Mr. Shmallow (toon)
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Toon Category: Shorts |
- This article is about the toon. For the character, see Mr. Shmallow.
An Old-Timey marshmallow commercial for Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights gives The Homestar Runner nightmares.
Cast (in order of appearance): Mr. Shmallow, The Sad Kids, Mr. Bossman, The Moon, The Homestar Runner, Sickly Sam (Easter egg), The Sneak (Easter egg)
Places: The Moon, The Old Movie Reel Room
Date: Monday, August 4, 2003
Running Time: 1:10
Page Title: Mr. Shmallow makes good!
DVD: Everything Else, Volume 1
Contents |
[edit] Transcript
{The screen displays the words "A filmed commercial advertisement". Then Mr. Shmallow appears on the screen.}
MR. SHMALLOW: Greetings, fallows. I'm Mr. Shmallow. {his name appears on the screen}
{Mr. Shmallow jumps to the next scene-he peeps in from the left as a bunch of candies appear on a table. The candies are labeled Dandied Sugar, Sweet Brand Meats, Choco-Lumps, and Delicious "Bag".}
MR. SHMALLOW: Have you grown loath of ordinary confections?
{cuts to a shack in the arctic labeled "Sugah Shak", with Mr. Shmallow peeping in from the top}
MR. SHMALLOW: Has the Sugah Shak left you out in the cold?
{The door of the shack closes, then the walls of the shack collapse outwards, revealing The Sad Kids. The shack roof falls on them. Cut to a man in a dress shirt, dress pants and tie, smoking a pipe and carrying a briefcase, next to a woman dressed in a '50s style party dress. Both are wearing jetpacks and hover before a curtain with a star-burst pattern evocative of the 1950s, accompanied by the sound of Homsar walking. The words "Look Lively!" appear in front of them.}
MR. SHMALLOW: Look lively at today's go-get-'em lifestyle with {The Fluffy Puff box is displayed} Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights!
{The box moves slightly as a winking sound is heard. Cut to a pile of sugar being "puffed" by a bellows into a marshmallow shape, making a wheezing sound.}
MR. SHMALLOW: Each delight is hand puffed with a blend of only the finest airs.
{A cartoon cloud wearing a medal labeled "O2" enters from the upper right while a turkey and a floret of broccoli are "puffed" by the bellows into marshmallow shapes. The words "Air-Puffing® Tech-No-Logy®" appear at the top.}
MR. SHMALLOW: Air puffing is surely the future of eating delicious foodstuffs.
{Cut to a fat, rich-looking man at a desk smiling and snapping his suspenders. On his desk are two boxes, labeled "FIRED" and "TO BE FIRED".}
MR. SHMALLOW: Mr. Bossman wouldn't settle for much less!
{Cut to a marshmallow on a stick roasting over a fire. The moon can be seen in the upper left hand corner.}
MR. SHMALLOW: Add open flames to create a flavor taste {the words "Flavor Taste" appear} that will—
{Cut to Mr. Shmallow in a glass ship, in front of a background with stars hanging on strings.}
MR. SHMALLOW: —send you to the moon!
{Mr. Shmallow flies up to the moon, which eats him.}
THE MOON: Air-puffed sugar delights!
MR. SHMALLOW: {sweating} That's right, the moon! {his forelock swings down and cleans off his glasses, which have fogged up} Enjoy Fluffy Puffs Air-Puffed Sugar Delights! Hand-puffed at the factory in Neuconsin.
{Music starts playing, and Mr. Shmallow bounces along.}
ANNOUNCER: {singing} Fluffy Puff air-puffed sugar delights,—
{The Fluffy Puff box comes out of Mr. Shmallow's hat, and a speech bubble appears with the words "Hand-Puffed at the factory in Neuconsin!"}
ANNOUNCER: {singing} —hand-puffed at the factory in Neuconsin! {stops singing} {quickly, sotto voce} Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights. Hand-puffed at the factory in Neuconsin.
{"Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights*" and "*Hand Puffed at the factory in Neuconsin" appear at the bottom.}
{The camera pulls back to reveal The Homestar Runner watching the commercial on a screen.}
MR. SHMALLOW: Look lively. {The words "Look Lively!" appear on the screen.} {suddenly louder, darting toward the camera} LOOK LIVELY!
{The Homestar Runner jumps and Mr. Shmallow tip-toes off the screen to the left with Homsar's walking noise. The camera cuts to a front view of The Homestar Runner.}
THE HOMESTAR RUNNER: That monster's gonna give me nightmares.
{Cut back to a closeup of the Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights box with the words "The End" on the screen.}
[edit] Easter Eggs
- At the end, click on "Air-Puffed Sugar Delights" to see a short scene featuring Sickly Sam.
- {Cut to Sickly Sam standing next to a bag of Delicious "Bag".}
- SICKLY SAM: This empty bag of Delicious "Bag" would make a fine sock for the colder of my two feet.
- {Sickly Sam shakes his left foot, then begins reaching for the bag. The Sneak runs up and rips the bag to shreds, then runs away}
- SICKLY SAM: Well, folks, you know what that means. {disappears in a puff of smoke}
[edit] Fun Facts
[edit] Explanations
- A "sugar shack" is a structure where maple sap is converted into maple syrup.
- "O2" is the chemical formula for molecular dioxygen, which comprises about twenty-one percent (by volume) of the Earth's atmosphere.
- Mr. Shmallow sweating is a reference to how actors in early films would occasionally be seen sweating because of how hot the spotlight could get.
[edit] Trivia
- This cartoon is done in a style resemblant of the early-to-mid 20th century advertisements which showed such things happening in the future as freeze-dried or canned food becoming mainstream.
[edit] Remarks
- The "go-get-'em lifestyle" people are done in a more fifties style, complete with Space Age science fiction. The Space Age sci-fi fad did not occur until then, so such depictions would be nonexistent in 1936.
[edit] Inside References
- This cartoon is roughly equivalent to Meet Marshie where Marshie talks about how Fluffy Puff Marshmallows are made and what you can do with them. It even includes a comment from The Homestar Runner at the end, echoing Homestar's appearance at the end of Meet Marshie.
- Sickly Sam saying, "Well folks, you know what that means," echoes The Homestar Runner's saying, "Well folks, you know what that means. Now I'll do a dance."
- The page title "Mr. Shmallow makes good!" and the summary in the Toons Menu reading "He's no apothecary" are both references to the Easter egg in the email 2 emails, in which Old-Timey Strong Bad said variations of these two things.
- The sound Mr. Shmallow makes when he leaves the screen is the same fluttery noise Homsar makes when he walks.
[edit] Real World References
- The jingle at the end is a reference to, and sung to the tune of, the Milwaukee Dill Pickles advertising jingle and slogan "Milwaukee Pickles! The biggest little pickle in Wisconsin!"
[edit] Fast Forward
- The Delicious "Bag" later appears in 3 Times Halloween Funjob.
[edit] YouTube Version
- The title of this toon is "Fluffy Puff Air-Puffed Sugar Delights".
- When it was uploaded, the title was "mrshmallow yt".
- The YouTube description for this toon is "An old-timey version of Marshie? Sign me up! Mr. Shmallow living Lively!"
- The Easter egg plays automatically.