweet image for 4 Jan 2019
I'm a day late, but as you can guess, the Announcer is pretty bummed at the passing of Mean Gene. He took inspiration from Gene's ability to stay calm in the face of sweaty, dinosaur tranquilizer-fueled rants.

Fun Facts

  • The GIF is from yes, wrestling.
    • The phrase "dinosaur tranquilizer-fueled [rants]" also originated from the email.
  • "Mean" Gene Okerlund was a wrestling interviewer, announcer, and television host. He died two days prior to the Tweet.
4 Jan 2019
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