A Decemberween Mackerel
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Toon Category: Holiday Toon |
Senor Cardgage says he's dying so Marzipan tries to stuff him with Decemberween spirit to save him.'
Cast: Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Coach Z, Senor Cardgage, Strong Sad, Senor Cardgage, Pom Pom, Bubs, Strong Bad, Strong Mad, The Cheat, The Poopsmith, The King of Town, Homsar
Places: The Field, Marzipan's House, Bubs' Concession Stand
Date: December 14, 2010
Running Time: 6:05
Page Title: We Come Down Off Our High Horse!
Contents |
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{Music plays. A silhouette of Homestar and Marzipan can be seen through the falling snow. Lines representing the wind curl by.}
{Cut to Marzipan with earmuffs and scarf holding a dish and Homestar in his brown hat walking through The Field through the snow. Homestar looks distressed.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Marzi-pan! Explain to me why we're slogging through this blizzard again? I don't think I can slog much further!
{Cut to a tighter shot of the two}
MARZIPAN: I told you, at Decemberween time, it's our duty as people with more than one DVR to help those much, much, much, way very very very much, really smelly, a lot much, much, less fortunate than us.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: And, you think bringing him bean sprouts is, ahem, helping?
{Pull back to a wider shot. Marzipan looks angrily at Homestar.}
MARZIPAN: Be quite and keep slogging. We're almost there.
{A bush comes into view.}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Ah, man! This guy? {They stop walking} When you said less fortunate, I thought you just meant Coach Z.
{Coach Z pops up in the foreground from under a snow drift wearing a Blubb-O's box}
COACH Z: Me too!
{Coach Z disappears}
{A doorbell sounds. Senor Cardgage rises into view accompanied by traffic sounds. He's facing away from Marzipan and Homestar.}
SENOR CARDGAGE: Hello, Chi Minh?
MARZIPAN: Hello, Mr. Senor! Happy Decemberween!
{Cut to a tighter shot of the three of them.}
SENOR CARDGAGE: Is this a frank, call?
MARZIPAN: No, no, over here. {Cardgage turns around.} We brought you some food for the holidays.
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Yeah. We came down off of our high horse to spread around some Decemberween cheer.
SENOR CARDGAGE: Thank you, Hot Pooey. {Homestar looks mad. Zip pan to a close-up of the bush.} Do you care to go inside?
{Close-up of Homestar and Marzipan}
HOMESTAR RUNNER: Marzipan, did that guy just call me "Hot Pooey"? And invite me inside that bush?
MARZIPAN: {embarrassed} Maybe?
HOMESTAR RUNNER: That's it, I'm going back to your house. Later on, we'll conspire.
{Cut back to a wider shot. Homestar walks off screen left. Cardgage is now shaking.}
MARZIPAN: Oh, you poor wretch. What's the matter?
{Cut to medium shot of Marzipan and Cardgage.}
SENOR CARDGAGE: Oh, not much... I'm just... dying.
{A red title card with a holly border slides in from screen right. Words appear as the singers sing them.}
SINGERS: A Decemberween Mackerel. (The name of this cartoon.)
Easter Eggs
- Clicking on the E on "End" at the end of the toon will show a quick scene of Homestar Runner making out with "Marzipan".
- Clicking on the D on "End" at the end of the toon will show a new product from the makers of "Hot Jones".
Fun Facts
- This is only the second toon of 2010.
- On the homepage, when "new holiday toon!" is moused over, it words change to "for real!"
- Much like Homestar Presents: Presents, this cartoon appears to be recorded in higher quality sound than usual.
- Hot Pooey, beneath its censored bar, is identical to Hot Jones.
- During the caroling, the candle Marzipan is holding is the same as in the email love poems.
Inside References
- Strong Sad is locked in a bathtub.
- This is another instance of Making Out.
- Homestar says "Oh, Twice" in one of the easter eggs.
- This is another instance of death.
- Coach Z pops up wearing a Blubb-O's box.
- The silhouettes of Homeschool Winner, Champeen, Preshy, Rafferdy, The Hurricane and three Unguraits (Standing on each others head) appear in line for Bubs'.
- The last line of Marzipan and Homestar's carol, "Coach Z's been drinking nonspecific mouthwash," is a reference to the song "O Decemberween" at the end of The Best Decemberween Ever. The original line was "Coach Z's been drinking Listerine."
- Senor Cardgage appears from hammerspace, accompanied by the traffic noise first heard in hremail3184.
Real World References
- Homestar's quote, "Later on, we'll conspire," is from the Christmas song "Winter Wonderland".
External Links
- watch "A Decemberween Mackerel" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "A Decemberween Mackerel"
- forum thread re: "A Decemberween Mackerel"