From Homestar Runner Wiki
Most characters in the Homestar Runner universe have been assigned a variety of nicknames by other characters, usually Strong Bad.
Homestar Runner
- A real state trooper (Homsar, Homestar Presents: Presents)
- Baldy (Strong Bad, haircut)
- Batman (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 10.2)
- Big Moron Who Can't Remember His Lines (Strong Bad, First Time Here?)
- Boyfriend Dan (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2)
- Dead Guy Perez (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 7)
- Duckie-man (The Prince of Town, flashback)
- Duckshirt (Strong Bad, flashback)
- Dumbstar (Strong Bad, The Interview)
- Dumpface (Strong Bad, island)
- edgardo (Strong Bad, "Strumstar Hammer" Easter egg in kids' book)
- Goatface Killa (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2)
- Hal (Marzipan, time capsule DVD commentary)
- Hamstray, Hamster, Stramstar, Stairmaster, Homegrown, Ramrod, Humphel (Coach Z, A Jorb Well Done)
- Homesar (John Flansburgh, TMBG Concert - 25 Sep 2004)
- homeslice (Puppet Jam)
- Homestarr (Dan Miller, TMBG Concert - 25 Sep 2004 track listing)
- Homestar von Runnerberger (Strong Bad, In Search Of The Yello Dello DVD commentary)
- Homsar (Vinnie C., homsar)
- The H-star, the H-star-R (Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2)
- Kevin DuBrow (Homestar, the bet)
- Lionel Richie (Strong Bad, Homestar's character page)
- little underbite man (Ron Dardman, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 10.2)
- Meatball Face Butt (Strong Bad, dangeresque 3)
- McDorkle (Strong Bad, Bug in Mouth Disease)
- Mr. Prancy-time (Strong Bad, The King of Town DVD)
- No armed whitey (Strong Bad, The Interview)
- Prancibald (Strong Bad, flashback)
- Strong Bad (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 10.2)
- Sugar-face (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 10.2)
- undabite (Strong Bad, big white face)
- Weirdo in the duckie shirt (Prince of Town, flashback)
- Whitey (Doreauxgard, lackey)
Pom Pom
- Hindenburg (Strong Bad, pom pom)
- Led Zeppelin (Strong Bad, pom pom)
- Ronnie (Strong Bad, "Strumstar Hammer" Easter egg in kids' book)
- Roundy Man (Homestar, Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon)
Strong Bad
- b-hand (Powered by the Cheat Homestar, mile)
- Bob Statesman (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2)
- Buckethand (Homestar, new hands)
- Cableman Jorge (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 9.2)
- Chester Elegante (Strong Bad, dreamail)
- Constable Anybody (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 5)
- Cool Guy (Homestar, Lookin at a Thing in a Bag)
- Dangeresque (Strong Bad, stunt double,dangeresque 3)
- Detective Everybody (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 2)
- Double A, All Abs (Strong Bad, suntan)
- Dr. Professional (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 6)
- Elizagerth (Senor Cardgage, flashback)
- Ethel (Senor Cardgage, kind of cool)
- Goatface (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2)
- Grandma (Strong Bad, Bug in Mouth Disease)
- The master of make out rock (Strong Bad, making out)
- The Meanest Genius (Strong Bad, time capsule)
- Miss America (Senor Cardgage, Senorial Day)
- Mr. Bad (Tyler, butt IQ; John and some other people who aren't scam artists, credit card; geroge, cartoon; Bubs, other days)
- Mr. Nobody (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 1)
- Mr. Supreme (Strong Bad,"Strumstar Hammer" Easter egg in kids' book)
- No-shirt (Strong Bad, flashback)
- Ong-stray ad-bay (Peter, rampage)
- Prisoner Number 5408 (Strong Sad, Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon)
- Professor Tor Coolguy (Strong Sad and Strong Bad, Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon)
- Reggie (Homsar, interview)
