Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate Trailer

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Looks like a trailer, no, looks trailer-esque!

Trailer for Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate. This toon is unlisted and is only linked to on the itch.io page.


{Open on a blue building called WAREHAUS. A silhouetted car drives by, parks, and silhouettes of Dangeresque and Reynaldo walk into the building}

{Dangeresque kicks down a door}

DANGERESQUE: {raises a nunchuck gun} Nobody do anything Dangeresque!

{Dangeresque points his nunchuck gun at the camera. It glistens, and he fires the gun}

{Transition to the splash screen}

ANNOUNCER: Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate! {as he continues, clips from the three games play} A point-and-click-em-up adventure game played out in three bite-sized Roomisodes that all add up to one rectangular-sized mouthhole.

{Closeup of Dangeresque's mouth, ominous music plays}

ANNOUNCER: Including the original Flash game from, like, fifteen years ago. Newly remastered and expanded with full voice-em-ups audio.

DANGERESQUE: I'ms a real grood detectimve.

ANNOUNCER: The unfinished Roomisode 2, now completed and fully Reynaldo'd.

REYNALDO: {dramatically} I always knew I was gonna die on the terlet!

DANGERESQUE: Uh, you're sittin' in my car.

ANNOUNCER: And a totally new Third Roomisode finalé!

SHUT UP LADY: Oh, sounds expensive!

ANNOUNCER: Shut up, Lady! With all new cutscenes and good great graphics! {several clips play} Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate. Only on Videlectrix!

PERDUCCI: Looks like you're gonna have to die!


{Final splash screen reads: Coming This Summer to Steam, itch, and maybe like iOS?}

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