From Homestar Runner Wiki
Giblets is a culinary term for the entrails and internal organs of a bird. They are the main ingredient in some gravies, stuffings and stews and are often prepared into Pâtés.
- Email the bet (DVD commentary) — Strong Bad tells Mike Chapman that the choco-gravy ice cream had real chunks of giblets.
- Email more armies — The King of Town can be seen being fed through a tube with cans of giblet gravy next to him.
- Jibblies 2 — Homestar Runner believes Marzipan is shimmying and shaking and talking about giblets, when in reality she has the jibblies. The King of Town makes a similar mistake, and demands he get this "giblet flu" as he thinks it sounds delicious. When he gets the jibblies, he says "giblet" instead of "jibblie". At the end of the toon, Homestar asks the Jibblies Painting that is keeping him captive to let him go on the grounds of Marzipan making him some giblets.
- Halloween Hide & Seek — If the Jibblies Painting is presented to the King, he'll refuse to get the jibblies, saying that "the giblets were a LIE!"
- Homestar Ruiner — Homestar is seen naked in front of everyone, including the King of Town, who gives out a high-pitched scream. After Strong Bad, disguised as Homestar, loses the Tri-annual Race to the End of the Race, the King comes up to him and says he will rue the day he exposed his "giblets" to a government official.
- Strong Badia the Free — Bubs says the King of Town buys all of his shadily acquired organs from the black market, but refers to them as "giblets".
- Flash is Dead! — Strong Bad uses "Horse giblets" as an exclamation, which Homestar mistakenly assumes refers to the filthy sack Strong Bad is carrying around.