- Rondleman (Puppet Homestar, Biz Cas Fri 1)
- Rondo (Puppet Homestar, Biz Cas Fri 2)
- Safety Dan (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 7)
- Senator (Strong Sad, radio)
- Senator Statesbob (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2)
- spazz (Strong Sad, different town)
- Stark Dålig (Strong Bad, little questions)
- Stinkoman (Homestar, island)
- Stong Bad (e-mailer matt, 50 emails)
- Stong Bah (Homestar, Arcade Game)
- Stong Band (Strong Bad as Monkey D, vacation)
- Strong Ba15456 (unknown, virus)
- Strong Badman (Strong Bad, superhero name)
- Strong-o Bad-o (Homestar, Homestar Presents: Presents)
- Strong Caleb (Strong Bad imitating Tucksworth, Bug In Mouth Disease)
- Strong Sad (Homestar, caper)
- Strongest of the Bads (emailers Lorenzo and Fillbert,
- a squeaky guy (Strong Bad, funny)
- Sweepstakes Ron (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 8)
- The Strong Bad (Homestar Runner, secret recipes)
- two-bit wrestleman (Homestar, army)
- Weak Bad (the sender of the email in bottom 10)
- weirdo (Strong Sad, different town)
The Cheat
- an ugly bird (Homestar, helium)
- Batman (Homestar, caper)
- The C H E _ T (Strong Bad, secret recipes)
- Captain Past-His-Prime (Strong Bad, animal)
- The Cheatentina (Strong Bad, crying)
- Cheat-in-a-Bag (Strong Bad, impression)
- Cheet (Strong Mad, lunch special)
- Cheetachu72 (marzipan)
- The Chekt (Strong Bad, secret recipes)
- The Chort (Coach Z, Where's The Cheat?, mascot, crazy cartoon, impression, rampage)
- Clever Dan (Strong Bad, sibbie)
- dacheese (Strong Bad, big white face)
- Firebert (The Cheat, army)
- Ilko Skevuld (fake ID, cheatday)
- little yellow squeaky thing (Strong Bad, lackey)
- Mr. Cheaterson (Strong Bad, Strongbadia National Anthem)
- the ol' Cheatasaurus (Strong Bad, other days)
- Philly Cheat-steak (Strong Bad, Halloween Fairstival)
- Slowbie (Strong Bad, 2 years)
- Squeaky (Motivational poster, no loafing)
- A Striped Green Rabbit With Two Butts (Strong Bad, New Boots)
- that little yellow thing (The King of Town, Where's The Cheat?)
- That one little guy (Strong Bad, army)
- yellow dog (Homestar, army)
- Yellow Man (Homestar, Labor Dabor and Some Puppet Stuff)
Strong Mad
- Big Guy (Strong Bad, Where's The Cheat?)
- Brain-for-brains (Strong Bad, invisibility)
- Graw Mad (Strong Bad, the facts)
- Killingyouguy (dangeresque 3)
- no-neck (Strong Bad, big white face)
- That one big guy (Strong Bad, army)
- Tough Skins (Strong Bad, Superbowl Dealie)
Strong Sad
- Biggest Waste of Dump (Strong Bad, record book)
- Dairy Queen (Strong Bad, Bug In Mouth Disease)
- The Deathly Pallor (Coach Z, impression, and Strong Sad, radio)
- DJ Dumpy Dump (Strong Bad, rampage)
- Double-Bottom (Strong Bad, record book)
- Dumpus (Strong Bad, autobiography)
- El Dumpo (Strong Bad, dangeresque 3)
- Gron Sad (Strong Bad, car)
- Harry Elephanté (Strong Bad, origins)
- Helvetica (Senor Cardgage, garage sale)
- Interrupter Jones (Strong Bad, morning routine)
- Lurker (Strong Bad, garage sale)
- M.C. for Master of Ceremonies (Coach Z, rampage)
- My Dear Fatson (Strong Bad, best thing)
- Ol' Greystroke (Strong Bad, radio)
- Rondell (Experimental Film)
- a round mound of gray fatness (Strong Bad, rampage)
- S.S. for Strong Sad (Coach Z, rampage)
- tendafoot (Strong Bad, crying)
- That rhinoceros (Homsar, interview)
- wiener (Strong Bad, Where's the Cheat?)
- wiggity-wiener (Strong Bad, big white face)
- Hooray4Dolphins (Strong Bad, marzipan)
- Lady (Homestar, Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon)
- M4RZ1P4N (Strong Bad, big white face)
- Marzi-man (Homestar, Homestar Presents: Presents)
- Mrs. Pan (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 1)
- Pawkeegan (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 8)
- Stupid (Homestar, Where's The Cheat?)
