From Homestar Runner Wiki
Type is a word sometimes used to describe items in the Homestar Runner universe, such as a "Nighttime Driving Type Game". It is often used incorrectly.
Contents |
Strong Bad Email
- morning routine — Strong Bad's EGGS brand type cereal.
- impression — According to Coach Z, Strong Sad usually says "depressing-type stuff".
- kids' book — In the DVD commentary, Mike Chapman refers to the usual art style of the site as "Homestar Runner, Strong Bad type illustrations".
- lackey — Strong Bad suggests that one of the reasons that The Cheat is such a diligent lackey is because he doesn't treat him like a "little yellow squeaky thing that somethetimes steals my ladytypes."
- car — In the DVD commentary, Mike describes Cave Man Ugh-lympics as an "Olympic-type game".
- pizzaz — Strong Bad-Type Interview Progrum.
- secret recipes — Strong Bad's recipe for Great Uncle Pawdabber's Pre-tend Ice Cream Showdown calls for "1 languagely challenged vaguely coach type person".
- best thing — In the DVD commentary, Mike comments on Teeg Dougland's "peach-colored-type pants".
- bottom 10 — Fluffy Puff Bite-Size Nibblers are perfect for "newborn-type babies".
- lady...ing — Homestar calls Marzipan his "ladytype".
- theme song — Strong Bad describes his second intro as a "pop-ballad type intro".
Other Appearances
- Store T-Shirts — The discontinued "Knock One Outta the Park!!!" shirt was a "Royal Blue baseball jersey-type T-shirt".
- Teen Girl Squad — One of Cheerleader's shirts on the menu reads "hott type".
- Nighttime Driving Type Game
- Adventure Gamers Interview — Matt Chapman says to look for more "arcadey type games" in the future.
- Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits
- Run Devil Run Interview — Mike describes The Cheat as "kind of a leopard/gerbil/anvil type thing".
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 4 — Cheerleader claims the other girls are just "regular type" wack. Later, So and So holds a book labeled "math types".
- 3 Times Halloween Funjob — A "halloween-type cartoon".
- Teen Girl Squad Issue 5 — According to the Podstar Runner summary, the girls are on "Spring Type Break"; this same phrase is also the page title.
- Puppet Time — Homestar borrows Strong Bad's "squeegee-type-deal".
- Cheat Commandos — Foxface is described as "Lady Type!".
- Peasant's Quest — The Baby Lady's chair is "not bad for a brown-collar peasant-type".
- Shopping for Danger — According to the sign in aisle 6, Price Style Supermarket sells "Soda Types".
- FAQ page — One of the wrong "population" figures in the "What's wrong with this mess?" puzzle is "Type".
- HomestarRunner.com PAY PLUS! — One of the offers is to "Win a chance to have lunch with the Worm-type character!"