From Homestar Runner Wiki
Sega is a popular brand of video games that rivaled Nintendo in the nineties. Various characters have referenced Sega in some form or another.
- Kick-A-Ball — Homestar calls "" on the coin toss, referencing two characters from Sonic the Hedgehog.
- Kid Speedy — the end scene with Marzipan and Homestar driving into the sunset references OutRun.
- Stinkoman 20X6 — After defeating The Liekand in Level 6, it transforms into a rat. This may be a reference to the Sonic the Hedgehog series for the Sega Genesis, in which defeated enemies almost always revealed their power sources, which were various animals.
- Strong Bad's Website — upon loading, an audio file will play "Welcome to your doom!" from Altered Beast
- Email: more armies — Homestar attempts to play a Sega tape using a Sega Genesis controller.