- Ugly-Pan (Strong Bad, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 3)
- you old broomstick (Homestar, Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 11.2)
- Bubba-daddy (Homestar Runner, Senorial Day)
- Bubsy (Coach Z, 3 Times Halloween Funjob, and Homestar, Lookin at a Thing in a Bag and Broken Compy Menu)
- Buh-hubs (Strong Bad, big white face and part-time job)
- Dr. Bubs (Bubs, Bug In Mouth Disease)
- Haggler (Strong Bad, garage sale)
- Mr. Bubs (Strong Bad, part-time job)
- Sbu (Backwards name minus the first b, lunch special)
- The hoppity frog of values (Bubs, Senorial Day)
- The Thnikkaman (monument and Marzipan's Answering Machine Version 12.2)
- Tubbs (Homsar, Where's The Cheat?)
- Zubs (current status)
Coach Z
- The Coach (Coach Z, Coach Z's Character Video)
- Coach B (current status)
- Coach Zed (Strong Bad, do over)
- hot girl #37 (Coach Z, 2 emails)
- Just a silly little bumblebee (Coach Z, record book)
The King of Town
- Creepy Old Man (Strong Bad, the bet)
- Kingio (Super Kingio Brothers)
- Kingy (Coach Z, Where's The Cheat?, A Decemberween Pageant)
- Mr. Of Town (Homestar, Pumpkin Carve-nival)
- Oldie (Strong Bad, Halloween Fairstival)
- Old King Droll (Strong Bad, secret recipes)
- Santa (Homestar Runner, Bug In Mouth Disease)
- KoT (Third Party Reference)
The Poopsmith
- doodieman (Strong Bad, Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon)
- Doodoo Man (Strong Bad, big white face)
- Mr. Smith (Strong Bad, big white face)
- Poop-Stick (Homestar, 3 Times Halloween Funjob)
- America's favorite blue midget Homestar (Strong Bad, for kids)
- Captain of the Gravy Train (Homsar, Homsar's Character Video)
- A friendly reminder (Homsar, Homsar's Character Video)
- The ghost of Christmas past (Homsar, Pumpkin Carve-nival)
- Haddi-man (kids, for kids)
- The Human Wedgie (Homsar, origins)
- Just a silly little bumblebee (Homsar, record book)
- little man (Homestar, Pumpkin Carve-nival)
- The Original Ladies' Man (Homsar, The House that Gave Sucky Treats)
- Shortstop (Homestar, Homestar Presents: Presents)
- A song from the sixties (Homsar, interview)
- A trendy totebag (Homsar, for kids)
- Marshy (Dan Miller, TMBG Concert - 25 Sep 2004 track listing)
- that flying mushroom (Strong Bad, the show)
- this flying cotton ball (Gunhaver, Cheat Commandos...O's)
- that fweakin' marshmallow (Homestar, Meet Marshie)
- that fweakin' robot (Homestar, Meet Marshie)
They Might Be Giants
- the old Supreme Giants boys (Strong Bad, Experimental Film)
- Super Giant guys (Homestar, Experimental Film)
- Carl (The Cheat, Seasonal Sweaters and marzipan)
- This Blue Guy (Strong Bad, "Strumstar Hammer" Easter egg in kids' book)
Senor Cardgage
- T. Mendous Savings (Senor Cardgage, Senorial Day)
- old denominator (Senor Cardgage, kind of cool)
- old wintergreen (Senor Cardgage, kind of cool)
- old Soderbergh (Senor Cardgage, kind of cool)
Balding Man
- Husband of the Year (Senorial Day)
Visor Robot
- Valerie (Senor Cardgage, Senor Mortgage)
The Wheelchair
- that stupid wheelchair kid (Cheerleader, PAY PLUS!)
Eh! Steve
- Eh, Steven. (Lem Sportsinterviews, different town)
- Steven (Cheerleader, PAY PLUS!)
Prime Time
- that blonde guy (Homestar, Decemberween Sweet Cuppin' Cakes)
The Sneak
- The Dapper Swindler ("Wanted" poster, Ballad of The Sneak)