User:Yoshi minus nothing
From Homestar Runner Wiki
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[edit] Yoshi_Minus_Nothing
Though I've only been poking about Homestar Runner's website since the 24th Strong Bad E-mail, I've been able to pick up history from this website. Doing preety well here too providing I've only been here Since 3/26/06 Learning fast and hope to contribute better to the website than previously.
[edit] Useful stuff
- Change .html to .swf on the end of the URL (thing you type in to get to a website)to enable play/pausing, zoom and have the SB E-mail as big as your screen if you have your F lock on and hit F11 on Strong Bad E-mails.
- If You Don't Want To Use The Wiki To Find Secrets Or Find Them Yourself you can Click on where The Cartoon is and Hold The Tab Button ( Left Of the "Q" key) a little yellow box around the word will appear.
- Hit the key on your key board that says PrtScn on your key board to get a screen shot. Go I prefer Paint Shop Pro if you have it. If not use Microsoft paint. Click Edit, paste as new image. TA-DA! It's a screen shot! If You Have Paint Shop Pro go to File, Export, PNG Optimizer. Hit Okay. From here you can upload it to the HR wiki. If you have Microsoft Paint then post it on there, go to file, save as, hit the down arrow on save as type, save as .PNG. If you pulled this up by some random chance I hope this helped you.
- I'm not going to take any credit for any of the helpful advice on my talk page other than my ignorance got it there.
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[edit] Character Page Definitions
- Strong Sad: A possibly mis-understood brother. Has Elephant feet that are very valueble to poachers. Gray body, Gray-er bottom half.
- Strong Mad: This is not Strong Tantrum. This is Strong Mad. His main man is The Cheat probably because Strong Mad hatched him. Stong Mad has muscles but not much brawn as he can't speak intelligent words. Telling him that is suicide.
- Strong Bad: Implys that he rocks and "Good with the ladies." However, he's a retired wrestler (retired after Homestar beat him in The Marshmallow's Last Stand and Although can do some preety cool stuff isn't all that cool at all. He's obsessed with post-it notes and likes Senoir Morgage. Very Odd.
- The Cheat: After being hatched from an egg with a life time suply of fishsticks in it. Every "Meh" equals a Sylabel (see usertower.) The Cheat might think that Strong Bad is his father because he was there at the time of birth which would explain why The Cheat does anything for Strong Bad.
- HomeStarRunner: In the younger years he was a terrific Athlete. Now He's a terrific Idiot... make that just an idiot. He has the lowest IQ of them all but used to be popular in a non-ha-ha-he-sucks way. Now... well... he's not cool at all. No arms with a benie on and a star stick on his red, sleaveless t-shirt
- Pom-Pom: This...thing is a male. he has been friends with both Homestar AND Strong Bad. Pom-Pom was erritated by both and by not hanging around the main charecters today it is not often you see Pom-Pom. Bubbles when talks one orange striped body.
- Coach Z "or Coach Zed as you canucks call him" : Speaking problems, very poor but hardly pityful. Lives in a locker room.
- Homsar: This Guy... where to start... well he bassicly put random words in a sentance. This Guy might be Homestar's dad. Oh, and he defys the laws of physics everyday.
- Trogdor: A dragon made by Strong Bad. Red. Beefy arm on back of neck. BURNINATES the pesents. Bassicly rocks.
- TEEN GIRL SQUAD : Cartoon made by Strong Bad. often characters die and come back to life in the next issue.
- Marzipan: She's the only girl. Was the daughter of the K.O.T. Marzipan looks like a two-in-one cleaning applience. A cross between a broom and a mop. she has broken up with Homestar many times. He doesn't seem to mind. Marzipan is a HUGE hippie.
- KOT: The King of Town is obseesd with eating. Very fat after finding a life time supply of fishsticks. Looks like Santa. Nobody likes him.
- Bubs: Everybody's favorite Con, Bubs is the only one who has a job. He often rips people off and loves to dance.
- Trogador: Trogdor's Japanese being.
- Vector Head: In possible refference to the " all your base are belong to us" video game, Vector head uses mispelling. shoots out squares and has a robotic voice.
- Senoir Mortgage: Although has a job the first time we see him may have been fired being that he lives in a dark ally as revealed in Sbemail 149.
- Poopsmith: This guy has taken a vow of silence. Poop means poop, smith is a suffix that means to make stuff out of. so the poop smith makes stuff out of poop.
- The tire: Lives in Strongbadia. The Cheat rides in it in one of the old games.
- General Tso's Chicken: strong bad throws this at the bad graphics ghost.
- Bad graphics ghost: Basically the ghost of strong bads oldest computer.
- Marshie: He desperatly trys to get people to buy fluffy puff marshmallows.
- Nibbles: Trys to sell the all ready bite sized marshmallows.
- Videlectrix Mascot: Dun-dun-dun...dooo---DEE. Always gets hurt when introduceing a game, once time he died one intoducing The Peasents Quest.
- Carol: Marzipans guitar.
Although there are other charecter's out there I haven't written out there I plan on doing it sometime.
