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Revision as of 15:02, 9 September 2018 by Defender1031 (Talk | contribs)
A pickle is a cucumber that has been preserved in brine, vinegar, or the like. Pickles have made unusual appearances in the Homestar Runner body of work.
- Marshmallow's Last Stand (DVD commentary) — Homestar Runner tells Mike Chapman that his hat was in the fridge "between the milk and the pickles" to explain its absence during this toon.
- Strong Bad's Website — The Cheat is seen raiding a fridge that contains, among other things, a jar of pickles.
- Email english paper — At around the time this email was released, Homestar posted somewhere that he would, in an upcoming auction, be selling "Marzipan's bread and butter pickle recipe".
- Email pop-up — One page of Strong Bad's pop-up book has a refrigerator that reveals a burger patty with two pickle slices on it each time the fridge is opened.
- Happy Hallow-day (DVD commentary) — Mike comments that he likes "the bread and butter pickles song", and Matt sings "Got some bread and butter pickles."
- Quote of the Week (03 Nov 2006) — Marzipan's reggae song from Happy Hallow-day was given the lyrics "Want some bread and butter pickles / Ooo-ahh! / Give me that bread and butter pickle, bread and butter pickle / You are."
- 8-Bit Is Enough — On the code wheel outside of Peasant's Quest in the Videlectrix Mainframe, several combinations result in the ice cream flavor, "Banana Mint Pickle".
- Email imaginary — Lil' Strong Bad's "open-faced booby trap" is a slice of bread with two pickle slices on it.