User:Homestarmy Commando1

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[edit] Word up!

Hey guys! I'm Homestarmy Commando1, a member of the HRWiki, a long-time HSR fan. My name's Bill. Just letting you guys know so you can refer to me by name if need be.

[edit] About Me

Well, here's the lowdown:


I'm 21 years old. I live in Livonia, MI. I'm in my fourth year of college at Lawrence Tech. I like video games, baseball, hockey, girls, cars, music, and - it goes without saying - Homestar Runner. A snapshot of my involvement with the HRWiki and other HSR-related info can be found in the userboxes to the right of the screen.

[edit] My history with HSR and the HRWiki

I discovered Homestar Runner through a classmate of mine in 4th grade. She told me to check it out, and I was hooked with the first few toons and SBEmails I saw. I eagerly anticipated the new SBEmail every week. The first toon I ever saw was The House That Gave Sucky Treats, and the first SBEmail I ever saw was car. This is probably the site I have visited the most in 14 years of my existence, but now has fallen to sixth out of who knows how many (according to my Google Chrome stats). I have sent Strong Bad emails, but have never had any of them answered. The sad thing is that I'm kind of alone in my H*R fandom - when I ask people about Homestar, most say, "Homestar? What the hell is that? Do you mean Homestuck?" Ouch.

I found the HRWiki off of the Wikipedia page for Homestar Runner. I edited a few pages, got hooked, got tired of being called an anonymous IP adress on the history pages, and signed up to be a full-fledged member. I'm good at proofreading, transcription, and picture-making.

I still check the site and watch the toons every now and again, hoping the Brothers Chaps haven't pulled the plug on the whole project or have stopped paying their hosting company. Hopefully they keep up a decent stream of new content so we at the Wiki can go nuts and keep watching for further updates, even though most of us are grown men and women with jobs and other preoccupations. I'll check the Wiki when I think of it, so if for some strange reason you need to contact me, don't be alarmed if I don't respond for a few days to months.

[edit] Awards

I have won the MVU (Most Valuable User) from Sam The Man for my uploaded images.

[edit] Achievement Challenge

This is a challenge I keep on my profile to make it look like I'm popular. Periodically, I'll have the name of an Xbox 360 Acheivement, and the first one to tell me what game it's from and closely state its description (how you get the Achivement) in the appropriate section of my Talkpage will win one of the Userboxes below and a space on the "Plaque of Winners". For bonus points (and a special Userbox), also tell me how many GamerPoints it's worth. Thank you to Heimstern Läufer and Trey56, from whom I borrowed (stole, more or less) the format of this challenge.

The Achievement:

Dirty Business

If you state the game and the description closely, you get the following Userbox:

If you state the game and perfectly state the description, along with how many GamerPoints it's worth, you get this Userbox:

The following guy really knows his Xbox:
  1. DAGRON perfect! - Dead Rising - Defeat 1,000 zombies; 20 GamerPoints

[edit] My Goals

Here are my goals for my HRWiki future:

  • Keep the HRWiki from going under in any way I can

[edit] Character Quotes

Here are my favorite quotes from each character:

It goes: Character, Quote, SBEmail/Toon

Homestar Runner: Oh, crap! It's tasteball already? (theme park)
Coach Z: The King's gone mad with power! He's gonna eat the Chort! (Where's the Cheat?)
Strong Mad: Did you just say parakeet? (caffeine)
Strong Sad: No, No! Parakeet. (caffeine)
Strong Bad: AUGH! Getitoffme getitoffme getitoffme! (Marshmallow's Last Stand)
Bubs: ...and that's how I almost died the fifteenth time! (pom pom)
Marzipan: Homestar, I don't have time to trick you into making out with a mop again this year! (A Decemberween Mackerel)
The King of Town: Hecks no! I got stuck in here ten minutes before you! (Welcome Back)
Homsar: AaAaAaAaAa! It's time for tasteball! (theme park)
Matt Chapman: Mike really just closed the door and is still sitting next to me. (comic commentary)
Mike Chapman: I'm gone! I'm in the next room! (comic commentary)
Ryan Steritt: {laughing} Did you spell "Deutsch" right? (haircut commentary)

[edit] Other Cool Stuff

I received a personalized response from Matt about a video with a HSR mention in it. Here are the transcripts of both emails:

Subject: Homestar mentioned in a soldier-made video

Hey Matt, Mike, Ryan, and others:

Have you seen this video made by American soldiers in Iraq? In the beginning, the soldiers sing the Strong Badia national anthem!

Sincerely, Bill C.
Livonia, MI


Hey Bill,
We hadn't seen that before. That's awesome! We especially love the two dudes hopping up and down in the background. Very cool. Thanks for sending that.

Rock, rock on,

[edit] Internet Aliases

I belong to many communities and games across the internet. If you see one of these names in the following games, you'll know it's me!

Community/Game Alias
Upshift Strikeracer TurismoRacer
Habbo Hotel The:Chort
Gunz Online Kervyck
YouTube TheSubnetMaster
GameFAQs USACrasher
Drift City Fioend
IMVU Metalhed93
Gaia RoadWarrior72
SoldierFront GunRunner77
Twitter SubnetMaster
Steam CptAngryBill

That's all I have for now; I might have more later on.

[edit] Well, That's It

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Thank you for your patronage. Y'all come back now, ya hear? Sincerely,
Homestarmy Commando1

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