[edit] Odditys of charecters..
Poopsmith: First of all, You ever wonder how much the Poopsmith gets paid? And why he took a vow of silence? Where did he get it all? What's he making? Why does the KOT allow this on his front lawn... OH, HEY! That might be it! He's using it as fertizer. Cow poop. And the Poopsmith Get's paid to spread it! Maybe he's afaid flys will fly in his mouth. The Poopsmith still doesn't have a determined salery. What if he doesn't actually get paid? Why would he stick around all the poo?
KOT: This guy got his kingdom Via happy meal style... Wouldn't that mean that there was no exsisting government before? And also Would some other dude get it? Then He Hires the poopsmith. Heaven knows for sure why... He has this creepy chef. Only one. And The King of town eats a whole bunch... For another, In the Strong Bad email "flashback" He was the prince of town. That would mean He couldn't have got it via Happy meal. The King of town Is riduculed... yet sentances no one to death. There don't seem to be any new laws. The king of town... He's just so odd!!!
Marzipan: She lives in a mushroom...At one point Marzipan Was believed to be the Princess of town (KOT's daughter). Don't Believe me? Go Look At The Old Character's page Using The Muesum button. Then Click The Pink Shoe An Click The king of town. 1st let's compare them... KOT Eats meat... Continueusly.... Marzipan doesn't (Maybe due to the Yellow Dello)... Kot has no neck... Marzipan has A really big one...So, Marzipan must Have been adopted... One thing they have in common is that they can both play guitar... But that's where it ends...
Homestar Runner: As Strong Bad Would say, "Holy Crap," to start, This Guy has not a Clue about anything. He Knows He annoys Strong bad.. Also, As his name Implys, He is hyper active... Hyper active... Annoying... Short attention span.... Homestar Has ADHD!... Maybe?..
I'm Sorry For These 4 That Might Not Be As Good As I first Wrote them... I acidnlty x-ed out (I got Some Weird Double Clicky problem And When I closed Another Window It Closed That One Too Due To The Doubly CLick in one click Problem. If Any one Can Help Me With That In a Non bossy Way That Would Be great!) And Nothing Is Ever Writen Better The Second Time If It Was Already A final Version. I'll Try To Make It Word For Word But This Is Doubtful....
HomSar: I can't Believe I didn't Think Of This Guy Before!! I mean This Guy Really Bugs Me! Where To start.... Well I remember This One SB Email where Strong Bad Killed Homsar And I'm All Like "HUZZAH! ding-dong the witch is dead the witch is dead the witch is dead Ding dong The witch is dead The witch is Dead hoorah!... And Then He Comes Back Later And It's Like Huh?... He's Not Only a song from The 60's (which is actually A pretty good Description of himself if You think about it...) He's A catoon from The 60's too... Only.... not.. No matter How Many times You kill him He Comes Back... kind of makes You think about What That Road runner Was so Scared About... Maybe He Had Some Kind of Cartoon dieseise That if You Died That Was It! Game over!!! That Would suck With all Those Anvils And Falling Pianos And Stuff...Err... Sorry... Got Off topic.... Any how The Weirdest Thing Is That If Homsar is homestar's Dad Then homestar's mom must have been really smart... We all know Hom Sar is weird...
Coach Z: hmm... He's poor Yet He Owns A sports team... He Has A speach impediment Yet Is A coach Who Has ToShout Things over a large crowd... I can't Remember Anything else...
Strong Bad: How Does He Type With Boxing Gloves on!?! (Yes I AM original!) He's Obsessed With Sticky notes... He is NOT Popular With the Ladys And is mostly A dork Though He Can Do some awesome things.
Pom-pom: He Is Filled With some Sort of gas. So When He Talks And bubbles He should die.... Maybe that's Why We Don't See Him any more :-(
The Cheat: He seems To Be able To Under stand The english language But can't seem to speak it though this might be Like How Coach Z has His Speech Impediment. Also, The Cheat Was born in an odd fashion.He has hair so He is a mamale but was born from an egg which would make It The 3rd mamale Exsisting To be born from an egg. He is refered to As a Bird In The email Heliem. Unlike Normal Animals That Sprot From eggs The Cheat Was Alive and well when Strong Mad Broke The egg. I should wonder How He got those fish sticks. Probably The work of Homsar.
Bubs: He could fly.... until he said "sbu". He Enjoys dancing and for some reason dresses up as the shnickaman... He's A good con artist but nothing is really weird about bubs other than Like The Other Characters (except maybe marzipan) Isn't getting any blood to the face.
Maybe more later...
[edit] Fan stuff renacted
1. I've reconstructed the Homestar legos.
2. I'm working on the Strong bad monument. I'm using a Very small parm tree and an egg that balances on toilet paper, and plastic cups. (Problems finding :-(..)It's going to have to be plastic I suppose But then I don't have Much of a base for the, palm tree even though It's more of a single small palm leaf. Any suggestions?... besides quit?
