Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2

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Marzipan's Answering Machine #11
watch Version 10.2 Version 12.2
International Intrigue!

Strong Bad represents Bob Statesman, Homestar does a puzzle, the King of Town loses his napkin, and Marzipan gets strange messages from foreign lands.

Cast (in order of appearance): Marzipan, Strong Bad, Homestar Runner, The King of Town, Łukasz

Places: Marzipan's House

Date: Monday, August 23, 2004

Running Time: 3:16

Page Title: Marzipan's Answering Machine

DVD: Everything Else, Volume 1



Marzipan's Greeting

MARZIPAN: Hi, this is Marzipan. I'm out expanding my horizons. Leave me a message.

Message 5

STRONG BAD: Good afternoon, Marzipan. My name is Bob {slight pause} Statesman. I'm running for Elected Official this Tuesday. I'm calling to garner your vote. I support all the issues: save the animals, move the ocean over there, just like you. We are currently accepting campaign donations to support our cause against runoff camdidate uh... Cory. In order to beat this guy, we need the contributions of s-constituents like you. We accept donations in the form of cash, all varieties of cupped cakes, and hard rock albums on cassette. As always, please put your donations in a cardboard box and leave it at the street. And really do it this time! I mean, I've never called you before to ask for anything... but seriously... put some stuff in the street!

Message 4

HOMESTAR RUNNER: Oh, hey Marzipan, this is {slight pause} something funny. Whatever. This is Homestar. What is a seven letter word for thirteen across? And it starts... with... a five. I mean... an "S". I mean... there's not a letter there yet. Marzipan? Nothing? The old cold shoulder, eh? Okay, then how about... a four letters word for censoring a cuss word? {Beep} Hey! That's it! Beep! Thanks for your help, you old broom stick!

Message 3

THE KING OF TOWN: {loudly} BOOOOP! BOOOOP! BOOOOP! This is a napkin alert, Marzipan! I've lost uhmm-my napkin! It's the one I always use when I eat buffalo wings, and I can't find it anywhere. Now, it answers to the name "The Flamingo". So if you've seen it, please have it give me a call. I've got like, fifty frickin' wings sittin' here! I can't eat these things without The Flamingo! {normal volume} Um... sorry for... the loud talkin'. This is the KoT... in the place to be.

Message 2

ŁUKASZ: Cześé, Marzipan! To jest Łukasz. Czy masz ochotę na lody? Proszę zadzwonić do mnie. Będę w domu, jak zwykle. {Polish for: Hi, Marzipan! This is Łukasz. Do you have a craving for ice cream? Please call me. I'll be at home, as usual.}

Message 1

STRONG BAD: Hey Marzipan, this is Strong Bad, look I just wanted to thank you for actually putting that stuff out in your front yard! Er, I mean thank you on behalf of Senator Statesbob. I mean, that old hamster cage? That thing's going to melt up real nice! And, like, those Bobbsey Twins books? More like the Hot-b-sey Twins! I'm not sure why you wrote "United Way" on the side of the box, unless you were referring to the united way in which Senator Bobblehead is going to win the election! Huzzah! Anyways, I had nothing to do with that fax machine that's on fire in your front yard. Bye!

Easter Eggs

  • After the final message, press the tape deck for a message from another Man With An Accent.
MAN WITH HEAVY ACCENT: Shouchlav, Marzipan. Shouchlav. This is olslav, asleplav, aspirino, Shouchlav.

Fun Facts


  • The number displayed on the answering machine now flashes at a different pace.
  • The number displayed will automatically decrease by one after the end of the message listened to. To access the previous message, the listener must click on the back button while the current message is playing.

Inside References

Real-World References

  • The Bobbsey Twins (actually, two pairs of fraternal twins) were characters in a series of children's novels written in the early- and mid-20th century.
  • United Way is a coalition of charitable organizations that has traditionally pooled efforts in fund raising.
  • Bobbleheads are toys with oversized heads mounted to the bodies by springs, usually modeled after a celebrity.

Fast Forward

  • Homestar again thinks Marzipan is a broom in long pants.

External Links

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