From Homestar Runner Wiki
Characters in the Homestar Runner universe frequently like to engage in unusual practices, named by combining a noun with the suffix "-ery".
[edit] Appearances
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 12 — Patchbeard is pleased that Cheerleader acknowledges his facial-stubbery.
- Email space program — The filmstrip voiceover describes the Proud Anselmo as a "wonder of modern SBASAF-ery".
- Email trading cards — Strong Bad discusses how the characters engage in forms of trading cardery.
- Where My Hat Is At? (DVD commentary) — Mike Chapman explains that the book was the last bit of Homestar Runner-ery before was launched.
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 14 — So and So says she won't dabble in any yearbookery until she takes her final exams.
- Nintendo Power Interview - July 2008 — When asked about game manuals, Strong Bad says, "Anyone who can't figure out how to mash a bunch of buttons on a game pad shouldn't be indulging in video-gamery in the first place."
- Homestar Ruiner —
- Strong Bad says he'll never be able to engage in any antic-ry while Marzipan's around.
- Strong Bad is hesitant to enter Coach Z's office, referring to it as the "Temple of Butt-Pattery".
- Email your edge — Strong Bad marvels over his arsenal of edge-havery.
- Career Day — Strong Bad as Space Captainface dismissively says, "Meteors!" to T'daveral's pre-launchery.
- Kick-A-Ball — According the rules, striking out in Kick-a Ball results in vehement catapultery.
- I Killed Pom Pom — Strong Bad remarks about Stitch Witchery when he sees the remains of an inflatable pumpkin that Homestar Runner has confused for Pom Pom.
- Fan Costumes 2015 — The YouTube description for this video is "Strong Bad does his usual make-funnery to people who dressed up in H*R themed Halloween 'stumes."
- Homestar Runner Goes for the Gold — Strong Bad says that he likes to mock Strong Sad for his sad-sackery.
- Email the bird — The YouTube description mentions flip-offery.
- Meeple Grove — Strong Bad says that the meeples look like they're from an old stop-motion British show where people talk in board gamery terms.
- Email shapeshifter — The new Strong Bad Email Menu description mentions Strong Bad explaining the downsides of shapeshiftery.
- Dangeresque Roomisode 3: Keep My Enemies, Loser‎ — After dropping a meatball on the floor to distract the Waiter D and obtain non-toxic cleaner, Dangeresque says he no longer needs to engage in any more meatballery.