From Homestar Runner Wiki
| This user has a Newgrounds Account.
| This user has an Email address.
| This user is 14 years old.
| This user discovered the H*R website in 2005.
| This user discovered the H*R website when he/she was 11 years old.
| This user discovered the H*R Wiki in 2006.
| This user discovered the H*R Wiki when he/she was 11 years old.
| This user's favorite character is Trogdor.
| This user's favorite Chapman is Mike.
[edit] Let's Get Down to Brass Tacks
Just don't sit on them, anyway, I really, REALLY am not on the wiki a lot, unless I'm doing something that involves watching the 'toons, or writing a story (Yes, I writ H*R fanfics in my spare time, WHAT YOU GONNA DO BOUT IT?!). I'll admit, I'm sort of a newbie to the wiki, but please don't pull a dr. cox on me. I tend to forget what I'm supposed to be doing a lot, and I don't care most of the time. Anyway...I'm spending most of my time on wikipedia, prowling the recent changes page for vandals n' such. I'm ninety percent sure I have the same account there, so feel free to talk to me.