strongbad_email.exe Disc Two

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This is Disc Two for strongbad_email.exe. This disc includes e-mails #51–80. To see artwork for Disc Two, see strongbad_email.exe DVD Artwork.


FBI Warning

The FBI Warning for Disc Two.

Cast (in order of appearance): Homestar Runner


{The standard FBI warning text appears on a background with constantly shifting colors.}

TEXT: Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes or video discs. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and may constitute a felony with maximum penalty of up to five years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine.

{Homestar walks up, and looks at the warning. Homestar then spits a couple Teddy Grahams at the warning, and they stick.}

HOMESTAR RUNNER: That's better!

{Homestar walks away}


The intro for Disc Two.

Cast (in order of appearance): Strong Bad, Bad Graphics Ghost


"Get out of here, pixel ghost!"

{Cut to the computer desk, which has the old, taped-up Tandy 400 on it.}

STRONG BAD: Hey there, old girl. Lookin' good. {Strong Bad points out the window} Hey, what's what over there? {Strong Bad violently knocks the Tandy off the computer desk, and replaces it with the Compy 386} Now, lay it on me, 386! {the 386 starts up and plays the tune} Oh, I love that little song.

{The Paper comes down with the menu options. After about 30 seconds, the Tandy 400 and Bad Graphics Ghost appear from the top of the screen}


{The Bad Graphics Ghost floats away}

STRONG BAD: Whew, that was a close one.



Bonus Stuff

Bonus Stuff Transcript

Did you just say bonus stuff?

{Again in 3D, the camera flies through the Rec Room past Strong Mad on the couch and The Cheat in the crisper drawer, both watching TV, on its way to the Trogdor arcade machine.}

THE CHEAT: {The Cheat noises}

STRONG MAD: Did you just say bonus stuff?

{After a 30-second pause, the camera pulls back to reveal Strong Bad has walked up to the machine.}

STRONG BAD: All right, choosey, time's up, I'm playing Trogdor. {He plays.} Oh yeah, don't stop a-squishing. (He gets "arrowed") Oh, man! {He dies.} What? What's wrong with this stupid game? {He pounds the machine.}

Easter Eggs

Fun Facts


  • The label on the disk in the floppy disk container reads "WOTR Level 2".

Inside References

External Links

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