"Man" pronounced as "m'n"
From Homestar Runner Wiki
In the Homestar Runner body of work, the word "man" is often pronounced as "m'n", as if it were part of a surname, by shortening the sound of the vowel "a". This pronunciation is most often used by Homestar Runner and Strong Bad.
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[edit] Appearances
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob — Homestar comments that The Goblin showed up dressed as a "Santam'n".
- Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 9.2 — Strong Bad refers to himself as "Cablem'n Jorge".
- Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon — Strong Bad calls The Poopsmith "Doodiem'n".
- Homestar and the Nice Present — Puppet Homestar receives a Santaman as a Decemberween gift, again pronouncing his name as "Santam'n".
- Email garage sale — Strong Bad pronounces email sender Cat's name as "Catm'n".
- Email myths & legends — Homestar refers to the Bear Holding a Shark as a very scary "monsterm'n".
- Biz Cas Fri 1 — Puppet Homestar calls Puppet Strong Bad "Rondlem'n".
- Email disconnected — Strong Bad mentions seeing his local "bunm'n".
- No Hands On Deck! — Homestar refers to himself as the "Deckm'n".
- Email coloring — Homestar calls Marzipan "Teacherm'n".
- Email 4 branches — Strong Bad advises his viewers to write a letter to their local "Homestarm'n".
- The voice of Gunhaver is "Crack Stuntm'n".
- DNA Evidence — Coach Z refers to his "alter ego" as "Dan Towelm'n".
- Email secret identity (DVD Commentary) — Homestar refers to the mailman as the "mailm'n".
- SBCG4AP Advertisement — Strong Bad refers to Max of the Sam & Max series as "Bunnym'n".
- Workin' on the Game — One of the Videlectrix Guys accuses the other of thinking he's a "spacem'n".
- The Baloneyman — Homestar calls Bubs in his Baloney Sammich truck "Baloneym'n".
- Strong Badia the Free — Upon first talking to Homsar, Strong Bad calls him "Floatym'n" (however, it is subtitled as "Floaty Man".) Later on, Homestar Runner calls Strong Bad "Nougatm'n", saying it's his "secret service call sign".
- Email fan club (DVD commentary) — Strong Bad pronounces "Batman" as "Batm'n".
- Comic Book Movie — When Crack Stuntman is seen in the role of Strong Badman, he says, "BLAAAH, I'm Strong Badm'n!"
- 8-Bit is Enough — When talking on Homestar's cell phone to the Videlectrix Guys about their game catalog, Videlectrix Matt mispronounces "Stinkoman 20X6" as "Stinkom'n 20X6".
- Poker Night at the Inventory — At various points, Strong Bad will refer to the Heavy Weapons Guy and Max as "heavym'n" and "bunnym'n", respectively.
- Fan Costumes 2017 — Old-Timey Strong Bad refers to himself as "your number one candym'n".
- Dangeresque Puppet Squad: The Hot Jones Hijack — A robotic Santaman appears to cut down Dangeresque and Firebert, and Homestar again pronounces it "Santam'n".
- Mr. Poofers Must Die — Coach Z pronounces Old Man Rootbeer's name as "Oldm'n Rootb'r".
- Fan 'Stumes 2021 — The page title is "Support Your Local Baseballm'n", and Homestar says that a kid dressed as him was probably mistaken for a "baseballm'n" while trick-or-treating.
[edit] Variations
- Email dictionary — Coach Z calls Strong Bad "Strong B'd".
- Fan 'Stumes 2023 — The announcer refers to Strong Bad as "Strongb'd".
[edit] Names with "-man" pronounced in full
Idiosyncratic uses of the suffix "-man" that are pronounced with a strong "a":
- Stinkoman
- Strong Badman
- Strong Man
- Damp Towel Man
- Deutschman
- Thnikkaman
- Wrestleman
- Thy Dungeonman
- Biscuitdoughhandsman
- Haddi-Man
- "Marzi-man" in Homestar Presents: Presents.
- "Mollyman" in diorama