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            About Me

Hi Im Waluigi95, i created the page for Lazor and am hoping to be able to make other pages and also hope to have a excellent time here my favorite Strong Bad Email computer is the Compy, I started watching Homestar back in 2004 when my older brother forced me to see it, and I havent regreted seeing it since. and yes you guessed it I even have taped the Compy 386 logo onto my computer, I Finaly relized I was indeed hooked to the website was when I cried not only in emails virus but also in the paper such sad moments. Sorta stupid sounding right! I now Have my own Game Reviewing show on Youtube and now I've started recording cover songs

My Favorite SBemails in no specific order.

1montage why?- actually I dont know for sure I guess I just like the songs

2flashback why?- First Email I saw

3 theme park why?- cant help laughing at the Jungle Cruise reference. "Im not Okay" "Shut UP' hilarious

4 for kids why?- That Homsar scene just makes me laugh till I cry , I mean who cant not laugh at fart noises, also the Christopher Columbus part makes me want to see that show even more.

5 haircut why?- Just super funny mainly the quote "N O spells No" "I didnt even ask you BALDY!" classic

6 old comics why?- Just like strong bad, that Mushy Chamberpot is the only funny part of the comic.

7 morning routine why?- The Eggs gag along with the viewers questioning about what the R really stands for.

8 dragon why?- I think this one awswers itself just by looking at it.

9 japanese cartoon why?- same as last one.

10 the facts why?- DoUg ThE dInO!

11 comic why?-Teen Girl Squad!

12 caper why? my mom really hates the song, which is why i like it.

13 local news why? just a really Frickin great email.

14 video games why? intro to the games on the new games menu

thats it, your probably thinking "wheres the tandy and lappy emails" Theres nothing wrong with the Tandy or lappy its just that the entire compy era was when the website was at its best.

Additionally I would also give anything for a CGNU t-shirt and that Strong Badia Pen they used to sell because somehow my friend got one like 2 months ago and also some kind of Homestar sheet music for piano.

Favorite Pictures

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