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These HRWiki:STUFF items are preserved here as an archive. Do not add new votes.


[edit] Dunkin' the Bird?

The "Dunkin' the Ch8t" float is most likely a reference to the science toy, the Drinking Bird.

From: mile
Posted on: 23:46, 13 October 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • The float does move in the same manner.
  • What other "real" object even vaguely resembles the drinking bird? This is clearly an homage.

Arguments against:

  • Though it moves the same way, there is clearly a steel arm moving the cheat, which is not how the drinking bird works.
  • The float bears almost no physical resemblance to the toy which would suggest a reference.
  • It is an extremely obvious reference, but it is extremely obvious, so does it really need mentioning here?
  • TBC said in the DVD commentary that "Dunkin the Ch8t" was a user's screen name on a forum they visited.

Additional comments:

  • About the 4th against argument - I always interpreted that screen name as being the effect of this toon, not the cause of the reference.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. B
  2. KookykmanImage:kookysig.gif(t)(c)(r)
  4. Lapper (talk)
  1. DMurphy
  2. GWR_Wikisig.gifGWR 2004 TalkContribs
  3. Spell4yr
  4. Ju Ju Master
  5. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  6. Homestramy20|Talk
  7. — User:ACupOfCoffee@
  8. talk Bubsty edits
  9. Trey56
  10. Stinkoman KTalk

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[edit] Seb the Great

"Seb" may be a reference to the British athlete Sebastian "Seb" Coe, a mid-distance runner who once held the world record in the mile.

From: mile
Posted on: 23:36, 13 October 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • Seb asks if Strong Bad can run a mile.
  • This is the only email that the Brothers Chaps made up. They could have picked any name, but they went with one that connected logically.
  • The fact is worded in such a way that readers can click on the link and decide for themselves.

Arguments against:

  • There's no connection at all between TBC and Seb Coe that supports this reference.
  • Seb is a fairly common nickname in the UK and elsewhere; this could be a reference to anyone.
  • Also, did we forget that this could be coincidental?

Additional comments:

  • Are we going to cite a reference for every name that appears on this site now?
  • I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, it's a stretch, but on the other, TBC did get to choose the name and the real-life Sebastian Coe did hold the world record for the mile for a time. And what does The Lodge, Minnesota, have to do with anything?
    • According to mapquest there is no such town as The Lodge, MN.
  • I would hope that if this Fun Fact stands, that the sysops would give this the same consideration that they gave the infamous "Change Of Pace" fact.
    • Was that the one about Family Guy? But anyway, I don't see this as a stretch.
      • It was the one about Family Guy, and it was accepted by more than a 2-to-1 ratio, but Jay contested it and it was never added to the page. This is even more of a coincidence than that one may or may not have been (I voted for it and still don't believe it was). If this stands, we might not as well have STUFF anymore.
        • Never added to the page? No, it still stands.
        • Actually the "change of pace" fact IS up on the Do Over page, stinking up the joint.
        • What in the world? The sky is not falling, even if this is accepted. We do a good job around here keeping bad facts out. Every now and then (and I mean on extremely rare occasions), a "may be" fact gets through the process intact. But that doesn't mean that the process is broken. In legal systems around the world, sometimes the wrong verdict is rendered... but we don't just do away with the law altogether because of that. And what does the item really say? "'Seb' may be a reference..." Well, yes, it is within the realm of plausible possibility. What we're voting on is whether it should be noted on the page.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. DorianGray
  2. Joshua
  3. Sam Goldfish
  4. Spell4yr
  5. Rogue Leader / (my talk)
  6. Ju Ju Master
  7. The Lappy
  8. — User:ACupOfCoffee@
  9. Trey56
  10. B
  11. talk Bubsty edits
  12. KookykmanImage:kookysig.gif(t)(c)(r)
  13. The Chessman
  14. Norman rorqual
  15. RatherAnnoying
  16. Lapper (talk)
  17. Elcool (talk)(contribs)
  1. DMurphy
  2. GWR_Wikisig.gifGWR 2004 TalkContribs
  3. ISlayedTheKerrek
  4. Mycroft Holmes

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[edit] Second Fourth

The Cheat made a Fourth Wall Break by making a Strong Bad Email complete with a loading screen and The Paper.

