The Virus

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Edgarware's faliure
The Virus(es) in action

A ravenous computer virus that infected the Compy 386. Edgarware was not a match for it, as it split into 423,827 viruses. That big number was too much for the Compy 386 to handle, because the viruses swarmed out and began infecting the Homestar universe and turned the computer into a physical manifastation of the orignal that looked like the Compy 386. However, it was no match for Bubs and his shotgun, which destroyed the viruses and the Compy 386. One virus survived and is multipling, as seen in Main Page 22.

Harmful Effects of The Virus(es)(as seen in virus)

  • It(they) caused the Compy 386's screen to turn into liquid, and thus it "peed the carpet"
  • It(they) revealed the underlying gridwork of the table, causing it to look like it ate the floppy disk container, in reality it(they) took it.
  • It(they) turned the "No Loafing!" sign into HTML code.
  • It(they) caused Strong Sad's head to float about a foot left of where it should be. It(they) also turned his head into emoticons from Strong Sad's Lament, complete with description. Eventually it(they) turned him into a trading card and made it fly up to the top of the screen.
  • It(they) made the tippy top of a main page creep in to the top of the computer room, turning the "Go on And see What's New!" into "Stave it off, 123" from for kids, glitching up the quote of the week(caused the box to turn backwards, bounce around the screen till it got lodged at the top, and replace "Get it" with "Don't TAPE it!", also, clicking on "Hear it" caused a broom from Peasant's Quest to scroll across the screen and emit the glitchy noise that Marzipan would have), Weekly Fanstuff(it became an upside down picture of Coach Z with his arms wrapped around a white space that looks like King of Town's head, with the description of "Stick to your Books" in the font "MS Font Specialty", and misspelled the Close button. Scrolling over it caused the words "A BOOK" to appear in green.), and the Sketchbook(it was simply a flash color mixer. Scrolling over it caused a green X to appear).
  • It(they) seperated the computer room from most of the site, making Strong Bad fall out of the room and into the black. He tried to get back in, but The Virus(es) merely moved the room to the left.
  • It(they) caused Homestar's body to be replaced with 1936 Homestar's, and it(they) made him to glide across the screen instead of walking, causing ghost images of himself. It(they) also made his head fall off.
  • It(they) allowed Homestar to pick up the words from the bottom menu.
  • It(they) spawned several pop-ups of old-school Homestar saying "Making out with Marzipan is totally awesome!"
  • It(they) turned Marzipan into an ASCII picture of herself, and caused her to talk really deep and slow.
  • It(they) shoved Strong Mad into his "M" and caused his old Character description to appear at the top of his "M" prison. It(they) also gave him Homsar's walking sound.
  • It(they) teleported the King of Town into Teen Girl Squad issue pi.
  • It(they) captured The Poopsmith.
  • It(they) allowed The Ugly One to not talk in word balloons, and it(they) made her mouth huge and disproportioned. It(they) also made her to slap the KoT a'la what Strong Bad did to Homestar in crazy cartoon.
  • It(they) split the H*R Loading screen to reveal the "It is now safe to turn off your computer" message from old computers.
  • A number of things happened to Bubs: his face became a broken jpeg, his arms were stuck in perpetual motion (like in Dancin' Bubs ), there was no body where his belt was, and his legs were like in a 3D movie.
  • It(they) turned The Field into a glitchy cloud place, where a number of things happened: Strong Bad became extremely glitchy and disproportioned, and his left arm flew around the screen, The Cheat rotated through several versions of himself and floated around the screen randomly, and a pitch black Rather Dashing and a colon flew across the screen repeatedly.


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