The Cheat's Character Video
From Homestar Runner Wiki
Toon Category: Character Video |
The Cheat talks, via subtitles.
Cast (in order of appearance): The Cheat
Places: The Field
Date: Monday, July 14, 2003
Running Time: 0:58
Page Title: Incredible Cheating Action!!
[edit] Transcript
THE CHEAT: {speaking in The Cheat with English subtitles} (Yeah, I'm The Cheat. What are you gonna do about it? ...That's what I thought. Now let me finish. I help Strong Bad cheat at stuff. Hence, the name. Duh. I also DJ down at Bubs' on Friday nights. I'll put you on the guest list if you give me twenty bucks. I make cartoon animations with my computer. Don't ask me to make a video for your band. You guys suck. My main man Strong Mad protects me from larger predators, like being sat on by Strong Sad or Pom Pom. I've got a gold tooth. Wanna see it? Tough. ...Okay, fine.) {bares a toothy smile at the camera showing his gold tooth and there is a "shing" noise} (Now turn that camera off before I throw this bust of Van Buren at it.) {throws the bust at the camera} Meh!
{crash sound is heard, static comes up when the statue hits}
[edit] Fun Facts
- The Cheat pulls the bust of Van Buren out of hammerspace.
[edit] External Links
- watch "The Cheat's Character Video"
- watch "The Cheat's Character Video" on the old Flash site
- view the Flash file for "The Cheat's Character Video"
Character Videos |
Homestar Runner | Coach Z | The Cheat | Strong Bad | Marzipan | Pom Pom | Strong Sad Bubs | Strong Mad | The Poopsmith | The King of Town | Homsar |