♪Oh these people, they have too, much time on there hands!♪
[edit] Alt-x 1 through 100
When ever you want some character that isn't on your keyboard to show up you hit the alt key num pad and... unless you got it memorized star guessing. So I made A little thing here... very little. In the wiki so far all the signs work (as opposed to question marks in programs that haven't created that symbol for their program.) for simplcity's sake I'm not includeing the "alt-" in my list.
1=☺ 2=☻ 3=♥ 4=♦ 5=♣ 6=♠ 7=• 8=◘ 9=○ 10=◙ 11=♂ 12=♀ 13=♪ 14=♫ 15=☼ 16=► 17=◄ 18=↕ 19=‼ 20=¶ 21=§ 22=▬ 23=↨ 24=↑ 25=↓ 26=→ 27=← 28=∟ 29=↔ 30=▲ 31=▼ 32= (space) 33=! 34=" 35=# 36=$ 37=% 38=& 39=' 40=( 41=) 42=* 43=+ 44=, 45=- 46=. 47=/ 48=0 49=1 50=2 51=3 52=4 53=5 54=6 55=7 56=8 57=9 58=: 59=; 60=< 61== 62=> 63=? 64=@ 65=A 66=B 67=C 68=D 69=E 70=F 71=G 72=H 73=I 74=J 75=K 76=L 77=M 78=N 79=O 80=P 81=Q 82=R 83=S 84=T 85=U 86=V 87=W 88=X 89=Y 90=Z 91=[ 92=\ 93=] 94=^ 95=_ 96=` 97=a 98=b 99=c 100=d
[edit] Alt-x 101 through 200
More of these things. It's three A.M.... now it's 3:07 and I have all the numbers laid out. oh any by the way I know that somewhere around here hiting a zero before entering it makes it different (ex. alt-1234=╥ where alt-01234=Ò. If you want to make a list then fine.
101=e 102=f 103=g 104=h 105=i 106=j 107=k 108=l 109=m 110=n 111=o 112=p 113=q 114=r 115=s 116=t 117=u 118=v 119=w 120=x 121=y 122=z 123={ 124=| 125=} 126=~ 127=⌂ Here come the accent marks!Finally 128=Ç 129=ü 130=é 131=â 132=ä 133=à 134=å 135=ç 136=ê 137=ë 138=è 139=ï 140=î 141=ì 142=Ä 143=ú 144=É 145=æ 146=Æ 147=ô 148=ö 149=ò 150=û 151=ù 152=ÿ 153=Ö 154=Ü 155=¢ 156=£ 157=¥ 158=₧ 159=ƒ 160=á 161=í 162=ó 163=ú 164=ñ 165=Ñ 166=ª 167=º 168=¿ 169=⌐ 170=¬ 171=½ 172=¼ 173=¡ 174=« 175=» 176=░ 177=▒ 178=▓ 179=│ 180=┤ 181=╡ 182=╢ 183=╖ 184=╕ 185=╣ 186=║ 187=╗ 188=╝ 189=╜ 190=╛ 191=┐ 192=└ 193=┴ 194=┬ 195=├ 196=─ 197=┼ 198=╞ 199=╟ 200=╚
[edit] Alt-x 201-300
I bet no one will actually look at this and it's like... 20 minutes of boredom. 7 minutes of laying out the numbers 13 minutes hit the alt key. It ain't all that fun either but I gotta get up in...1hour 40 minutes which means I can get in ... 20, 40, 60, 1hour 20, 1 hour 40 *counts*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • 100= 500 + existing 200 = 700 of these things if I hurry up. Which means I got 3 hours of sleep... I'm so dead in school tomorrow....
201=╔ 202=╩ 203=╦ 204=╠ 205=═ 206=╬ 207=╧ 208=╨ 209=╤ 210=╥ 211=╙ 212=╘ 213=╒ 214=╓ 215=╫ 216=╪ 217=┘ 218=┌ 219=█ 220=▄ 221=▌ 222=▐ 223=▀ 224=α 225=ß 226=Γ 227=π 228=Σ 229=σ 230=µ 231=τ 232=Φ 233=Θ 234=Ω 235=δ 236=∞ 237=φ 238=ε 239=∩ 240=≡ 241=± 242=≥ 243=≤ 244=⌠ 245=⌡ 246=÷ 247=≈ 248=° 249=∙ 250=· 251=√ 252=ⁿ 253=² 254=■ 255= (space again) 256=It doesn't work. This is the transition apparentlly. 257 is thesame as 1 and 258 is the same as 2. 257=☺ 258=☻ 259=♥ 260=♦ 261=♣ 262=♠ 263=• 264=◘ Yup. I guess there weren't as many of these as I thought. I may as well finish I got it all laid out but this is the last one. 265=○ 267=♂ 268=♀ 269=♪ 270=♫ 271=☼ 272=► 273=◄ 274=↕ 275=‼ 276=¶ 277=§ 278=▬ 279=↨ 280=↑ 281=↓ 282=→ 283=← 284=∟ 285=↔ 286=▲ 287=▼ 288= (space yet again) 289=! 290=" 291=# 292=$ 293=% 294=& 295=' 296=( 297=) 298=* 299=+ 300=,