The Moon

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To the moon and beyond

The Moon is a popular destination of the people of Free Country, USA, although it's located in Outer Space. This is where Strong Bad likes to play tennis with the Coach Z; though because Strong Bad was the only one to mention this, it may not be entirely true.

Although the actual moon is not seen, Strong Bad stated that he would try to fly Bubs' Concession Stand there after getting drunk on soy sauce, as seen in the email "personal favorites". He also announced his intention to retire to the moon after stealing The King of Town's crown in the Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon. Also, in A Decemberween Pageant, a computer Strong Bad thinks can help them is on the moon. It's a moon computer.

The flavor of Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights will also send you to the moon, according to "Mr. Shmallow". In Pumpkin Carve-nival, it can be clicked on to access an Easter egg. The 20X6 character 1-Up walked to the moon once, where he met Nebulon, who seems to live there.


The moon in 20X6