From: mile
Posted on: 11:03, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • It's remarkable that The Cheat knows about the Loading screen.
  • Although Fourth Wall Breaks in SB Emails can be considered common, ones involving The Cheat are usually not.

Arguments against:

  • Like the below fact, Fourth Wall Breaks are common.
  • All Strong Bad Emails can be considered to have "Fourth Wall Breaks".
  • The entire email virus is a Fourth Wall Break. They're very common on this site.

Additional comments:

  • Although "The Paper" part is not needed, the loading screen part is interesting.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Lappy 486
  1. «Rob»
  2. Tony Stony Talk | Edits
  3. — Kilroy / talk
  4. AnarchyBalsac
  5. Upset_Your_Balance
  6. phlip TC
  7. Ruinlach
  8. Ju Ju Master

Proposed revision:

The Cheat knowing to use the Loading Screen in his cartoon is a fourth wall break.

Arguments for:

  • Not many SB Emails have Fourth Wall Breaks made by The Cheat.
  • All Strong Bad Emails may be considered fourth wall breaks, but that's usually limited to Strong Bad knowing he's being watched. Fourth Wall Breaks consisting of them knowing they're in a website are much rarer, and this is an example of one of those.
  • The loading screen, which is is so similar to that of Strong Bad's, is more of a break because in the world of Homestar Runner no character would ever see that.

Arguments against:

  • All Strong Bad Emails can be considered to have "Fourth Wall Breaks".
  • The Cheat is a flash animator: he would know to include a loading screen.
  • This fact (and the one below it) can be explained without 4th-wall breaks:
    • Strong Bad knows he runs an email show on the Internet (from part-time job if nothing else)—but he may not know he's in a cartoon; he as a character may think he runs it over a webcam or something (note that in part-time job he considered the starting bit to be part of the email show, but not his job).
    • The Cheat could watch that webcam feed (like in huttah!), and know about the loading screen (and what it looks like), the Paper, and all the rest.
  • The Cheat has also broken the fourth wall in Crazy Cartoon (where he knows to put Eh! Steve into his toon even though Strong Bad just made him up) and in Huttah! where he is watching Strong Bad on Tangerine Dreams. If it wasn't noteworthy with those, it isn't noteworthy with this one.
  • Not the 100th E-mail, The System is Down, and First Time Here all rely on the characters knowing they are on a web page. Strong Bad also gets an e-mail mentioning the website in Huttah!
  • The neccessity of this fun fact is put into question by the one being voted on below.

Additional comments:

  • The Paper part was not a fourth wall break (it is simply printed out from some invisible printer) and has been removed.
  • The Inclusion of the load screen is used to make it an "authentic" e-mail.
  • It's interesting, but it seems more appropriate in Fourth Wall Breaks.

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. Joshua
  2. SBEmail22
  3. TROGGA!
  1. tomstiff
  2. — Kilroy / talk
  3. AnarchyBalsac
  4. Donny vs Universe
  5. phlip TC
  6. Ruinlach
  7. It's dot com
  8. Tony Stony Talk | Edits
  9. Ju Ju Master

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[edit] First Fourth

Strong Bad made a Fourth Wall Break when he said that he wasn't going to answer an email that week.

From: mile
Posted on: 11:03, 16 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Arguments for:

  • The fact that he refused to answer an email has to mean something.

Arguments against:

  • By its very nature, every Strong Bad email implies that Strong Bad (or rarely Homestar) is being watched.
  • The fourth wall is broken in Homestar frequently enough that it's questionable that it needs noting.

Additional comments:

Votes to accept: Votes to decline:
  1. SBEmail22
  2. Lappy 486
  1. Jay (Gobble)
  2. Donny vs Universe
  3. Aurora the Homestar Coder
  4. Eric
  5. «Rob»
  6. tomstiff
  7. Tony Stony Talk | Edits
  8. — Kilroy / talk
  9. Upset_Your_Balance
  10. phlip TC
  11. Ju Ju Master

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